Myron Golden 00:00
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that financial security is the same as financial freedom. In fact, don’t even make the mistake of thinking that security is the same as freedom. A lot of people say, Well, I just want some financial security. And they think they mean, I just want financial freedom. They’re, they’re not only not the same, they’re actually opposites. And in this video, I’m going to show you how to make sure you pick the right door for you. I read Robert Allen say a long time ago, there are two doors in life. How many doors? Talk to me, everybody how many doors there are two doors in life. And by the way, we know their doors because they have doorknobs. Okay, so there are two doors in life. One is Mark security. The other is marked freedom. Then he said, if you choose the door Mark security you get neither of you choose the door Mark freedom, you get both. I like what Helen Keller said Helen Keller said that security does not exist in all of nature.

Myron Golden 01:01
Neither do the sons of men as a whole experience it life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all. This is a woman who was blind and deaf. Let me ask you a question. Is your life a daring adventure? Or are you turning it into nothing at all, Benjamin Franklin said, If we seek security, we have no independence. I submit to you that freedom, by its very nature burns the bridge of security. And so people who take risks always feel like it might not work. That’s part of the price you pay for freedom. What is freedom? To me, freedom is a choice. Freedom means I have a choice. I can say yay. Or I can say nay I can say yes. Or I can say no, I can go do the thing or not go do the thing. If I want to buy the thing, I can buy the thing or not buy the thing. And so for me, freedom is I have a choice. I am not compelled, by my circumstance, by another person, by a situation to do a thing. But if I’m seeking security, I don’t get to make the choices.

Myron Golden 02:18
Because when you’re making the when you seek security, someone else makes your decisions for you. And so for me, I would rather take the risk of it not working. Because the upside of it working is infinitely greater than the downside of it not working. See if this one works. If this goes well. If this goes well. If this one goes well, life is okay. Okay, if this one goes well. Life is awesome. You know what this reminds me. It reminds me of selling. A lot of people think they don’t like selling. I don’t even have time to go into that right now. But a lot of people think they don’t like selling. But one of the things I realized in selling as well as in life, all noes are created equally. All yeses are not. That’s why it’s critically important for you as an entrepreneur, to decide who you’re going to help and how you’re going to help them. Because if you decide if you don’t decide and you say my things for everybody, which is not. And you go out and you talk to everybody, and somebody who doesn’t have the ability to pay for your offer is willing to take advantage of your offer and says yes.

Myron Golden 03:47
That’s not that great. But if a person who has no ability to take advantage of your offer, says no. And a person who has the ability to take advantage of your offer says no, both of those notes are identical, you end up exactly in the same place. But a person who has the ability to take advantage of your offer says yes, and a person who doesn’t have the ability to take advantage of your offer says yeah, those are very different. And so when when if I go through the door Mark security, if it goes bad, it’s gonna be bad. Doesn’t work doesn’t work. My life is down here and down here. Right. But if I go through the door Mark security and it doesn’t work. I’m still down here. But if I go through the door Mark security and it goes well, then I might be right here. And I might think this is great. But if I go through the door Mark freedom, my life ends up up here. And I know this is great. It’s so amazing. To have a choice in how you serve the people you serve, how you help the people you love, how you support the people you love, how you support the causes that you care about.

Myron Golden 04:57
All of those things are determined by the level of risk averseness that you approach life with. Hey, thanks for watching this video. I hope you’re enjoying it. But I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the make more offers challenge, the make more offers challenge, we do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any business, I want to invite you to join us on the make more offers challenge, click the link in the description below, you will be glad you did join us a VIP and you make the rest of your life the best of your life. And now, back to the video you’re watching. And see. You later heard the saying I’ve heard the same we’ve all heard the saying strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make bad times bad times make strong men, it’s a cycle. Make sure that you are that strong man, that strong woman who’s going to create good times because you’re not so risk averse, that you don’t even take the risk where the upside is unlimited.

Myron Golden 06:07
And the downside has a bottom. Do you realize as depends. If you decide you want to be an entrepreneur, you’re gonna go build a successful business, the upside is literally unlimited. The downside is limited. If you start a job that you don’t like, just because I want to be secure, I want the security of a job. Your job is only as secure as the acumen of the business owner who started the business. And it’s only as secure as you stay in good relationships with that person. I decided a long time ago, if some chucklehead is going to mess up my opportunity, I want that chucklehead to be me. I don’t want some other clown messing up my opportunity. But I don’t know it seems so risky. The greatest risk at all is risking your existence and your livelihood and the livelihood of the people that you love the most. On somebody who doesn’t know your name. They only know your number. And when I say your number, I’m not talking about your phone number.

Myron Golden 07:08
How about your social security number, your employee number? The greatest risk of all is to not risk anything. You choose freedom. Freedom is a hard road that leads to a beautiful place. Security as a soft road leads to a place where average people go to die. There are two doors in life. One is Mark security. The other is Mark freedom. We choose security you get neither choose freedom. You get both. I am so thankful, so thankful that many decades ago, I chose the door Mark freedom. And there were many bumps. There are many potholes. There are many pitfalls. There are many dangers, toils and snares on when I walked through that door Mark freedom. When people who were around me looked at me they’re like, why is he doing this is clearly not working.

Myron Golden 08:12
But they didn’t understand the principle that all work works. There’s no such thing as work that doesn’t work. I’m working on this thing. It’s not working, always working. It may not be working for you but it’s working on you and it will work on you until you become the person for whom it can work. And the longer you put the longer you put off letting it work on you. The longer you are putting it off letting it work for you. Please, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, the people you love and the cost you care about. Choose the door Mark freedom. Forget about the door Mark security. It’s an illusion that blesses you hope it helps you take your life to another another level. I hope it causes you to make a decision. I am going to do my best to be my best. I can leave a mark on the world. That is the best possible Mark I can leave. Hope that helps you stay blessed by the best and we’ll see you on the next video.

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

Now he is ready to teach you how to duplicate his success and that of his student’s success.

There are 2 things that we can highly recommend. And I do mean highly. Not saying that you will get the same result, but in his Make More Offers Challenge that we took, during the 5 Week Challenge, we picked up an extra $30,000 that we would not have made. And that number may turn out to be10x that depending on what happens.

Click On This Link To Check It Out. The Make More Offers Challenge.

Click On This Link For The Best Selling BOSS Moves Book

This book shows you how to increase sales by 2x, 5x, and even 10x!

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