How to Get Past Nos in Low Ticket and High Ticket Offers

The easy way to get sales in both low ticket and high ticket offers. The foundation is absolutely the same and the big trick that you need to get in your mind so you don’t get disappointed, which a lot of people do before they get to the yes, is it’s no different than dealing […]

Health Trends in the USA Are Nearing Point of No Return

  Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old young adult cancers are up 70, 79%. One in four American women is on antidepressant medication. 40% of teens have a mental teens have a mental health diagnosis, and 15% of high schoolers are […]

Choosing Organic Heavy Cream: Hidden Dangers

So, we’re in Publix here, and any of the organic half and halfs are going to be okay. It says organic, grade A cream, right? Milk. But when you go up to any of the heavy whipping creams, they always have junk in them. You want to stay away from them. They have Gellan Gum […]

Elon Musk Has A GENIUS Solution For The Bots We Keep Seeing EVERYWHERE

The reason that Twitter is going to a primarily a subscriber based system is because it is dramatically harder to create. It’s like 10, 000 times harder to create an account that has a verified phone number from a credible carrier that has a credit card and that pays a small amount of money per […]

Criticism Facts about the Food Pyramid (Reaction)

I’ve never recovered from finding out that the food pyramid was a scam. Yeah. That’s just the degree to which that’s a scam is there a worse medical crime in history than that? No. I mean, no telling Americans to load up on seven to 11 servings of grains every single day. And to find […]

Carnivore Diet: Easy Brisket Recipe Without the Grill

So, we are making a brisket. This is, believe it or not, about a seven and a half pounder. So, all I did with this, if you’re going to cook it inside and not drag out the grill, salt and pepper. I scored the fat, and then I put in a little liquid smoke, and […]

Making My Own Bombproof Yogurt Results

Hey there, Andrew Anderson. So, we got this batch of bomb proof yogurt out yesterday, and so we’re gonna see how nice and thick this is. Look at this. See, um, it should be that creamy. If it’s not, you didn’t do something right. And I actually have the carbohydrate protein content on this. I […]

What is discipline How is it different from self-control

  Jeff Bezos: I get eight hours of sleep. I prioritize it. I am very, um, focused on it. And, and in the, for me, I need eight hours of sleep. I think better. I have more energy. My mood is better. All these things. And think about it. As a senior executive, you get […]

How To Get Enough Fat

So, we’re talking about fat here and this is good Wagyu fat, and you can see it looks like ice cream. It’s nice and white. And then we also have some natural duck fat. This tastes really good on anything that you make. So, I added this to some 85/15 organic hamburger that I got at Aldi’s. It was $4.49. God only knows, it’s probably $10 a pound by the time you see this.

Best of The Most Interesting Man In The World

The meeting titled “Best of The Most Interesting Man In The World.mp4” serves as a vibrant compilation of quotes from the iconic Dos Equis beer advertising campaign, celebrating the extraordinary persona of “The Most Interesting Man in the World.” Key characteristics highlighted include his ability to keep both sides of his pillow cool and the intriguing notion that when in Rome, they do as he does. His remarkable abilities are showcased with humor, such as altering foreign policy through small talk and casually running a marathon merely because it was on his way. Furthermore, his undeniable influence is emphasized, with statements on how people hang on his every word and the peculiar fact that his beard has seen more than most men do in a lifetime. This lighthearted yet impactful meeting encapsulates the essence of a character that embodies charm, wit, and larger-than-life feats, thus reinforcing the brand’s appeal.