woman, man, god, life, connection, creation, contribution, wife, created, picture, marriage, husband, church, love, give, word, mystery, seed, work, christ

Myron Golden 00:00
Today you are about to discover the biblical concept of marriage. In Ephesians, chapter five. It says in verse 30, through 32, it says, for we are members of His Body, of his flesh, and of his bone, For this cause shall a man leave his father, and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is the great mystery, this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ in the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his wife, even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. So there’s the concept of a biblical marriage is this, that a man marries a woman? That’s the concept of a biblical marriage. And since God’s the one who created the institution of marriage, he should be the one who defines it. So marriage is something it’s something spiritual. It’s a spiritual connection between a man and a woman, they physical connection between a man and a woman. It’s a legal connection between a man and a woman.

Myron Golden 01:07
It’s a covenant connection between a man and a woman, I know that our society in the Supreme Court, they say, a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman and American have a husband, and when we can have a wife, but that’s not what God says, okay, according to God’s economy, and a biblical picture of a marriage is a man or a woman. Now, here’s this fascinating, or at least it was fascinating to me. One of the things that the Bible describes the church as is the bride of Christ. I want I’m gonna keep it real. I don’t know about y’all. I struggle with that. Why I’m gonna do how I go, like I’m part of the church, how am I gonna be? brighter? What? What? I don’t understand that. It didn’t make sense. But it does make sense. Because marriage, between a man and a woman, in every aspect, including the physical aspect of intercourse, is a picture of Christ and the church. What does that even mean? Well, it’s a physical representation of a spiritual reality. Let’s say that one more time, it is a physical representation of a spiritual reality. And that’s why that’s why the bible speaks out against fornication, what is fornication, any kind of sexual sin, a man having sex with a woman, and they’re not married, that’s called fornication. A, neither one of them are married, or one of them is married, and one of them is not, that’s called fornication.

Myron Golden 02:40
A man who is married having an having intercourse with a woman who’s not his wife that’s called or vice versa. A woman having intercourse with a man who’s not her husband, if but she’s married. That’s called adultery. Adultery is a form of fornication. Fornication is any kind of sexual sin. But adultery is a particular kind of sexual sin. Homosexuality is a different kind of sexual sin. Why? All of those sexual sins mar the picture of the spiritual reality? That’s why it says, I speak concerning the mystery of Christ in the church. What is the mystery of Christ in the church is that God created everything for a reason. So what we see in Genesis chapter one, we see in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Well, the first thing we see about God is that he’s creative. So creation is one of the things that is essential to the character of God. He is creative. God is you might say love God is you might say, Holy God is you might say, omnipotent, omnipresent, or I’m omniscient. All of those are true, but none of those are the first thing that God tells us about God. The first thing God tells us about God is that He is creative.

Myron Golden 03:55
Why? Because the first thing he tells us about us is that He created us in His image, which means he created us to be creative, and he made us to make things. So part of our fulfillment as a human being comes from creation. But that’s not enough. Why? Because when God created everything, he had three categories in creation, He created creation, sun, moon, stars, trees, grass, water, he created creatures, dogs, cats, chimpanzees, giraffes and alligators, bees and flowers and so forth. Okay. Yeah, I mean, bees and bumblebees and all the insects. So he created creatures, he created creation, He created creatures. Here’s the interesting thing about creation and creatures. They can’t appreciate the God who made them. So God had a desire, to have fellowship, and to celebrate his work with someone who was not him, but was like him. So he made man and when I say man, he made all of Daladier men Adam, God called their name Adam and the image of God created him, male and female created he them and God called their name Adam That’s what it says in Genesis, right? So, so God made man. So he made so he created creation creatures.

Myron Golden 05:07
And now he’s got create towards God made creators. And when God made creators when God made man, when he first made man, he, he said it was not good for man to be alone, he made them both male and female, he, but he breathed that into man’s nostrils the breath of life, the man became a living soul. Later, God separated the man from the woman, he took a rib out of the man, and made his help meet or help sufficient for him help. That is enough for him. And she became his wife. Okay, so all of that, how does that represent Christ in the church like this? Well, if you read the first part of Ephesians, chapter five, it says that a wife should submit to her own husband, a lot of people have a hard time with that I don’t know why it’s like, submit doesn’t mean he owns or submit the word submit, means to place yourself under the under the protection, the provision, you place yourself under another, that’s all it means you place yourself under. And because a man’s position and a woman’s position are different, it does not make one better and one worse, it just means they’re different.

Myron Golden 06:14
Like my left shoe, eight, my right shoe, and my right shoe ain’t my left shoe. And I don’t want to put my left shoe on my right foot, I don’t wanna put my right shoe on my right foot, not because my right shoe is better than my left shoe, or my left shoe is better than my right shoe. They’re just different. And men are different from women. Men are generally speaking, larger than women were bigger. Men are generally speaking stronger physically than women, which is why it’s a tragedy, that they’re letting all these guys who are having these operations compete against women in sports, but that’s a different conversation for a different day, I’m not gonna go there. So man, or God, has commanded the man to protect the woman just like Christ protects the church. The man is commended and commanded to provide for his family. Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. So. So a man, a husband and wife have different roles. Why? Because they, they’re different. They have different roles. And men can do things that women can’t do. And women can do things that men can’t do. That’s just how life is. But together, they can do something that neither of them could do by themselves. That’s the beauty of marriage. Right? So

Myron Golden 07:30
when a man and a woman come together, right, so you got a man by himself, and man goes out, and he creates this is it’s amazing how this is exactly like creation, man gets, like, man grows up and what grows up becomes a man who goes out and creates any works. And he’s got, he’s doing stuff. And he’s maybe got somewhat of a successful life, but he’s got no one to enjoy with. So what does he need he not good for man to be alone, he needs a companion. He needs somebody who can appreciate and who can celebrate his accomplishments with him, and who can assist him on his journey. And I guess there are people who would think that that makes a woman less I don’t think it makes her less. I think it just makes her different. It’s just different. And so what happens when a man and a woman come together date now they’ve got they’ve got they’ve got connection, some got creation, got connection, you got a woman who grows up, she becomes a woman, she gets a job, but she feels she feels like something’s missing. Why she’s doing it. She’s getting away, celebrate with so they come together. And now they have connection.

Myron Golden 08:29
So you got creation. So God had creation. Because He created everything. Then he created creators or man, now he’s got a connection. He’s got somebody who’s like him, but not him. I left eyelid meme Allah represents God. Dalit meme is blood. The life of the flesh is in the blood, a man or a woman. We are a godlike creature with flesh and blood. We’re not God, but we’re similar to God, we’re more similar to God than animals are. And so happens, we can fellowship with God. I was just sharing with some folks here a little while ago, that language is a spiritual attribute. It’s something that only spiritual beings have, right? So we need somebody to talk to you need somebody to talk to you. I need somebody talk. Even people don’t like to talk, even people who are introverted need somebody to talk to. Okay, so God had connect Godhead creation, and he’s got connection, what happened, man yielded to the serpent in the garden and resisted God, and then men severed the connection.

Myron Golden 09:21
This by the way, this is what the whole Bible is about the whole Bible, the whole Bible, everything in life is about this creation, connection, the connection got severed. So what did God do? He sacrificed his son, he first he sacrificed animals, showing that he was going to later sacrifice his son. And that was a prophecy. And what happened was, there had to be a contribution in order to restore the connection. And the contribution was the death, burial resurrection of Jesus Christ that restores the connection. That’s the whole that’s the whole meaning of life. Right? So there’s this intention with the intention creation, there’s a connection, the connection gets severed, there’s a contribution that reestablishes the connection. That’s why We as human beings only feel fulfilled when we have creation, connection and contribution. But guess what happens, the husband and the wife they get together. And when they get together, they, they have physical intercourse, where it is a picture physically, like intercourse is a picture of God’s relationship with us with Christ’s relationship with the church, in what way? Well, just like a woman, her body opens and receives the seed of a man. And then that produces new life.

Myron Golden 10:38
Okay, that’s how it works physically, that produces that connection, that the man can’t create new life by himself, the woman can’t create new life by herself. Two women can’t create life. Two men can’t create life, but you put a man and a woman together, they can create a new life. Now, in the activity that creates that new life, they the joy of that activity, the pleasure in that activity doesn’t come in normal people from the man trying to please himself with the woman or from the woman trying to please herself with the men. The real joy comes when the man is obsessed with pleasing the woman and the woman is obsessed with pleasing the man. I know this sounds graphic, it’s not graphic. Everybody knows what sex is don’t like don’t act like you don’t know what it is, right? And so, but what happens is, when you when you are obsessed with bringing pleasure, that other person, that’s when the seed is released. And that’s when new life is produced. Well guess what? God wants us to open our spirit and receive the seed of His Word. And he wants that to bring us joy and ecstasy, just like when a woman receives joy and ecstasy from receiving a man seed. But he also God also has pleasure in giving us that seed, he has pleasure in our pleasure in receiving it. That’s the mystery of Christ in the church.

Myron Golden 12:00
The mystery is that now we have creation, we have connection, that connection creates new life, that new life is born. What can that new life do for itself? Nothing. It can’t feed itself. It can’t clothe itself, it can’t be that so it can’t protect itself. So it needs parents. And what happens, the connection that those parents feel that new life, and the contribution that those parents give for that new life is everything, like parents will give everything for their children, do you realize it’s impossible for a child to love their parents, as much as a parent loves the child unless, when the parent gets older, they become they get to the place where they can’t take care of themselves, and then the child starts taking care of the parent, like the parent took care of the child, then and only then can a child love a parent, as much as a parent loves a child, because the more you give to any one or anything, the more you love that thing or that person. And so it’s the contribution of those parents that cultivate and, and, and prepare that new life for a life of its own. That’s exactly what happens with Christ and the church. This is the mystery. The mystery is this, when we take pleasure in receiving the seed of God’s word into our spirit, when we open our spirit willingly, and we get joy from from receiving the seed of the truth of the Word of God, and it brings us ecstasy that brings God pleasure. And so literally, God gets pleasure in giving us his seed, when we get pleasure in receiving it. It’s the exact same picture. That’s why he said, I speak concerning Christ in the church. And this is why it’s so important. It’s so important for the for a man to have a wife and a wife to have a husband. It’s that’s why it’s important.

Myron Golden 13:59
This is why it’s so important that we don’t mess up the picture that we don’t ruin the picture. And we don’t ruin the experience by just having sex with everything that moves. Like God, God has a way for us to do things for a reason. And when we do it his way our lives will be better. Creation, connection, contributions, the mystery of Christ in the church, it’s the mystery of a husband and a wife. Creation connection. Contribution. That’s, that’s, that’s that’s what it was. That’s what it’s all been about from the beginning. It’s why you feel happy. Like it’s so interesting. That a man who has a wife I mean a man who doesn’t have a spouse but he finds this girl and he falls in love with and they get married. Like he can’t wait to get home from work to see his wife. A woman who doesn’t have who has a career but she doesn’t have a husband she gets married. She can’t wait to get home to see her husband until the husband starts trying to fix the wife and the wife starts trying to fix the husband. You stretch you stretch aren’t trying to turn them into the thing you hope they would be eventually, with your help. Instead of just celebrating who they are. I’m going to say something, I’m going to say something. Now what happens is the man has creation at work. And when he comes home, he feels severed from that connection, because his wife is always trying to fix him or the wife, she goes to work, she feels creative at work. But when she comes, when when she comes home, she feels her husband’s always trying to fix her. So she feels disconnected. Or maybe she’s a stay at home mom. And she’s creative, because she’s creating meals and sustenance for our family. And then when our husband comes home, he’s like, so irritated by stuff that he happened at work, that he brings all of that home with him, and she feels disconnected. And what happens, people get divorced, because they forget to remain connected. And they forget to cultivate the connection. And they forget to keep contributing. It’s the contrary.

Myron Golden 15:57
Like, it’s the perpetual connection and contribution that keeps us connected with each other. And what makes our marriage makes that marriage flourish, doing things together, like, like the husband doing things with the wife and for the wife that he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t do. Otherwise, the wife doing things with the husband and for the husband, she wouldn’t do otherwise. Right? Like, because you love them. That’s part of the contribution. Part of my contribution to my wife is doing things that she likes to do that I don’t like, part of her contribution to me is doing stuff. Like with me that I don’t like to do. Like I like to go to the golf course, my wife could care less about a golf course. Okay, cool. Sometimes she’ll go to the golf course with me. My wife loves to exercise. I don’t love to exercise. I just don’t like the alternative. So I do exercise. I’m just keeping it real. I don’t like to exercise. But sometimes we’ll work out together at home. Right, but I don’t I didn’t go into the gym. I just can’t do it. The rubber, the smell of rubber mats and other people’s sweat is just, it just overrides my entire Seinfeld syndrome. Like I can’t. I can’t. I can’t do it, y’all. So y’all pray for me. I’ve got issues, but but doing things together. I remember a couple years ago, we went on vacation to New Mexico. You know, I went to New Mexico. And my wife said, I’ve always wanted to go to New Mexico. Okay, well, let’s go to New Mexico. Like, I don’t care when we get vacation. If I want you as my vacation. Let’s go. Right? So might you say Man, what’s your point? My

Myron Golden 17:24
point is creation, connection and contribution. Why? Because creation gives us leverage. Right? So what does that what does that mean? When I go to work, like I am working right now and I’m recording this YouTube video, it gives me leverage? Well, how does create a YouTube video give you leverage, give you leverage, while because there are people who will find me because of this YouTube video, that wouldn’t find me any other way. So it’s leverages my reach, right? So so creation is leveraged as a form of leverage. Even when God made everything God made the sun and the moon, what do you do? He made the greater light to rule the day less light to the night God had delegation, right? He delegated to the to the land to bring forth the land animals delegated to the water to bring forth a fish in the fowl. And so what happens is creation gives us leverage. Harbor connection. Connection gives us love. So the whole like, like, like, just spending time with somebody you love is awesome. It’s just like, it’s like, I love it. When I’m so weird. I’m I’m going to be the first to admit I’m weird. But I get excited. When I see people, my family. I do want to see my wife, I get excited. When I’m on my way home to see my wife, I get excited when I’m when I know my daughter is coming out. I get excited. My son in law, my grandbaby. When I get excited my son and my son gets back and he surprises us from wherever his trips around the world. I’m like, oh, man, he’s here. He’s here. I get excited. Like my brother Mark came in this morning, I was all excited to see him and see him and a couple of weeks and talk to her. Like, I get excited when I see the folks who are here. Like I get excited when I see you. I’m just that dude, the people that I work with, I get excited when I say I love the connection that I have with people. I love people. My daughter said to me one time she said, Dad, you’re not going to like this, but this is what we should do. I said why can you tell me I’m not gonna like it before you tell me what it is. Because it doesn’t have anything to do with people. You love everything to do with people. Why you got to point okay, so So okay, so now you know me. So what was your point? Okay, anyway. So connection. So So creation is leverage connection is love. contribution is legacy. So the thing is the things that we give, to perpetuate the fact that we were here. Every time you write a book, that’s contribution, that’s leverage, let’s let’s legacy. Every time you create some content you like my YouTube, that’s its contribution. That’s legacy. The books that I’ve written will be alive after I’m dead. The videos that I’ve made will be alive after I’m dead. And so the more the more I make my life about creation, contribution, creation connection contribution, the more I am being like God, the more I can make my marriage focus the focus of my marriage, about creation, connection and contribution. By the way, here’s what’s really interesting.

Myron Golden 20:18
Creation is creates a level of difficulty in having connection. Right? That we have all three needs. But when like the if I if I spend 16 hours, 18 hours a day working, it’s gonna be hard for me to have relationships with people other than the people at work. So creation literally inhibits connection. Well, that’s fascinating, because you know, what else? Connection oftentimes breeds conflict? Wait, are you saying, the more connected you are, the more likely you are to fall out with somebody? 100%. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Why am I telling you this, I’m telling you this so that you will know that that feeling you have of irritation with people that you’re really closely connected with, that’s not a sign that you need to get them out of your life necessarily. Sometimes that’s just a sign that that person is in your life. Can I get a witness? See, I’ve got six brothers. I don’t always agree with all six of my brothers. But I always, I always endeavor to do everything in my power to get along with them. And I feel like they always do endeavor to do everything in their power to get along with me. I work with some wonderful people. But guess what? We don’t always agree sometimes. Sometimes I get little sideways. Yeah, I know. Y’all can’t imagine that. Y’all know y’all seen that side of me. But, but I don’t love them any less. Some of them? Aren’t waves have one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in my life. He said, he said I love Angela weaves, fell knowing her second grade only girlfriend ever had. And I love her more than I can tell you, but I don’t like her all the time. Right? And some you don’t like the people you love, you don’t like them all the time. And that’s okay. Because connection literally breeds conflict. Because the more time you spend with somebody, the more you’re going to see how they could have done it whatever it is better. Can I get to witness that like, the more time you spend with somebody, the more you’re gonna see their flaws. But their flaws existed before you could see them and you still wanted to be connected. Let’s don’t make the mistake of thinking that, Oh, these flaws are some new thing that didn’t exist until just now nobody had them flaws.

Myron Golden 22:55
You were just willing to overlook them in the beginning, can I get a witness? Well, and then contribution, contribution is that legacy piece. And here’s what’s really interesting about contribution, even though contributing seems like if I contribute, I’m going to have less, God has set it up in such a way that one of the most important components in multiplication is subtraction. What does that mean? That means give in it shall be given unto you press down, shaken together and running over. Here’s what the Scripture says, shall men give into your bosom? The more you contribute, the more you multiply. It’s what is this? Like? Like contribution somehow creates compounding? How does that happen? It’s a God thing. But isn’t it fascinating? How marriage is a picture of the fact that God wants us to open our spirit receive his seed. So we can give new life to new behaviors, new habits, new character that didn’t exist before we opened our spirit and receive that seed, and then we cultivate it. And what we have is within our relationship with God we have as we have creation, connection, contribution and our relationship with other people. We have creation, we have connection, we have contribution.

Myron Golden 24:30
This is the mystery of Christ in the church. You say man, like what is the significance of this? That’s the myth. The significance is the mystery. The mystery is the to me. I was like, Oh, so that’s how it’s really interesting. It’s interesting that a man if you spell the word male, the word man in Hebrew is the word a dome, olive Daladier meme. The word woman I mean the word the word for male is ish. Like, Aleph you’d Shin Interesting, interesting sidenote, okay. You’ve heard the word British, right? So a lot of people don’t realize that what the word British is a compound words compound Hebrew word actually. Which is it’s, it’s, it’s a farce because the word Brit means covenant and the word ish means man. So we’re British means covenant man, because the British people really were silly enough to believe that they were replacing Israel as God’s chosen people. That’s where the word British comes from. I know. You have to be really fascinating to come up with something that fascinating anyway. But the word ich, Allah few edition, but the word for female is the word Sha. Allah tion Aleph shin. Hey, okay. Here’s what’s really cool. The man has letter in his name that the woman doesn’t have in hers.

Myron Golden 25:51
The woman has a letter in her name that the man doesn’t have in his, the man has a yoed. And the woman has a hey, now yo, the word the letter yoed. The word yo means a hand. But the a yo is a picture. This is so beautiful. I’ve never even thought of this till just now gave me chills. Okay. A yoed is a picture of a thought. And they seed in that fascinating that a yoke is a picture. It’s a picture of a thought because it is a letter in the Hebrew alphabet that dangles in the air, it doesn’t you know how letters come down and touch the line, some letters go down below the line, some letters land online, the yo just hangs in the air, it doesn’t touch the line. So it’s a picture of a thought. It means hand. It’s a picture of a thought, but it’s also a picture of a seed. Isn’t it interesting that God puts his seed in us so that we can start having the mind of Christ like we can start thinking about his truth. Okay, cool. But what does a woman have? A woman has a hey, now the letter Hey, Ahlulbayt Gimel valid? Hey, the letter Hey, is it’s a picture of a house with an open window. But it’s it’s the concept of a container that reveals.

Myron Golden 27:12
Right? A container that reveals and so like, if you look at a man and a woman, a man releases his seed, a woman carries that seed and then she what eventually gives birth and reveals that new life such a beautiful picture. What does it say about God when God’s Word works in us, it produces in us good works. And here’s what it says. Here’s what Jesus said in Matthew chapter five. He said that you are the light of the world. It says that when men behold your good works, they will glorify your Father which is in heaven. Why? Because by you that you will know that no human being behaves like this on their own. So you have to give glory where glory belongs, and that is to God. So the mystery of Christ in the church is this. Let’s get joy from receiving the truth of God’s Word. Let’s let it produce a new life in us so that we can spend our lives being a blessing to other people. I hope this was helpful in understanding the mystery of marriage and Christ in the church. Stay blessed by the best and I’ll see you in the next video.

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