Transform Your Body with Sara Amonn and Dr. Zelko: Innovative Aesthetics and Holistic Care

In this engaging and informative episode, we introduce Sara Amonn from Zelko Aesthetics, an esteemed plastic surgery practice in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Naperville, Illinois, known for their holistic approach to aesthetic procedures. Sara explains the various surgical services provided, including liposuction, tummy tucks, brachioplasty, thighplasty, and excess skin removal, all designed to help reshape your body permanently and efficiently. These services are conducted under local anesthesia, significantly reducing recovery time to just a few days compared to traditional methods that require longer downtime.

One of the standout innovations discussed is Dr. Zelko’s trademark ‘Tickle Lipo’ technique. This procedure uses a micro-cannula with soft edges to minimize scarring, reduce trauma to the body, and ensure easier, faster healing. This technique sets Zelko Aesthetics apart, guaranteeing their work and delivering consistent, high-satisfaction results. Sara’s personal testimony of undergoing Tickle Lipo and traditional liposuction highlights the convenience and effectiveness of Dr. Zelko’s methods.

Tickle Lipo: The New Way To Do Liposuction
Andrew Anderson: I have my friend, my new friend, Sara Amonn here, and I will let you tell about what she does and how she can help change how your body looks in a permanent way, and she’s really cool, really smart, and I just want to let her tell you what she does. So go ahead. Take it away, Sara.

Sara Amann: Awesome. Thank you. Yeah.

So, I work at Zelko Aesthetics which is plastic surgery. We focus on liposuction, tummy tucks, brachioplasty, thioplasties, getting rid of excess skin once somebody has lost the weight and can’t get rid of the excess skin themselves which is impossible.

So, we perform everything under local anesthesia which makes a huge difference. We really focus on more of the holistic healthcare side of plastics. So, integrating practices and methods that truly work without pharma, without medicine. Typically a procedure takes anywhere from two to four hours. Downtime is about two to three days in comparison to…

Andrew Anderson: A week or two. Six months. Yeah, at least. Yeah.
Sara Amann: It’s under general anesthesia. So yeah, it’s so much easier. It’s quick. It works. It works on everybody, and it is a form of liposuction. We use tickle lipo. So, it’s a micro cannula that’s soft on the edge so it doesn’t cut through everything that it goes through

Andrew Anderson: So less scarring.

Sara Amann: Less scarring, less trauma on your body, less swelling, and much easier healing.
Andrew Anderson: Right. So, Dr Zelko, he’s basically got his own technique that he’s developed, that it’s his, correct?

Sara Amann: It’s his, yeah.

Andrew Anderson: Yep.

Sara Amann: So, one side of the business, we focus strictly on surgical.
Other side is the med spa where we focus on injectables, and CO2, and we also are number one provider for miraDry which is for hyperhidrosis for excessive sweating on your underarms.

Andrew Anderson: Oh, wow. Is that permanent?

Sara Amann: Permanent. It’s a series of two treatments. I’d put that against literally anything. It works.
Andrew Anderson: So, no more antiperspirant that has aluminum that’s gonna give you Alzheimer’s and stuff , so…

Sara Amann: That’s exactly right. Yep.

Andrew Anderson: Wow. Yep. And is that done in two treatments or one? I’m just curious ’cause I haven’t heard that one.

Sara Amann: So, miraDry is done in two treatments scheduled three months apart.

Andrew Anderson: Okay. Is it very painful or…

Sara Amann: No, you’re totally numb. So, we numb the exact same way that we numb for lipo. It’s a tumescent fluid that goes in like between saline and epi and it numbs you. So, you don’t feel the treatment at all.

Afterwards, it feels like a light sunburn. It feels funny because your underarms are numb for about 24 hours and that’s it.

Andrew Anderson: Right. So, if you get to do that and a laser treatment for the hair, you’d never have to worry about your underarms again, right?

Sara Amann: Well, a side effect of miraDry is hair loss.

Andrew Anderson: Oh, really? For a lot of women anyway, right?

Yeah. Yeah. Unless you’re going the other route. So, I’m curious about, and you had told me previously when we met in Las Vegas, I think it was Las Vegas, about the procedure that Dr Zelko had developed. And I don’t watch much TV but my sister does, and she watches Fox and all this other stuff. So, I’ve seen these horrendous stories. And the story that you told me about how and why he developed it was really interesting. So, if you don’t mind, can we dive into that? ‘Cause I’m fascinated to tell you the truth.

Sara Amann: For sure.

So, Dr Zelko, he started off as OBGYN, practicing in system, yeah, for 22 years. So, he’s been working on women’s bodies his entire career. He got out of OB because of the hours, because of the health system, because he wanted to be a father and a husband and still provide and be there. So, he started Zelko Aesthetics. He did try a few different forms of lipo before taking on and owning Tickle Lipo, and his focus is truly helping the patient. So, it makes our results so much different than other practices because he takes his time in procedure, guarantees his work, and our patients are just, they’re happy. Like we don’t have unhappy and it makes in plastics you do.

Andrew Anderson: Right. Okay. I want to back up here cause I’ve never heard of any physician, except that does plastic surgery anyway, that guarantees the results. Did I hear you correct?

Sara Amann: Yes, he guarantees his work. Yeah. So after procedure, we do a follow up visit at one week, one month, three months, and six months. We bring our patients back, we take pictures, we show them, we see them. If anything has to be corrected, which it can happen, he corrects it for no charge. Yeah. So, he stands by his work and, I mean, he can do that because he does it right.

Andrew Anderson: There’s that, you know, as I always say that most experts aren’t and the few that are, that’s who you want to go to, right? So in this procedure, is it mostly like for belly fat or side fat or like that? Because belly fat can be hard to get rid of even when you diet and everything else, so…

Sara Amann: Yeah, totally. Yeah. Main areas of concern for women, upper abs, lower abs, two flanks, lipo, and then skin removal, a tummy tuck. So, we don’t get any muscle over so, which is where the downtime always comes in, right? Yeah. So, this is skin removal. He does umbilical, so he does cut above the navel. He cut around the navel, drop that in. We pull pubic up, tummy down, and the same belly button back through.

Andrew Anderson: Everything’s nice and tight and flat, right?

Sara Amann: Nice, tight, flat. Yeah. Which is what everyone wants.

Andrew Anderson: So, this is kind of the shortcut to get bikini ready, right?

Sara Amann: Correct. Yeah, it is. Yeah, and I mean, it’s a two way street. I can tell people like we can, you know, you get a plastic surgeon can only do so much like it has to, it goes both ways for the best results.
Andrew Anderson: Right. And then, so what’s the recovery time for that? How long does it take once you go in for that procedure, let’s say?

Sara Amann: Yeah, so just take a light bow.

I mean, when he performed on me, I went to work the next day.

Andrew Anderson: Oh, he did. You had it. Oh, cool.

Sara Amann: Yeah. So, he did my neck. The first area I did with him were my inner thighs, and it was so easy. And I’ve had traditional lipo. I’ve been doing this for 20 years, I’ve been working with a lot of different docs over the last two decades. And I’ve had almost every form of lipo. So, I can speak on that, but nothing compares to Tickle Lipo. It was so easy. It felt exactly like two days after I had a really hard workout. It’s exactly what it felt like, where, I mean, I liked the way that it feels. So, it wasn’t a big deal to me. But, typically yeah, three day downtime with tummy tucks about five.

Andrew Anderson: That’s crazy. I’ve always, the women that I know that have had that done, we’re talking weeks. Oh yeah. If not a month or two. yeah. Oh yeah. Big time. Yeah.

So where can they find you at?

Sara Amann: So, we are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Naperville, Illinois. We’ll start about an hour and a half away from each other. We do have a lot of patients that fly in and fly out. We have a hotel right up the road that we usually have our patients stay at if they’re from out of town. But easiest way is just to go to our website, which is and fill out an inquiry form that goes to our call center, and they take care of everything.

Andrew Anderson: Cool. Will they talk to you?

Sara Amann: Yeah, so I’m the one who sets up all of the surgical procedures. So, every single time anybody has a procedure, they see me first.

Andrew Anderson: Sara is it. Okay, cool. And just so you know and for full transparency, I’m not getting paid anything to do this. I like Sara. I heard about the procedures. I work with a lot of docs out there and I’ve never heard anything like this. And so, I just want to let people know about it because I’m going to help, hopefully we’ll help somebody out get the body that they want.

And so, I might have a suggestion. I was on your website and I was looking for you. You don’t look anything, well, because you lost 80 pounds plus from your diet. You don’t, it does. I was like, that can’t be Sara, but it is. So, change your picture. So, if they see this video, they will like, I don’t see Sara in there. Yeah. It’s an amazing transformation. Yeah, thank you. When I saw you, I really didn’t recognize you because you’re in shape now and you’re svelte.

And so anyway, if you go to the website, it really is Sara. So, that’s a good before and after picture. Yeah. And as I understand it too, you guys may be, because of how well you guys are doing, you may be opening up some other facilities too, hopefully.

Sara Amann: Yeah, we are. We’re looking at expanding, and he’s taking us to the next level, so…
Andrew Anderson: Oh, cool. All right.

So, if you need some work done and you want a guarantee so you don’t end up on those tv shows, talk to Sara and Dr Zelko. And that’s about it. I hadn’t planned this out or anything, everybody. And anybody that views my channel know this is a little bit outside of it, but whenever I find good people, I want to bring them. I feel it’s my duty to bring him to other people so you can know about it. And so, Sara is a cool person. Call them up. Check them out if they can help you out, which I’m sure they can, if that’s what you want to do before you go to some of the other doctors. And I’m not going to talk about them, but I hear horror stories all of the time.

Sara Amann: Yeah, it’s terrible.

Andrew Anderson: It’s not good. All right. Yeah. Any other words of wisdom you want to throw out there? You know, why we’re going at this?

Sara Amann: Just that you couldn’t be in better hands with this man. And that’s why, you know, we have the success we have because I’ve seen the other side and…

Andrew Anderson: Yeah, cool. All right. Thank you, Sara. And I’ll put the links in the bottom of this so you can check it out. And if you do go there, let me know. I would like some feedback too. And because it’s all about us helping each other figure out the best way to live the best life. So, that’s it. All right.

Thank you, Sara. That was great and fascinating. I can talk about this stuff all day because I love surgical procedures and it’s just amazing about what can be done when it’s done right.

Sara Amann: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, we would, I would love for you to come and, view it, and see it.
Andrew Anderson: Okay, well, I dunno. Yeah, we’ve made you. Okay, cool. Alright. Thank you, Sara. Have a great day. And everybody else, go down the link below here somewhere and check her out. And I hope you get some of the right people to help them out. So, we’ll talk to you later. Thank you.

Thank you.

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