Is free speech dead?

0:00 Introduction

We’ve had a lot of chaos over the last couple of years in the United States of America, like chaos in communities and riots. What is that about? I believe it’s about a bunch of children and adult bodies.

By the way, it’s not dead yet, but it’s on its way to being dead. And when free speech dies, freedom dies. Your ability to be free will die. First it’s free thought, then it’s free speech, and then it’s freedom.

00:27 The First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

01:25 Ephesians 4:14–15

“That we may no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, by which they lie and wait to deceive, but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into all things, which is the head, even Christ.”Now, what does all that mean?

The reason I wanted to read that to you is because we’ve had a lot of chaos over the last couple of years in the United States of America. Chaos occurs in communities because of things like riots. I believe it’s about a bunch of children in adult bodies. The difference between a child and a real adult is responsibility. If you lack responsibility and don’t have the ability to respond appropriately, the only thing you can do is react. Reactions are what children do. Responses are what adults do.

02:53 Truth vs. Error

Truth does not require that error remain silent in order for them both to exist in the same space. However, error requires truth to be silent in order for them to stay in the same space. In order for error to be fruitful, to multiply, and to be popular, the truth has to be silent. That is why there is such a concerted effort in the minds of the people, who already know they’re wrong, to silence the voices that oppose them. If I really believe something, I can believe it all by myself.

All truth has to do to remove error is to appear.But error must silence the truth.

In America, we have a problem with too many unruly, out-of-control children in adult bodies.They can’t understand the truth; they refuse; they can’t respond properly to authority. They refuse to hear the truth because it makes them feel unsafe.

I still believe that a human being should have the right to believe that something is wrong. I believe that in the United States of America, according to the First Amendment, an adult should have the ability to believe something that’s wrong is right. I believe that anyone has the right to be a racist if they so choose.Even though I believe being a racist is wrong, they have a right to be one. How much time are you going to spend arguing with that person? Exactly zero. Why? Because, as Mark Twain said, “You never argue with an idiot because if you do, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

If I don’t need you to believe what I believe in order for me to believe it, why do you need me to believe or be quiet about what I believe in order for you to hold onto your beliefs?

06:28 Freedom of Speech

We better start letting our voices be heard and stop only having these conversations on the back channel. If you give me room to talk, I’ll give you room to talk.

I believe a person has a right to be a homosexual, but I still believe homosexuality is wrong. I believe a person has a right to smoke cigarettes, but I still believe smoking cigarettes is wrong. I believe a person has a right to commit adultery, but I believe adultery is wrong. I believe that a person has a right to be a racist, even though I believe being a racist is wrong.

And if you don’t have that kind of freedom, we’re going to end up in another situation like antebellum slavery. Another situation like Jim Crow law Another situation like Nazism and what Hitler did to the Jews Because the first thing they do is take away your ability to believe something, and then they take away your ability to proclaim something.

Free speech is dead if we let our country keep going in this direction. And I will stand for a person’s right to be wrong, but I will also stand for my right to be right. And I will defend my right to be right even when I am wrong.

07:44 Truth and Love

Make sure that the truth doesn’t travel faster than love. If you’re going to speak out against something or someone, don’t do it from a place of anger. Do it from a place of love, knowing that you have their best interests at heart. The truth should never travel without love.

“But speaking the truth in love, may it grow up into him who is all things, the head, Christ:”

And so if you wanna come in here, be kind, be nice, be respectful, and you can disagree with me until the cows come home, and I welcome it.

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