Myron Golden 00:00
You are about to discover that you have way more abundance than you thought you had. In fact, I talked to people, and I watched them struggling. And I’m asking myself, like, why are you doing this? I know you think the struggle is real, but I promise you, the struggle is not real, it’s imagined. And what I mean by that is you already have access to the abundance of the things that you are working towards and seeking, the thing you lack is not abundance, and the thing you lack is not access to the abundance, the thing you lack is awareness of your access.

Myron Golden 00:34
And you’re about to discover how to tap into a new level of awareness for an old level of access, and an old level of abundance. Let’s go. There’s a story in the Bible about a man named Abram. Abram his name means Hi father, or exalted father, but the problem with Abram was that he could not have children. So imagine, and by the way, let me say this names in the United in the West are just what we call people, right? But in the Bible names were more like we think of nicknames. Like when I was a little kid, my nickname was big head. To my brothers, my nickname is still big head, even though I grew into my head, okay, I know, I’m keeping it real. I grew into it. I know y’all think that’s funny, but my head was the same size. When I was in first grade, my body was a lot smaller.

Myron Golden 01:27
Okay, so So but it’s, it’s more of a description. So So Abrams, named being high father, and he could not have children. It became a source of pain, and a source of shame, and a source of like discouragement and disappointment. And every time somebody called his name, it reminded him of his insufficiency. How would you like it? How would you like it? If your name was a rich dude, and you’re broke? Or hey, skinny, and you’re fat, or, Hey, Fatty, and you’re skinny, and you can’t gain weight, like, it would be like, hey, genius, and like you can’t read or write. Nobody has a desire to have a description or a nickname that reminds them of who they are not. And so that’s who Abram wasn’t God came to Abram in Genesis, chapter 12.

Myron Golden 02:17
And he said, If you will leave your father’s house, well, if you will leave your country, your kinsmen, and your father’s house, I will make you something you can’t make yourself. I will give you something you can’t get yourself. I will bless you in ways you can’t bless yourself. I will take the source of your shame and make it the source of your fame. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Can you so so that’s what that’s what God told Abram MC, you know, he said, he said, I’m out of here. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall. When he told Mrs. Abram, sorry, I, he goes to his wife. Sorry, I said, Baby, we are leaving, we’re leaving. Where are we going? Oh, no, God told me he was gonna let me know when we get there. Like, I don’t know about your wife. And my wife has questions. Like, like, why did he do that? I don’t know. Right? I don’t know. I didn’t ask him why he did that.

Myron Golden 03:20
Right. So So where are we going? Like, I can only imagine the conversations that went on between Abraham and Surya. And they both had enough faith to leave the land of the familiar. Now, I believe that one of the reasons God told them to leave the land of the familiar is because if they didn’t leave the land of the familiar, the people who knew them for what they weren’t, would not let them live down who they weren’t. So they could become who God intended for them to be. They had to get into a new environment where people didn’t know what their weaknesses were, where people didn’t know what they’re in for. They didn’t know about their fertility issues.

Myron Golden 03:52
They didn’t know that they he was the high father with no children. He had to move him out of the place where people knew him for what he was not into a place where people would know Him for who He was. And so God made the promise. But guess what, year went by nothing happened. 10 years goes by nothing happens. Another 10 years go by and nothing happened to get to the point. So ray comes to Abram and says, Hey, I know God made us a promise. But you know what? Why don’t we just help him out a little bit? You know? Like, I’m too old to have a baby you know, like, I’m Come on. You know, I’m at 80 year old women are having babies or I’m 7578 Whatever it was. The nursery has been painted for a long time. This ain’t working. Well, what do you want me to do, baby? Well, you know what? I’m pretty low. Handmade mine. Hey, gone.

Myron Golden 04:38
Why don’t you just go in, like you and her have a baby for us? And Abram says, You sure baby okay. And then we got to understand these are real people with real emotions and real feelings and real flesh. Can I get a witness? Right so they decide this is what we’re going to do. So he goes in he He has an intimate relationship with his handmade, she gets pregnant has a baby. This baby boy that Abram has been waiting for his whole life. But he wasn’t the seed of the promise. He was the seed of the flesh. So he was not who God was talking about. He was not the one God gave Abram a promise for when he left his country and he left his kindred he left his father’s house, this was not the promised seed, because we will see the flesh so by the time, Abrams 100, when Abrams 100 and Surrett survived, Abraham is named changed Abraham, her name has changed this era when Abraham and Sarah were 109.

Myron Golden 05:42
He was 100, she was 90, she gives birth to a baby boy, the other boy is 10 years old, maybe the time this happened, he was probably around 13, maybe Sarah’s boy was three. And here’s what it says Sara caught the son of the handmade mocking. It doesn’t say who he was mocking. But whoever he was mocking she didn’t like it. Maybe he was mocking her. Maybe he was mocking his little brother. Whatever it was, she went to Abram and said, he got to go, she got to go. I ain’t Go ahead. I’m up in my house making fun of me. I ain’t gonna hang him up in my house making fun of my baby. They got to go. Well, Abrams got a relationship with the with the older son, right, who’s not the promisee because he’s been teaching them how to pray. And he’s been teaching him about God. And he’s been, he’s been teaching his son how to be a man. And all of a sudden, now you want me to kick him out of my house? That’s where we pick up on this verse. Genesis, chapter 21, verse 14, so I brought you up to speed on the story.

Myron Golden 06:44
Now I’m going to read you the rest of the story. And so it says in verse 14, and I’m sorry, verse 12, verse 12, not verse 14, verse 12. And God said unto Abraham, let it not be grievous in my sight, because of the land, and because of thy bondwoman See, she was Sarah’s bondwoman. But after he had the baby with her, it became her bondwoman that’s what it says, Don’t let it not be grievous, because I bondwoman and all that Sarah has said unto thee, hearken unto her voice, for an Isaac shall they see be called? Now this is really interesting. Why is God why why did God say, hearken unto her voice? Like, don’t be it, don’t let it be grievious because of what your wife was saying to you hearken unto the voice of Sarah, why is he saying that because he is allowing the built in judgment of doubt and sin, to be the consequence that Abram has to pay for the sin that he committed. He said, you listen to your wife and got into this situation. Now you don’t have to listen to her again. It’s the same in the words of my wife’s grandmother. The same thing that will make you laugh will make you cry, can I get a witness? So don’t let it be grievous. You are going on to her once I’m unless you are going into her again. And by the way, he hearkened to her, his wife, one because he doubted and because Sara doubted. And second reason you hearken unto her is because he wanted to keep it real. Okay, y’all, y’all tracking so? So it says,

Myron Golden 08:19
verse 13, and also the son of the bomb woman, will I make a nation because he is dicey, so I won’t bless him anyway. Yeah, he’s exceeded the flesh, but I’m gonna bless him anyway. What? This? This is so good. One of the things we have to understand is we have to be hyper intentional about the actions we take because the actions I take will bring blessings on my descendants or curses on my descendants. God said the Abram Don’t worry about the board. I’m gonna bless him because he’s yours. What else? What else does it tell us about Abraham’s descendants? Well, we find in the book of Hebrews, what does it say? It says, it says that Levi, paid tithes to Melchizedek while he was yet in Abraham’s loins, like before he was born. What does that saying that we received the benefits of our godly ancestors, our descendants will receive the benefits of our godliness as they live their lives, but also our descendants will suffer consequences because of our actions. Because what does it say? God will pass judgment on the evil to the third and fourth generation of them that hate him.

Myron Golden 09:35
We have to become hyper vigilant in our walk with God, and on our walk before God because there are consequences in this in this lifetime in which we live there are building things. But the devil did this and God did. Sometimes it’s just this. It’s just the built in consequence of the sin itself. Sometimes it ain’t God. Your problem in God didn’t come from God. Sometimes it didn’t come from the devil. Sometimes it just came Same as the consequence of you doing what you shouldn’t have done or not doing what you should have done. Can I get a witness up in here? Okay, it says, verse 14, and Abram rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it into Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child and sent her away and she departed, and they wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba wilderness over in the Middle East ain’t the forest, y’all is the desert. You in the desert, you need more than a loaf of bread and a bottle of water? Can I get a witness and it says, verse 15, and the water was spent in the bottle. And she cast the child under one of the shrubs. And she went and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bow shot for she said, let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him and lift up her voice. And when

Myron Golden 11:01
you say how you are, you know, she cried like that, because that’s how Mama’s cry when their babies die. That’s how she was broke. She was toe up from the floor. She broke. Then an angel comes to her and asked her the funniest question in the entire Bible. And says, in Verse 17, and God heard the voice of the lead, which means while the mama was crying, the boy was praying, wonder where he learned that? Probably from Abraham. She said in God, and God heard the voice of the lead and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her, what a lengthy Hagar. The question I got for the angel was, what kind of question is that? You a mama in the desert with a baby and no water and you cry? What else you gonna be doing? He said, What’s your prop? What are you crying about Hagar? Is that real? Watch this. Fear not? For God have heard the voice of the lad where he is. Wow. You know what, you know? This, we’re all our parents are older than us.

Myron Golden 12:11
They know more than us, but they still need us praying for them. Can we get a witness? Sometimes our parents are so caught up in the situation. All they can do is cry. Like if you’re a child, and you’re watching this, pray for your mom, pray for your dad. Pray for your grandparents, pray for your aunts. Pray for your uncles. Pray for the people who God has put in your life to lead you. Because when sometimes you think they got to add it to you because they got an attitude. Sometimes they got an attitude because they dealing with something you can’t even begin to comprehend. Okay, y’all tracking and then it says, Then it says a rise, verse 2018, lift up the ladder and hold him in thine hand for I will make him a great nation. I want you to Next notice these next five words, and God opened her eyes. What? And God opened her eyes. And she saw a well of water. Wait a minute. Timeout. I want to make sure. I didn’t read this wrong. They didn’t say and God did they well of water? Is that what he said? No. They didn’t say and God miraculously provided some water. No. Here’s what said. And God opened her eyes. And she saw a well of water. What does that tell us about the world water. It was already there.

Myron Golden 13:35
She already had the abundance of water that she needed. She already had access to the abundance of the water that was needed because it says she saw well of water that was there. She didn’t see a well of water. It was somewhere else it was there. The Well of water was there while she was crying about not having any water. And what did we learn from that we learned from that sometimes we can’t see the resource. We can’t see the water in front of our eyes because of the water. There’s in our eyes. Sometimes, we just can’t see past the tears. To see the abundance that God has already given us. He’s already given us the abundance. He’s already given us the access. But what he hasn’t done yet is open our eyes. That’s why one of the most important prayers that we can pray for ourselves. And for those we love is dear God opened my eyes so I can see what’s already there. I promise you like it’s so funny. We have people who like business coaching clients who join my mastermind, and I can see clearly what’s wrong with your business. Right? They’re generating a handful of leads or making some sales, they’re making some money or maybe they’re making a lot of sales.

Myron Golden 14:43
They just don’t have a premium value offer. I say okay, here’s what you need to do. Raise your price. I know that sounds like an oversimplification, right. I think one lady, one lady. She was selling her coaching program for $1,200. She joined my mastermind, I said raise your price She did it, she raised her price to $20,000 started doing a challenge, and had the week of her challenge she did over $400,000 in sales, she had never done $400,000 in sales in a year. Now she’s done $400,000 in sales in a week, she could have did it before she met me. She didn’t lack the abundance. She didn’t lack the access. What did she like she lacked awareness of the access she already had. And there are so many people listen to my voice right now, there are people who are watching this video on YouTube right now. And you think the thing that’s missing in your life is the abundance or you think the thing that’s missing in your life is the access to the abundance, but the real thing that’s missing in your life is the awareness.

Myron Golden 15:39
Your eyes have not yet been open to what’s already there for you. I’ve said before, I’ll say it again, people make the mistake of thinking that they lack resources, I submit to you that it’s probably not resources that you lack, it’s more likely that you lack the resourcefulness to tap into the resources that were already there. Ask God to open your eyes and reveal to you the resources that are already in your environment that you could use to turn your whole situation around. Here’s what I know. Rachael Ray didn’t learn how to cook when she went on Oprah. She already knew how to cook. She already had the abundance. She already had access. What she didn’t have. She didn’t have awareness that if I turn a camera on, it can make me a millionaire. So a lot of us are going through life, living below our privilege. So there was a there was a guy in the Bible who who was who had evil intent. He was not a good person. But he asked one of the best questions in Scripture. You know who I’m talking about? Amnon, who was Amnon? Amnon. I’m sorry, not Amnon. Jonah that jonadab was Amazon’s cousin, who was Amnon. Amnon was David’s son, who raped his half sister, Hagar, Tamar.

Myron Golden 16:56
And the question, the question that jonadab asked, Amman was this, why aren’t bow being the king son lien from day to day? That’s a great question. Because anybody who is following the principles of Scripture, and who is the seed of who is the who is the seed of Abraham, by faith in Christ Jesus, anybody liked that? Anybody liked that? The question I have for you is, why are you being a child of the Qing lien from day to day? And here’s the answer. Because I lack awareness of access. So pray for me, that my eyes will be open. Because I’m going to tell you something, the thing that’s missing in your life is not access. The thing that’s missing in your life is awareness of the access you already have. That is the abundance awareness trap that most people fall into the stuff I do right now, I could have been doing this when I was in a lot of it when I was in my 20s. I didn’t like accent, I didn’t even like ability. I spoke at a conference with seven or 8000 people when I was 19. And they went bananas. Made it for five and only spoke for five minutes. I didn’t know how to talk. It had the ability already had the abundance already had the access. Here’s what I lack. I lack awareness of the access I already have.

Myron Golden 18:30
Just like you right now. So like you watch me on camera right now just like those of you in this room right now. You don’t lack access, you don’t lack of abundance, you just lack awareness of the abundance you already have. Like if you find yourself right now. And the abundance awareness trap where somebody like me is telling you that you have access somebody like me is telling you you have abundance, but you’re lacking access. Ask God to open your eyes so you can see what’s already. I hope this blesses you. If you want to watch another video that will take your life to another level. Watch the video on how to live like a millionaire on your way to becoming one. I think it’ll bless your life. Thanks for watching.

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

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