How Rich People Think About Money by Myron Golden (Parts below have been edited to fit. Just watch the video; it is all there. :))  This is why the Rich Get Rich and if you change how you think, maybe you can get rich too!  Won’t that be cool?

0:00 Intro

Most people make the mistake of thinking that the difference between rich people, poor people, and middle-class people is how much money they have.

00:44 Perspective

So, I’m going to give you a little bit of perspective. This is going to be your first lesson in perspective.So, if you are standing at an intersection, this is my best. This is my best illustration of an intersection. You’re standing at an intersection, and you see an accident right there in that intersection. Four different people are standing at this intersection, right? What they see is going to be completely different because of one thing. What’s that? That’s their perspective. If you think about it, your perspective on life is what contributes to your psychology.

02:09 HAJ Have A Job

If you’re this person, your psychology revolves around money, and your name is probably Haj. We’re going to call you Haj, right? You say “Haj?” “What does that mean?” It means “Get A Job.”The way to make money is to have a job. That means you trade a whole bunch of your time for a little bit of somebody else’s. 

03:39 OAJ Own A Job

So what you do is that this “have a job” thing isn’t working.So you go over here, you go over here to this guy, and your name becomes Oaj. You say, “Oaj? Who’s Oaj?” OAJ is “Own A Job.” And most people think they want to become entrepreneurs. And so, what they do is go out and buy a business or start a business where they are the only person working in that business. That’s not owning a business. Most people think they own a business, when what they really own is a job. And I always said to people, “You can get a job for free. “Why would you want to go out and buy one?”And so, there’s a person who goes out and buys some lawnmowers, and they start a landscaping service, or they go out and buy some buckets and some mop heads, and they start a cleaning service.

04:13 OAS Own A System

Instead, you should figure out how to build a system.I love what W. Edwards Demming said. He said, “Systems under which people work account for 90% of the failures. Therefore, the key to success in any endeavor is to perfect the system. Oh, okay. Cool. Got it. So what do I want to do? You don’t want to be this guy. You want to be this guy. You want to be OAS. What’s that? “Own a system.” A system is some mechanism that you use that makes you money every month. 

05:30 SMS Sows Money Seeds

The last guy you want to be is the one you want to be: SMS.Okay, we’ll call him Sams. What does Sam do? SMS “sows money seeds.” What do you do there? You’re investing your money, you’re planting your money in the ground and making that money grow out of the ground. 

So now, over here, your systems are making money. This is why these two people are sad, because you’re using your time to make money. You’re using your time to make money. You’re making more money, but you have less time. Over here, you were using time to make money. You have neither money nor time. Over here, you have more money, but you have no time to enjoy it.

06:09 Different Psychology of the Rich, Poor, and Middle Class

So what is the difference between the psychology of rich people, poor people, and middle-class people? And I’m gonna end with this. Poor people have a mindset that believes the primary purpose of money is to pay bills and buy things.That’s the primary purpose of money. Pay bills and buy stuff. So, they’ll go out, and they’ll find a job that gives them enough money to pay their bills and to buy stuff. So, what happens, if this is what you think the purpose of money is? You will always be poor. You’re not poor because of the job you have. You got the job you have because your psychology was the psychology of poverty. Okay? 

The other thing is that middle-class people and poor people are afraid to take their money and invest it in something that’s going to make more money, because middle-class people and poor people want a guarantee. They want a guarantee, right? But rich people want an opportunity. So if you become the kind of person who seeks opportunities over guarantees and your primary purpose for money is to turn it into more money, then every time you get money, you’re going to be looking for a way to turn it into more money. Congratulations! You’ve developed the psychology of the rich.

Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

Now he is ready to teach you how to duplicate his success and that of his student’s success.

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