Myron Golden 00:00
Are you tired of feeling like your back is against the wall financially? Are you tired of feeling like you’ve got more month left at the end of the money than you do money at the end of the month, you’re tired of raking and scraping and robbing Peter to pay Paul, and there’s a knock on the door. And Pope, both Peter and Paul are there at the same time telling you, we want our money. You’re tired of struggling financially, and running out of money and feeling like you’re broke and like you’ll never get caught up and never get ahead. This is the video for you. Why? Because I’ve discovered something mind blowing, I call it the ultimate infinite asset, the ultimate infinite asset. So why do I call it the ultimate infinite asset. And because income follows asset, the thing that you need to focus on if you desire for your life to get better is you need to focus on creating more assets. What is an asset an asset is something that you create, that’s a solution for somebody else’s problem that they give you the they exchange give you money for it.

Myron Golden 00:57
So there are a lot of different kinds of assets in the world and a lot of different kinds of asset classes. But the kind of asset that I’m talking about is not the kind that you’ve heard of before. No, I’m not talking about stocks. Those stocks are great. I’m not talking about real estate real estates. Great. I’m not talking about financial instruments. I’m not talking about cryptocurrency. I love cryptocurrency not talking about that either. How about something way bigger than all of that. And by the way, I think all those assets are good, but none of them are infinite. None of them are the ultimate infinite asset. So what is the ultimate infinite asset? Well, before I tell you what that is, let me tell you how income follows assets. If I am in the real estate business, and I buy a property, and I’m a flipper, so I buy a house for $150,000, I put $50,000 in it, and I sell it for 350,000. Or I put, I put 50,000, I sell it for 350,000. I make $150,000 profit, right, because I bought the house for 150. I put 50,000. So I’ve got $200,000 in the house, then I sell it for 350.

Myron Golden 02:01
That $150,000. Profit is my money, that’s my income. And it followed the asset of number one, the house, but the house by itself wasn’t an asset, it needed me to add some of my money to it to make it more valuable. And then it needed me to add my creativity to it to make that property to take that money added to that property and make it more valuable to the people who are going to buy it, maybe I put a new kitchen, maybe I put a new bathroom, maybe I put some paint, who knows whatever I put in it, I made the asset more valuable. And then I sold it for more than I bought it for and I get to keep the difference. That difference is called profit. If I say profit, so that’s profit. Now profits are good. That’s one way to make money. You can also buy a building a house, and you can rent it. And let’s say your mortgage is $2,000. And you rent it for $2,700.

Myron Golden 02:49
You make $700 profit per month, you multiply that $700 profit times 12 months, and you’re making what is that? 80? Or 8484? Is that right? Yeah, at $400 a month profit, I mean a year profit. That’s, that’s great. All that’s great. Or are you gonna get an apartment building where that apartment building, let’s say you got 100 units and that apartment building, and you have positive cash flow of $100 per month on each one of those positive cash flow, meaning the difference between the mortgage on the whole building and the amount you collected rent, you make 100,000, you make $100 a month positive cash flow on all 100 units, that’s $10,000 a month because 100 times 100 is 10,000, that’s $120,000 a year. That’s great. All that’s great. Or you can buy some stock. And if you buy stock, there are different ways to make money in the stock market, you could buy the stock, and you could buy it at $27 sell it at $37. And if you buy 1000 shares, it went up $10, you made $10,000 profits. Here’s the problem with those. Those are not infinite assets. Those are limited assets. They’re good assets, but they are still limited, regardless of whether you’re buying Bitcoin at 20,000 and selling it at 31.

Myron Golden 04:02
Or if you’re buying ether at 1000 and selling it at 2000. They are limited. Here’s why they’re limited because when you sell the asset, and you get the money, yes, you have the money but you no longer have the asset or your tracking. So it’s not infinite and not the gift that keeps on giving. I’ve got a good friend. He owns an oil company. His grandfather is the person who discovered the Exxon oil field. The Exxon oil he I don’t know if he discovered he worked in the field. He bought it this field after it stopped producing he fracked it and it brought in new oil in this family. They just get money every month because they own these oil wells. How many y’all like to own oil wells? I mean, that’s, that’s pretty infinite. That’s a pretty infinite asset, except if he sells the oil company, he no longer has the asset. Right? So even even even assets that produce quote, passive income or passive profits or massive Passive Profits, they’re not infinite assets, because when you sell them you have to money but you no longer have the asset.

Myron Golden 05:01
Now what is the ultimate inset income asset? Well ultimate infinite asset, the ultimate That’s a tongue twister, the ultimate infinite asset What is it is an offer? An offer is the ultimate infinite asset. What does that mean? That means I can create an offer, I can sell that offer, somebody pays me for that offer. And when they pay me for that offer, I have the money. But I still have the offer. Oh, snap. Hey, thanks for watching this video. I hope you’re enjoying it. But I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the make more offers challenge the make more offers challenge. We do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any business, I want to invite you to join us on the make more offers challenge, click the link in the description below, you will be glad you did join us a VIP, and you make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Myron Golden 05:57
And now, back to the video, you’re watching what just happened. I think I just broke my own brain. You don’t get that. See the difference. This is this can create wealth on a level that’s almost unimaginable. Because what happens when you create an offer is you get to sell the offer and you get to keep the offer. Now one, one such offer. Let’s start on the low end is a book. I write the book, by the way, y’all do understand, this thing I’m holding in my hand is not the book. Y’all understand that right? The thing I’m holding in my hand, it’s a physical manifestation of the reality of the book. But the book is the words that are on the page and the ideas that it generates in your mind when you read it. That’s the book. So the book is the offer. Guess what? I wrote this book one time in my whole life. It pays me every day. Now I gotta get it printed. Right? So I gotta pay to get it printed. But this book sells for $30 sells for $30 and $9.99. Shipping and handling. And we make money. I’m being very transparent here. Because why?

Myron Golden 07:12
Because I’m showing you how to do what I do. We make money on the printing we make because it doesn’t cost us $30 to print this book, it cost us about $3. So it costs us $3 We turn $3 and $30. How much return is that? What kind of returns that that’s 1,000%. That’s 1,000% profit 1,000% return on my money. You take $3 you turn into $30. That’s 1,000% markup, what 1,000%. That’s better than the s&p 500. That’s better than the NASDAQ was better than the Dow Jones because I take $3 and I turn it into the $30 over and over and over and over again. And by the way, I only created this one time I wrote this book one time, it took me a year and a half to write. Man once I got it done. Like we sell these books all day every day, we sell between 18,030 $1,000 worth of these books a month while the book funnel does that, because you got some upsells and cross sells and other stuff that it does, right? But this is an offer.

Myron Golden 08:12
So now, how can you take $3 worth of paper and turn it into $30 worth of profit? You do that by turning the book into an offer. I’ve got a guy in one of my coaching programs name is Mike. He’s like Dude, I’m gonna tell you right now he was given a testimony. He said, he said when I saw that you were selling that paperback book. For $30. I was mad. He said I was really mad. He said, Man, I watched the video and you explained it and it made perfect sense to me. And then I bought it. What was the was the video? The video explained the offer? What’s the offer? The offer is I was I get $40,000 an hour for coaching. You say man? How do you get $40,000 for an hour for coaching like this, when they say how much is for you to coach me an hour, it’s $40,000. Here are the wire instructions. That’s how you get $40,000 an hour for coaching.

Myron Golden 09:09
Okay. Now, I’m being a little facetious. But I know in an hour if somebody already has a business and their business is making money, I can increase their profits way more than 40,000. In fact, if they’ve got a real business with real profits, I can take that business in an hour and show them how to generate an extra $400,000 In less than an hour. If that’s not worth $40,000 to them, then they’re probably not smart enough for me to coach him anyway. And I’m okay with that. Right. So I charged $40,000 an hour for coaching. This book is based on a two hour

Myron Golden 09:42
roundtable discussion that I had at Funnel Hacking live. I coached a group of entrepreneurs Ryan was one of those right? You were there. You stay there the whole time you didn’t you? Yeah, he stayed. He stayed at my because there were like 100 round tables in there. And people were going to different ones. So I stayed there for two hours. But guess what I did? I didn’t just teach the stuff I taught I recorded it Now I took the transcript. And I record, I took the recording turned into his transcript that took the transcript. And I hired an editor. And we together built this book, we turned those concepts into a book that I now sell. Now, here’s what you can do. You can either pay me $40,000, or pay me ad, and I’ll coach you for two hours. And I’ll teach you everything in this book. Or you can pay me $30 For the book and pay 10 $9.99 cent shipping and handling. And you can get the exact same information, which would you rather do? They say, man, if you charge $40,000 an hour for the coaching? Why would you put it in a book that you sell for $30 Because I don’t like doing one on one coaching. So it saves me the headache and it saves you the money and everybody wins. That’s, this is so awesome.

Myron Golden 10:45
But I wrote the book once. And every time I sell it $30 profit share, Myron, you don’t make $30 profit cost 3000 print the book I know. But we make we make profit on the shipping and handling as well. So I actually make a little bit more than $30. Okay, now, you say I can’t believe you take advantage of people, I didn’t take an advantage on that they want the information back onto them a huge favor. Now Yeah, I made a little bit of money, but I saved them $80,000. Like there’s, that’s it doesn’t get any better than that. See an offer. An offer is an opportunity to give a potential client to exercise their desire to buy or otherwise obtain the thing are the things that you’ve helped them realize they desired all along at a price that you previously decided on. And they’ve subsequently agreed to, because they agreed to it, you decided on it, you’re not taking advantage of anybody, you’re just making them what an offer an offer is an opportunity, or you will track it. So that’s an offer. I create the offer. We put up the funnel a couple of years ago, that makes money all day long. Okay, that’s an offer. We’ve got our challenge coming up, we do a challenge once a month, it’s called the make more offers challenge. Well, the make more offers challenge. It has three levels of participation. It’s $97, for general admission, which means when you do general mission, here’s what you get to do.

Myron Golden 12:02
You get to come to a Facebook group, you get to watch me teach five days in a row for an hour a day, all these business concepts that are in this book. So the challenge, pretty much is this book. And me teaching it over five days an hour a day. That’s pretty cool, right? Nice to know, or you can be a VIP, you’re a VIP, you get to come an hour early. And you get to listen to me answer questions for high level business people in that VIP experience. And I promise you, if you do that someone is going to ask a question or a bunch of questions that you have. And I’m going to answer those questions for them. And while I’m answering it for them, I’m also going to answer it for you. That’s pretty exciting. Right? That’s, I think that’s pretty amazing. Okay, cool. So now we got, we got that we got the VIP, the VIP experience is $297. Now, excuse me, the the general admission does not have a money back guarantee, it only has one guarantee, I guarantee you, when you pay me the $97 I guarantee you, I’m going to keep it.

Myron Golden 13:00
Okay, that’s the guarantee. Right? Because I don’t know, if you’re watching, I don’t know, if you’re paying attention, there is no money back guarantee, there’s no money back guarantee, there’s like, here’s what you do you pay for it, you can show up or not, I’m not gonna babysit, you show up or don’t show up, you’re not getting a refund, right? It’s that good. However, if you are a VIP, you do the VIP experience. And you show up for the challenge every day for the hour before and the hour of the challenge and you have your camera turned on.

Myron Golden 13:24
So I can tell that you’re paying attention. And you just show up the whole week, do the assignments, there’s simple assignments, like, I’ll take you maybe 10 or 15 minutes at night, every day I give you homework to do you do assignment, at the end of the week, if you don’t feel like it was worth 10 times what you paid for. In other words, if you don’t believe these two hours a day was worth $2,970, you just let me know at the end of the week, I’m gonna give you your money back. And by the way, I’m not going to argue with you about it, I’m not gonna I’m not gonna be mad at you, I’m gonna give you your money back, we’re still going to be friends. And I’m gonna let you keep all the bonuses that you got when you signed up as a VIP. And don’t get any more fair than that. Because at least I can tell you’re not trying to take advantage of. Okay, that’s the VIP experience. And then we have one more one week before the challenge starts.

Myron Golden 14:07
We have we open up the door for platinum platinum. So we’re platinum is platinum for people who pay an extra $300 on top of the VIP experience to ask questions. And guess what? That we only have 50 of those. Once those 50 are sold, we have no more. They’re all gone. Okay, so think about you get to come to two hours a day of training. Plus, if you pay for an extra $300 You get to ask me at least one question. Sometimes, if we don’t have that many or if I answer their questions really, really fast, they get to ask more than one question. So for less than the $80,000 you get to even ask me a question and I answer your question. I answer the questions of other people. Now that’s an offer. We usually sell between 45,090 $1,000 worth of tickets a month. Guess what? We sell those tickets. We sell that admission to that challenge.

Myron Golden 15:00
We get the money, but we still have the offer. Or y’all track it. We have coaching programs that we sell, we got coaching programs that we sell that range anywhere from $2,000 on the low end all the way up to a million dollars on the high end, when I sell the offer, after I sell it, I still have the offer. And I have the money. It’s like the greatest thing ever. So I had this aha. And make sure I’m not going overtime here. So I had this aha. That made me realize why poor people and middle class people feel like everything is expensive. Like I don’t feel like anything’s expensive. To me, everything costs the same amount. It costs me enough creativity to come up with an offer. But to poor people, middle class people, they feel like everything’s expensive, because they’re paying for things with money they exchange their time for so they feel like they’re paying for everything with their life because they are or you’re tracking.

Myron Golden 15:58
And so what happens is, when I pay for something with money I’ve exchanged my time for I’m looking at everything and evaluating how much of my life it’s worth, if I make $50,000 a year, and I look at a car. Well, I’ve also got to pay tax on that. 50,000. So I have to ask myself, Is this car worth two years of my life? Right? And then I have to say, yes, it is no, it isn’t when I buy a house, a $500,000 house. Now is this worth, like 50 years of my life because of the interest on the house? And the taxes they say, is this worth that much of my life. And so I’m always evaluating like, Okay, I make $50 an hour is is this $5 worth of gas worth six minutes of my time. And then if I’m getting 10 gallons, is it worth a half an hour if I’m getting 20 gallons, is it worth an hour of my life, because you’re literally paying for things with your life. This, by the way, offers don’t just increase your wealth, they also increase your experiential life. They don’t increase necessary necessarily your chronological life, but they increase your experiential life.

Myron Golden 17:04
So too many people measure the quality of their life by the number of years of experience they have doing the thing, but will we I believe we will be better off doing is if we measure our the quality of our life by the number of experiences we put in our years. And if you make more money faster, it gives you the money to put more and better experiences into your years. So collapse timeframes make money faster, everybody already makes enough money to be rich. I already did a video on this a long time ago. But everybody, you already make enough money to be rich. But the problem is you just don’t make it fast enough. So if you take the amount of money you make every year, start making that amount every month, congratulations, you’re rich, you’re 12 times richer than you were you’re making that much every year, you take the amount of money you make every month, you make that amount of money every week, congratulations, you’re four times richer than you were when you were making that amount of money every month, you take the amount of money you make every week and you make that amount of money every day, you’re seven times richer than you were when you were making it a week.

Myron Golden 17:55
So just you have to do is you have to shorten the gestation period, you have to speed up the rate at which you earn revenue. That’s where wealth is created. wealth is created in speed. It is not created in more money. Okay, you’re tracking now? How do we how do wealthy creative entrepreneurs pay for them, we pay for things according to our creativity. Now, what does that mean? Not from my creativity, not with my creativity, not out of my creativity. Because when I pay for something according to my creativity, I still have the thing that I created, but I still have the creativity with which I created. And when I sell it, I still have the offer. Like when I create an offer, I get everything and I lose nothing. So it doesn’t matter if I’m buying a car, or if I’m buying these tech tax costs the same amount. It cost me an offer this bottle of water this iPhone, they cost me the same amount. They cost me an offer, the clothes that I’m wearing the house that I live in the vacations that I take, they all cost the same amount, they cost me an offer.

Myron Golden 18:57
But if you start looking at, okay, when I want to buy something, I’m not going to pay for things with money that I exchanged my time for anymore. I want to start paying for everything that I pay for it in my life with an offer on a by a private island, I’m going to create an offer that will pay for the island. I want to buy a mountain I’m going to create an offer to pay for the mountain. If I want to buy a car, I’m going to create an offer to pay for the car, I want to buy a suit of clothes, I want to educate my children I want to buy whatever I want to retire my parents I want to do whatever I’m from now on instead of exchanging time for money, I’m going to create an offer to pay for everything I desire to have in my life. If you will live like this, it will change your life for the rest of your life. I literally this is this is not theory. In fact, I did not read this in a book. I did not see it on a video. I just noticed one day that this is what I was doing. I

Myron Golden 19:40
was like, this is cool. I should share this with people. This is a great way to live. See most people don’t realize and the ones who are the really, really who don’t even listen to what they say let alone what anybody else says are the ones that money’s not that important to me. So why are you working eight hours a day 12 hours a day for it if it doesn’t matter to you? I’m not doing that. I submit to you, if you’re working eight to 12 hours a day, 16 hours a day for money, it means more to you than you think it means. And you can make it you can, you can make it mean a lot like, here’s what here’s what’s interesting, you should go watch the video that I did. Money is not wealth. Because money is not wealth. Money is just an exchange, a store and exchange of value. That’s what money does. Money stores the wealth that you’ve created, you exchange the wealth that you created, but money is not well, what is wealth, wealth is the value that you create for someone other than you. That’s what wealth is, you will be wealthy in direct proportion, you create value for someone other than you. It’s what you do at your job, you do something at your job that the your employer does not want to do.

Myron Golden 20:52
And they pay you because you bring that value to their life. So here’s the here’s the difference between you and me, you’ve made an offer to one person I make an offer to the world. You take that same offer you’re making right now, if you’re making $40,000 a year doing what you’re doing for one person, you’re making $70,000 a year doing what you’re doing for one person, what if you made that same offer to more than one person, here’s what’s really interesting about it. You have learned skills, maybe you’ve learned how to paint or you’ve learned how to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, whatever you learn how to do, you’ve learned the skill, and you’ve practiced it, and you’ve gotten better. You know, it’s amazing, the two highest levels of value are imagination and communication. Sad but true.

Myron Golden 21:36
Most people don’t practice thinking, and they don’t practice talking. But if you practice thinking, and practice communicating, and worked on getting better at thinking and better at communicating, here’s what you would be able to eventually get really, really good at, you get good at thinking up thinking up and thinking of solutions that solve other people’s problems. And then you’d get better at putting those solutions into words. So people will be happy to exchange the money they have for the solution. If you will start living like this, what will happen for you is you can tap into the ultimate infinite asset, an asset that you can create and sell and still have it and still have the money. It’ll change your life if you start living like this. So go change your life. Go create an offer, go exchange it for somebody else’s money and tap into the goldmine that is you and I’ll see you on the next video. Peace out Cub Scouts

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

Now he is ready to teach you how to duplicate his success and that of his student’s success.

There are 2 things that we can highly recommend. And I do mean highly. Not saying that you will get the same result, but in his Make More Offers Challenge that we took, during the 5 Week Challenge, we picked up an extra $30,000 that we would not have made. And that number may turn out to be10x that depending on what happens.

Click On This Link To Check It Out. The Make More Offers Challenge.

Click On This Link For The Best Selling BOSS Moves Book

This book shows you how to increase sales by 2x, 5x, and even 10x!

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