Andrew Anderson 00:00
Hey there, Andrew Anderson with the longer, and I have something I’m going to share with you to massively increase your chance of success. I have used this to great, great results here, and I’m going to explain exactly what’s going on. So this is one of the longest crowbars that are out there. And it’s available for free. Most people don’t realize how much leverage it can give you in all areas of your life. And we’ll tell you about my personal story on how I used it 2518 days ago to drastically change my whole life. So back then I was out of shape. I was getting chubby, I was starting to look like Santa Claus. beerbelly even though I didn’t drink much beer, and I was sick of it, I made up my mind that I was going to change the way that I thought.

Andrew Anderson 00:45
So what I did was I decided to do intermittent fasting, and then later on keto. So here’s what I did. I knew that writing it down because I read Shel Dini, and he’s the one that talked about Dr. Child, Dini, go find any of his books. They’re all fantastic. Okay. So what I did was, I knew that I pulled myself so I had a percentage chance of success, I wrote it down, I increased that by almost over 400%. I knew that was gonna help. And then I wrote it down, and I shared it with some friends. So I’m going up there. I’m like, 100%, better, you know. And then the other thing that I did, and this number is a little bit squishy, but I think it’s actually higher than this. I wrote it down in public, shared it with my friends. And then I publicly shared it to the general public, and I started a Facebook group. So it started with four of my friends. And now I think we’ve had over 80,000 people in it. But the the kicker is in the longer crowbar is that I’ve stuck with this and done this experimentation now for 2518 days. And did I hit my results?

Andrew Anderson 01:49
Yes, I lost 36 pounds of fat, I started feeling better, I started thinking better, and I started making more money. So I’d call that a success. And I’ve seen this used time and time again. But I’ve also seen it used and I think it’s about this 8% of the people will never use this, only 8% of the people that watch this webinar use it, I think it’s actually lower, not maybe only 2% of you. But that’s okay, right, because we all self select, what I found is that the people that do follow through with this stuff, they make 10x more money, and they’re 10x more successful than people that don’t, you can see why the numbers don’t lie, this number is a little bit squishy, I think it’s even higher than that. The consequences here is if you bet someone you know, $100, or $1,000, or whatever is meaningful amount of money to that you write it down to share it in public. And then you say, Listen, I’m gonna do X, Y, or Z, or attempt to do it by such and such a date, or I have to pay money, or I agree to work for free for a day, or whatever it is, that’s gonna motivate you to do some, what happens is you have all kinds of emotional pressures internally that you don’t even realize. But the beautiful thing about this if you bring it back down to the physical, so what happens is, this is all about getting your neurons firing, right?

Andrew Anderson 03:03
Whether you do the low end, where you’re just talking to yourself, which really doesn’t count, the old saying was you don’t write it down doesn’t really count is absolutely true, what happens is, you get more neurons involved in the process in its exponential amount, it’s like 10x, during each one of these steps here. And when you write it down, so you’ve got your hand writing it down, or you’re typing or you’re texting, but writing, it actually works better than texting, because it takes more neurons to write versus when you text and you’re also have the visual cues, these are all overlaid on your chances of success. So it makes a bigger impression on whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish. So you’re more likely to stick with it. So if it’s something really important to you stairstep, this process, go to this one, you want to write it down, you want to tell yourself, write it down and share with your friends write it down and share publicly and then put some consequences to it. Now they don’t have to be negative, I’m a total care person, things don’t work with me. So there’s a reward there.

Andrew Anderson 04:03
What my reward was that I lost 36 pounds, and that’s cool. But I also did something for myself, I said, Hey, I’m gonna go to this one place I’m going to travel, if I hit this, I’m going to do it. Now, you may not be a carrot person, it may take a stick to do it. And it just depends or maybe a little bit of both, you know, so there you have it, and that’s a longer crowbar of epic proportions. It probably goes all the way to the moon. And almost every successful person that I ever known does this I would have to say that every millionaire that I know has done this and they do this on a regular basis every single one without exception I’m not spoken with millionaire or multi millionaire that does not do this. Why this isn’t taught in schools are taught everywhere this is talked about is beyond me.

Andrew Anderson 04:51
But this is part of what we teach in a mastermind program. public accountability can have a huge impact on Your success ratio in anything. So whatever it is that you want to do, tell yourself first repeat it several times so that it sticks, write it down for yourself, write it down and share it with some peers that you respect because you don’t want to be embarrassed if you tell someone and that’s a big motivator, write it down in public. Some people care about this. I personally don’t, but it worked for me, so why bucked the trend right, and then have some consequences, either good or bad. So there you have it, that’s a longer crowbar trick to massively increase your chance of success. So if you’ve got anything that you want to get done in the next year, follow these simple steps and your chances of success. Go through the roof, check out the longer and our YouTube channel for more tips and tricks. Like I said, I’m going to share this publicly and I’m going to share this with our mastermind group that you have to pay to be there. But I just want to show you some of the things that we’re doing that it seems easy to do. But as Jim Rohn said, it’s easy to do. easy not to do. If you can just do the small things. You can tip the dominoes in your favor. It’s just one little action and it just sets off a chain reaction in a great great way. Talk to you later. And remember check us out the longer Take care

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

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