Drinking Kool Aid

The Ultimate Marketing Crowbar

So this has been said in numerous ways over the past couple of thousand years by some very smart men. It however is more true today than ever before.  Especially when we are talking about volume with billions of Kool-Aid drinkers out there today.

Propaganda has been around a long time from when some guy 30,000 years ago wanted to take over the tribe and started a whisper campaign saying that Org the Cheif had lied chasing off the Sabre Tooth Tiger.

Fast forward to modern-day…

Edward Bernay The Father Of Modern Marketing

With Edward Bernay’s being noted as the Father of Modern Day Propaganda (and Marketing), back in the 1920s with Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels making great use of it for Germany and then the US adopting virtually all of his work the die was set.

Bernays was related to Freud and actually blended some of his psychological techniques into his formulae.

Say what you want, Bernay’s and Goebbels’s techniques were freaking brilliant!  They are being used by all of the Major Companies and Governments around the world today.

After seeing just how effective Propaganda was by the German government and the US government in World War II, a law was passed in 1948 to forbid the US Government from using it on the US Public anymore.

Well as people forget history, there is always someone ready to take advantage of that memory loss who did not forget. 🙂

In 2012-13 the use of Propaganda by the US was signed into law by then-President Obama.  It had been vigorously fought off up until then.  The US Government can now knowingly and willingly lie to the general public (even if it causes death and spend 100’s of millions of dollars) perpetuating the said propaganda any time they want about anything.  If they deem it in the long-term best interest overall.

Intrigued yet? 🙂

Here is a link to the bill that was passed called the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 that virtually no one talked about at the time.

The ironic part is that if you look, afterward, you will actually find that they planted propaganda that says they above law does not allow them to lie to the public using propaganda. LOL

They can even force news outlets to carry the story even though the news outlet knows it is not true.

Here are two stories about how it happened.

Go here to read the story on Foreign Policy.com 

Here is another on the Business Insider.

Here is the meat and potatoes of it in a nutshell:

  • ‘‘(b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this sec-
  • tion shall be construed to prohibit the Department of
  • State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from en-
  • gaging in any medium or form of communication, either
  • directly or indirectly, because a United States domestic
  • audience is or may be thereby exposed to program mate-
  • rial, or based on a presumption of such Such
  • material may be made available within the United States

That being said, marketing to the masses does work great if you know how to do it.

How good or bad your product truly is has nothing to do with its success.  It simply comes down to how good your marketing is and how much you can spend on it.

It does not hurt if you have an unlimited budget and can force outlets to carry your story either now does it?

Even if you don’t have an unlimited budget, it can be very effective. If you want to get your Marketing Propaganda going in your favor, drop by  iQMarketers.com and we will give you a hand using all of Edward Berhany’s principles.

Let me know what you think! As always the operative word being ” think” here.

Oh and always taste test the Kool-Aid before you drink it, there is a lot out there these days and they might be using the Jim Jones recipe.  ( look it if up if you don’t get the reference).

I will be going over some of the techniques from Bernays that you can use on your own.



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