Myron Golden 00:00
Are you tired of working your fingers to the bone? Are you tired of working on something that doesn’t seem to be working for you? Have you struggled with figuring out like, I’m really looking to hit my lip, I want to make my family set for life. I was there for a very long time. You don’t have to be there as long as I was there. In fact, I’m going to show you today, access to a, quote, shortcut that can make your family set for life and legacy. And that is this the first statement I’m going to make I got this from Daniel Priestley, he’s the author of oversubscribed. He’s also the author of 24 assets. He’s also the author of the person of influence. This guy made a statement that made so much sense he said, income follows assets.

Myron Golden 00:50
That is one of the most important financial sentences you will ever hear or read in your life. Income follows assets. What does that even mean? Income follows assets. What it means is that people who have in assets have a lot of income, if you own real estate that you rent, income follows that assets, that asset, if you are an author, and you write a book, and then you sell lots of books, income follows assets, if you have an income problem, it’s more than likely an asset problem. If you only have a job, the only asset that you have is your time, because you’re selling your time to somebody else for a little bit of their money, or you’re probably selling a lot of your time for a little bit of somebody else’s money. My recommendation for you would be to start focusing on producing and creating income producing assets. Because income follows assets.

Myron Golden 01:48
Now here’s the formula. Here’s the formula, M S times S S times T S equals assets. What does that even mean? Well, here’s what it means, by the way, these assets. In fact, this is so good. I could spell assets like this income equals assets now. So what is this M S times S S times T S equals asset mindset? And I know mindsets, one word, but I’m writing it as two words, mindset times skill set times toolset equals assets. So when you have when you have the right mindset, and you multiply that times the right skill set, and you multiply that times the right tool set, then you have assets. Now, here’s what’s cool. When I say mindset, everybody talks about mindset, but almost nobody tells you what mindset is, what is mindset? Well, if you think about set, like if I say set the thermostat, what am I doing? I’m setting, I’m deciding in advance what I’d like the outcome to be. And then I’m doing everything that I’m doing around that, where that thermostat is set, when I set the cruise control in my car, and I’m driving, I get to a certain speed.

Myron Golden 03:15
And then I push what the buttons called what set right set means it’s ready, it’s already it’s like it’s already determined. So you have to determine in advance, you have to use your mind in advance to determine where you’re going to go. Now, if you take this concept. And you add to this concept, the concept from Genesis chapter one on the four levels of value, right? By the way, for levels of value, when I say four levels of value, I just did a video on this a couple weeks ago. So I’m not going to go into great detail, but four levels of value, we are paid in direct proportion to the value that we create for somebody other than us. So you are paid in direct proportion to the value you create for somebody other than you. Do you understand what Jesus said, he said, he will be greatest among you. Let him be servant of all the people who serve at the highest level, they serve value to people at the highest level. Here’s the problem. You can’t serve value to someone until you know what’s valuable to that someone. That’s why questions are the answer. That’s why we have to ask our potential clients enough questions to find out what they value.

Myron Golden 04:18
And like I like to say it when I’m when I’m talking to a client, they provide the content, I provide the context, what is the content, the content is the outcome they desire, the content or the results they’d like to have that they’re not currently able to get the content is what they’d like to achieve that they can’t achieve without your solution or my solution. Right? I can’t pretend I can’t create value for someone until I know what’s valuable to that someone. And I find out what it’s valuable to that person by having a conversation, asking questions, and then determining what are their past perceived voids. What are things that they’ve perceived in the past were missing? That’s where our values come from our value has come from things that we perceive were missing in the past. And that in my video when I talked about this, like when I was growing up, I never saw my parents buy a nice car. Never. All the cars my parents bought when I was growing up on the lawn, they might cost $50. I’ve even seen my dad buy a car for $25 they might cost $500.

Myron Golden 05:16
That would be an expensive car for us growing up, right? My parents never bought new cars, they never had car payments, when we were growing up. Never. My parents never like when my brothers decided they were going to start selling cars for a living. I thought they were gonna starve to death because nobody buys new cars. And I thought nobody bought new cars because we didn’t buy new cars. And most people think that everybody else in the world lives their lives, like we live our lives, right. And so cars were a thing. In my life when I was growing up, that was a boy a nice car was something that was void. It was empty. We didn’t have a nice, we didn’t have a nice car. I didn’t my first nice car I bought as an adult, right. So, so past perceived voids, create present pursued values, right, but also, not just past perceived voids. That’s what like, I have nice cars. In fact, like, and I have a nice house to my house. I live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood in a gated community bla bla, but but my cars are worth more than my house. Some people say, Well, your priorities that are out of order. Well, my priorities would be out of order if I were you, right. But I mean, it’s my wife and myself. We live in a five bedroom house, and two of the bedrooms, one’s an office, one’s a biohacking room. And then three of the bedrooms are still used as bedrooms, we don’t need a bigger house to that we can have a bigger house now I could have a 25 bedroom mansion if I wanted to.

Myron Golden 06:34
That’s not something I value. I’ve already lived in a mansion. It was fun. It was great. For the time it lasted. I don’t really have a desire to live in a mansion again. I may buy another mansion eventually, if it’s something that my wife and I decide we want to do at some point in the future, but right now, it’s not a it’s not a it’s not a boy. It’s not something I feel like oh man, I just need to live in a bigger house. I don’t go into all the rooms that are in the house I live in now. Right? Like I go in my dining room three times a year, right? I might go in my living room five times a year. And usually lately, I’ve only gone in my living room when my tailor comes to deliver my suits, right? And I sit down I talk to her in the living room and she shows me the suits and she shows me some other stuff that she wants to sell me. And by the way, like I don’t go in we do know living in the living room. We do know dining in the dining room. I eat in the kitchen.

Myron Golden 07:19
Right What do I need a bigger house for with another formal dining room that’s even bigger for the people that don’t I don’t invite them i like it doesn’t make any sense. Right? So but I like cars. I’ve always I grew up working on cars, but we didn’t have nice cars. So now I have nice cars. right past proceed voyage create present pursued values. But another thing that creates value for people so if you can figure out what they felt like was missing their whole life, or something they feel like is even missing. Now. You can create value for someone because you know what’s valuable to that someone? Does that make sense? Everyone? Yes. Hey there, my friend, I just want to share with you one of the best business books you’ll ever have the opportunity to read. It’s called boss moves. Boss does not mean you bossing me around, or me bossing you around. It’s an acronym that stands for business optimization, success secrets.

Myron Golden 08:00
And this is business optimization success secrets from a million dollar round table. I have one client who read this book and in two months made $800,000 From what he learned, I want to give you the opportunity to get this book by clicking the link below or just go to boss moves and get your copy today. And now back to the video you’re watching. Okay, so the next thing we want to do is we want to understand that present, present perceived virtues also create present pursued values, what I mean present perceived virtues, something that people perceive is good right now. That’s something that’s that we value right now. So I value experiences right now. Right? That’s a present virtue. I like to eat at Eddie V’s prime seafood. That’s my favorite restaurant in Tampa. I don’t know that it’s the best food in Tampa. But it is definitely the best dining experience in Tampa, at least to me, right. I love that. I love ocean time.

Myron Golden 08:56
It’s one of the best dining experiences. And now I want to go and have a good experience with my family where we don’t have to cook anything. We don’t have to clean up anything where they’re going to wait on you hand and foot. Now I know that sounds crazy. But that’s a present. Like if I it’s not even so much that they’re serving me at that level. But when I go with family or I go with friends, the fact that I can see this great service being provided for people that I care about, that’s valuable to me, right. So present, perceived virtues also create present pursued values. So when I know what somebody sees as valuable or important right now now I know what to talk to them about. I know what to offer them. I know what kind of offer to make, right? So second, and thirdly, future, future pursued visions or perceived visions rather, future perceived visions also create present pursued values. So if I there’s an outcome I desire in the future that I’m not achieving right now.

Myron Golden 09:53
But I’d like to achieve it eventually. That’s going to give me something that I can pursue right now as a value as a virtue. So So now the value. Now I know where that person comes from, I know where the value from the past comes from past voids, present, present virtues, future, future visions outcomes they’d like to achieve, but they’re not yet achieving. So when I talk to people about those things, I know I’m talking to them about the right thing on the four levels of value. Okay? Does that make sense? So the lowest, the highest, the lowest level of values implementation, if you are down here on the implementation level of value, when it comes to mindset, skill set and toolset, what happens is you’re gonna make about somewhere between minimum wage and $40,000 a year, you make 40,000 a year, if you’re a manager at Taco Bell, you’re making minimum wage if you’re making tacos at that Taco Bell, right? So somewhere, or if maybe you’re a mechanic, and you might even make 80,000 a year, if you’re a mechanic, you work on a Rolls Royce or a Lamborghini or something, you might make 80,000 a year as an implementer. But the reason it’s hard to create wealth and to set your family up for success on the lowest level of value is because you’re using a limited resource, your muscles, you’re fixing something, you’re moving something you’re cleaning something using a physical resource.

Myron Golden 11:06
Wealth is a spiritual outcome. If you’re using a physical resource to produce a spiritual outcome, the spiritual outcome has to be limited. Or you’re tracking. So wealth is a spiritual outcome. I don’t have time to prove that to you right now. Go back and watch one of my other videos, I don’t know which one watch all of them, it’s bound to be in one of them. I know it’s in one of Okay, so I’m using a physical resource to produce the spiritual outcome. But I’m taking that spiritual, I’m using my muscles, muscles over time, and time is a limited resource. So I’m multiplying a physical resource times a limited resource, and I’m attempting to produce an unlimited result. That’s why I’m stuck. I’m working hard on the wrong thing. People will maintain a state of physical diligent so they can maintain a state of mental laziness. They will work hard at what’s not working, so they don’t have to think about what would work better. I’ve seen people do it, like I’ve watched people do. I’ve got 40 years of experience driving this forklift, I don’t know how to do anything else. I’ve got good news for you, buddy.

Myron Golden 12:02
And bad news. First of all, the bad news, you don’t have 40 years of experience driving a forklift, because don’t take that long to learn how to drop one, you have two weeks of experience repeated over a 40 year time period, that’s very different. Secondly, in 40 years, you can learn how to do brain surgery. So don’t say I don’t know how to do anything, you haven’t taken the time to learn how to do something new, perhaps. But it’s not that you can’t learn it. It’s just that you never thought about it before. Because most people spend so much time working on what’s not working, that they don’t take time to figure out what would work better. Okay, cool, lowest level of value. Second level of value is called unification. Unification is the resource we use down here.

Myron Golden 12:41
As we use our management skills, management skills, we’re managing people who do the thing on the low end, we’re gonna make 40,000 a year managing Taco Bell on the high end, we might make 250,000 a year as a mid level manager at Lockheed Martin. But regardless, we’re managing a group of people who are producing an outcome. That is why we make more money than people who are doing the actual thing. Here’s the problem with that, if you work for a company, and you make $250,000 a year, they want you to know they know they own you, they don’t want to just they don’t want you to just know they own you. They want you to know, they know they own you. So they can say stuff to you. Like, do you think we’re paying you this much money?

Myron Golden 13:17
So you can go to your child’s recital? Right? Do you think we’re paying you this money, this much money, so you can go so you can leave work early and go to your child’s game, there’s a reason we pay you this much money. And it’s so when we say jump, you say hi how on how high on the way up? Right? They want you to know that. Okay, cool. So that’s the second level of value. The third level of value, this is where this is where wealth starts to be created, in fact, well starts to be created at such a high level, I’m going to write this in a different color communication. Communication is the third level is the third level of value. The second highest level of value, the resource you use, right here is your mouth. On the low end, if you sell cars, you can make 100 grand a year. On the high end, if you’re a list actor, or you’re some kind of celebrity, whatever, you might make $100 million a year. That’s pretty cool. And all you’re doing is talking. Now here’s the here’s the caveat, you have to have a mouth. And you have to learn how to use it effectively.

Myron Golden 14:18
Right? So having conversations that create cash flow, creating messages that move the masses, and it might be that you do that on a YouTube channel might be that you do that on a podcast might do like Joe Rogan. Or or, or an Andrew Huberman or Jordan Peterson you might you might be an influencer. You might be an actor like Denzel Washington, you might be a singer, like, like Taylor Swift or Beyonce or whoever. But if you are a communicator, you either you or you may you might write songs like Dolly Parton or you might be an author like Mark Victor Hansen, and his co author Jack Canfield, co authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and it really co authors. They’re co collaborative. as their coach, they they basically collect other people’s stories and put them in a book and sell the books back to the people who gave them the stories. It’s like, that’s a level of genius that I haven’t mastered yet, right? Well, but you’re a communicator, you write books, I write books, people buy my books, people buy my books, every day, we make hundreds and hundreds of dollars a day, sometimes 1000s 1000s of dollars a day selling books, it’s mind blowing, you read a book one time, but a book is an asset.

Myron Golden 15:26
So now when I start, right, develop the mindset to focus above this line. That’s one of the mindsets that I’ve got to master if we’re going to create, if I’m going to set my family up for success, I’ve got to master delivering value at a higher level, not delivering more value at a lower level, you can deliver more value at a lower level and unification or implementation. It’s not going to necessarily equate to wealth. Are y’all tracking? Is somebody say? Yes. Okay. So the highest level of value is imagination. This is people who come up with the best ideas. And then they communicate those ideas to people who can manage the people who fulfill those ideas. And at this level, on the low end, you’re gonna make a million dollars a year. On the high end, it literally could be billions. Imagination, you imagine some software, and you create that software, and you sell that software as a service, and that some people pay you every month for that software like zoom, I pay one of my Zoom accounts, I think I pay $500 a month, the other Zoom account, I pay $300 a month, so I’m just one of their hundreds, one of their millions of clients, and I pay them $800 A month, at wrap your mind around that. What are you at a software that’s gonna be online anyway, regardless of how many people use it, and you have millions of people paying you at least $100 a month, a million people paying you $100 A month is 100 million a month where I come from that better than a sharp stick and I right, so you say Man, what do you say? I’m saying, like, if we will have the right mindset, if we will have the mindset to operate on the imagination level and the communication level, we spend 80% of our time here and only 20% of our time, and effort and energy down here, we’re going to be operating at a higher level, the mindset to focus on solving bigger and better problems, the mindset that says, I know I can get this done the mindset that says, I’m not going to think about solving my problems, I’m going to think about solving other people’s problems.

Myron Golden 17:24
And when I solve other people’s problems are going to pay me enough money so I can solve my problems. Like this will change the game obsess over solving other people’s problems. That is the mindset of somebody who sets themselves up for life and legacy, I’m going to solve big problems. For a lot of other people change the game. I wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer when I was a kid, but I wasn’t a wooden spoon. I remember one time when I was a little kid, I saw this movie about this guy who was in prison. He wrote people letters, he asked them to give him $1 And he just said, I’m gonna just write a million letters and see if I can get people to give me $1 If I do, then I’ll, when I get out, I’ll have a million dollars. Like, okay, get a million people to give you $1 That’s a pretty cool concept. So when I was a little kid, I had this idea, how can I get I used to ask myself all the time, how can I get a million people to give me? $1? How can I get a million people to give me that? How can I get a million people to give me $1? Well, guess what, I get a million people to give me $1 Or you get 100,000 people to give me $10 Or I can get a million people to give me I’m sorry, I can get I can get 10,000 people to give me $100 That’d be pretty cool. I didn’t get 1000 people to give me $1,000 And all that’s a million? Well, if I can solve other people’s problems at a level where 1000 people give me $1,000 That’s a million dollars. What if I could figure out how to get 1000 people to give me $1,000 in one day?

Myron Golden 18:45
What if I could figure out how to get 100 people to give me $10,000 or 10 people to give me $100,000 or one person to give me a million dollars. If we ask better questions, we automatically open up the door of possibility for us to get better answers. And so all of that is mindset stuff. So I got the right mindset. I believe that other people have problems I can solve. Cool. That’s part of the mindset. I believe that other people will be happy to pay me to solve their problems. How do I know that because I’m having to pay people who saw mine. That’s pretty cool. That’s part of my mindset. But then I got to develop a skill set and the skill set that I have to develop the skill set that I have to develop if I’m going to create wealth and set myself up for life and set my family up for legacy. The most important skill sets I have to develop are communication and imagination skills. I improve both of those simultaneously. By reading books and taking notes on my thoughts. I literally in Crete improved my ability to think and I improved my ability to talk, to speak, to write to communicate by reading. There’s nothing we do that is better. mental exercise than reading books. I also love to listen to audiobooks. But I like if I listen to a really, really good audio book, after I listen to it, I’m going to read it. I’m going to read it.

Myron Golden 20:13
So I can take notes on my thoughts while I’m reading it. And when I take notes on the thoughts that I’m reading, so I’m a little weird. And I learned this little methodology for my daughter, when I’m reading a book, and I’m taking notes. Sometimes I’ll highlight something in the book, but I’ll use sticky notes. And I’ll write down my thoughts about what they said on a sticky note. And I’ll put it on that page in the book. And some pages have 15 sticky notes on one page. Like books that are really really like dense and thick and rich with content. I’m going to have 15 sticky notes, I’m going to tell you one of the most valuable things you will ever learn to do with with regard to mindset and the skill set of communication. When you listen to a sermon, I learned this from Charlie tremendous Jones and his book Life is tremendous. I learned this when I was 21 years old. And learning this one concept has made me millions of dollars. Here’s what he said, When you go to a seminar or you read a book, or you listen to a sermon, and somebody says something that really resonates with you don’t write down what they said, Write down what you thought of as a result of what they said, it changed my life, changed my life.

Myron Golden 21:12
That’s why I call when I read a book, the notes that I take, I call it Charlie jonesing. I Charlie Jones the content. So now I got an idea. From Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln said, I will prepare myself and perhaps my time will come. Myron golden says, my time is going to come whether I prepare myself or not. If I’m prepared, when my time comes, it will reveal me if I’m not prepared, it will expose me. I don’t desire to be exposed I desire to be revealed. Right? So I’m going to make sure I’m prepared. What did I do, I didn’t write down what I didn’t just write down what he said, I wrote down what I thought of as a result of what he said, By the way, which does all kinds of amazingly crazy things in the minds of people when you’re communicating. That’s what I mean, when I say get better, at speaking get better at thinking. So mindset, the most important mindset is like if it’ll work for somebody else, and oh, to work for me, if I can solve somebody else’s problem, they’ll happily pay me, I’m gonna solve a lot of other people’s problems. That’s part of my mindset. Part of my mindset is, it’s easy to make a lot of money in a short period of time and just make a little money over a long period of time as part of my mindset.

Myron Golden 22:17
So when I believe that like when I really believe that you know what I do, when I see a little an opportunity to pick up a penny, and I have to slow down too much. I’m talking, talking, figuratively pick up a penny not physically. And I’m on my way to get $100,000 paycheck, I don’t slow down enough to pick up a penny, if it’s gonna cause me to miss my appointment to pick up that $100,000. And so what most people do is they will, they will slow their their momentum to pick up pennies on their way to fortunes. By being distracted by things that don’t add to the mission, they are already on your track. And, and so what I want to do is I want to make sure, I want to make sure that I stay focused, and somebody calls me says, Hey, man, I’ve got an opportunity, you can make $50,000. And when you look at it, it’s gonna cost me more than $50,000. To look at it, I don’t want to look at it. Now, if you’d have said $50 million, maybe you would have piqued my interest. Not that I’m so focused, not that I’m, I’m so rich that I don’t care about $50,000.

Myron Golden 23:22
But I have to be careful how much I care about $50,000. Because I don’t want $50,000 to cost me 100 million. I don’t want to be working on a $50,000 opportunity. When the 100,000 when the 100 million dollar opportunity that I’ve been working on is going to suffer? Are you tracking, so we have to prioritize, and all good money isn’t good. Some good money, we just have to ignore it. I get it. It’s a real opportunity. I get it, it’s viable, I get it, you can make some money. But if it’s going to cost me more in time, effort energy than it’s worth, and it’s going to distract me from what I’m already focused on. I can’t I have to ignore it. I’m working on a $250 million offer right now. A $50,000 offer is a distraction. You might be working at a 20 hour $20 An hour job, what $50,000 opportunity to you is not a distraction. So it’s different depending on where you are on the all set hierarchy.

Myron Golden 24:14
Okay, so skill set, skill set, you want to develop, like cognitive thinking skills, communicative speaking skills. Those are some of the skills like if you if you have something good, but you can’t say it in a way that helps people see it’s good. And that solves the problem, it doesn’t matter that you have something good. So you want to have the right skill set. And then to set what is the tool set that you need? Well, sometimes the tool set is in somebody else’s toolbox. What does that mean? That means you don’t have to be good at all the things that need to be done, but you have to either surround yourself with somebody that’s good or you have to be good yourself. I remember when we first started making videos, like when I first started shooting video, I had to learn how to use a camera. I didn’t know like a video camera. I didn’t do You got a white balance what’s what’s white balance? You got to white balance the camera. If you don’t white balance the camera the cameras confused what do you mean?

Myron Golden 25:07
Well, cameras are not just cameras cameras or computers these days. White balance means you’re teaching the camera what white is because once it knows what white is, it automatically knows what every other color is. Right? You have to adjust your exposure so it’s not overexposed, not so bright that it’s blowing out the picture. Right but it’s can’t be so dark that you can’t see what’s going on. Right you have to find that. And so the the tool set might be a tool set that you hire somebody else to use for you because either you don’t have the time or the know how or the inclination to do it. Just the desire. There stuff people in my team are great at. I’m terrible at Karina is our social media genius. I’m terrible at social media. Terrible. Jose is a video editing genius. I’m terrible at video editing, Miranda’s video editing. I’m terrible at that. Like there are people in our organization who are great at stuff that I’m terrible at. And there are other people on our team who are great. So I’m not naming people because I’m giving people credit. I’m naming people to help you understand that you have to surround yourself with people who are strong, where you’re weak and who are good where you’re bad.

Myron Golden 26:08
That’s part of the toolset. Sometimes the tools are your tools, like my tools or words. Right? My tools are illustrations. My tools are concepts. So I gotta have the mindset, the skill set and the toolset. And when I take these things and put them together in concert, what happens is I start producing results that give me assets. And the conversation we started with this income follows assets. You think you have an income problem, but the reality is you have an asset problem. If you will spend more time, effort and energy creating assets, assets that bring value to other people. People will pay you for that income can follow your assets and then you can start compounding your assets. If you start compounding your assets, your income will compound automatically. How do you set yourself up for life and legacy? With the right mindset times the right skill set is the right tool set. It will produce assets that income can follow. If you want to watch another video of mine that will really help you in the wealth creation game. Watch the video on called it’s easy to get rich. It’ll change your life for the rest of your life. Thanks for watching peace out Cub Scouts

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

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