Hey! Andrew Anderson here. So today with iQ Keto, Intermittent Fasting and Keto, Eat Fat, Get Skinny, and The Longer Crowbar.

So, we’re talking about fat here and this is good Wagyu fat, and you can see it looks like ice cream. It’s nice and white. And then we also have some natural duck fat. This tastes really good on anything that you make. So, I added this to some 85/15 organic hamburger that I got at Aldi’s. It was $4.49. God only knows, it’s probably $10 a pound by the time you see this.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that this is what you do when you’re first starting keto. One of the biggest mistakes is not eating enough calories and fat. We don’t count our calories, but you have to eat enough calories and fat to satiate yourself. And don’t count them, just eat till you’re full, okay? And then one more bite. That’s it. Stay tuned for more tips.

Check out more tips for health, wealth, and happiness at https://thelongercrowbar.com.

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