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 Healthy Cooking Ribeye & Wagyu Beef Tallow Welcome to my channel! Today, we’re diving into a fantastic recipe featuring a 20-ounce ribeye steak. This ribeye cost me just $6,

If you have never read this, you are in for a treat. While there has been much revisionist history concerning what Thanksgiving is and was all about, here is the

I have made a recording of George Washington’s original Thanksgiving proclamation and also Thanksgiving wishes from me. I have also included the transcript below. Going to re-post this every year.

The easy way to get sales in both low ticket and high ticket offers. The foundation is absolutely the same and the big trick that you need to get in

  Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old young adult cancers are up 70, 79%. One in

So, we’re in Publix here, and any of the organic half and halfs are going to be okay. It says organic, grade A cream, right? Milk. But when you go