Jumbo Polymer Water Balls
These water balls expand into jumbo balls when soaked in water. The little water beads are made from a water-absorbing polymer. As the water balls or water beads absorb water, they will continue to grow.
How To Profit from Your Problem
Hey, there’s time for you to start winning, it’s time for you to stop being a victim. And when I say stop being a victim, what does that mean? Well, I think people have some erroneous beliefs about life, and the things that happened to them, like a lot of people would like to use the things that hav […]
Steve Jobs Changed The World In 10 Words
See, people think Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all times- when I say great, most successful entrepreneurs of all times- because he was an innovator. Steve Jobs was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, because he was a great imaginator and he was a great commun […]
Rich God, Poor God? Part 3
“I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve.” Your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity in Christ. God gave Adam and Eve a word in Genesis Chapter 2 Verses 16 and 17: “And the Lord God, commanded of the man saying, “Of every tree of the garden, thou may freely eat.” Which tree? Ev […]
Rich God Poor God Part 2
Satan can only get something from you when he steals something from you. What does he steal? He steals your belief in the word of God and gets you to believe in the word of Satan. By the way, this is not a new, this is not some new thing that Satan’s. Go read Second Corinthians Chapter 11 in Verse N […]
Rich God Poor God Part 1
The definition of success is to do the thing we were created to do. Success is if you have something that’s expensive, but it’s not being used for what it was created for. You have to yield to the creator for the purpose for which you were created. You may be high achieving in an arena for which you […]
The Longer Crowbar Channel
Hello, everyone! Andrew Anderson here with the longer crowbar. When you see this video, we’ll be here, and this one’s out of the way. So, haven’t updated this two years ago, and we are reinvigorating, and I finally got around to it. One of those things that’s hard to find, but when you find ’em, yo […]
Have Conversations That Create Cash Flow
Wealth starts to be created on the next level of value. This is the second highest level of value and where wealth begins to be created. It’s called communication. The resource that you use on this level is called a mouth. Now, there is a caveat. You have to have a mouth and you have to learn how to […]
4 Moves To Scale Your Business Fast
Learn the four moves that when applied can move any business forward. And hear from some of Myron’s students that have exploded their business using this concept.
How Rich People Think About Money
Listen in as Myron Golden shares the psychology of money that he learned that took him from a trash man to making millions of dollars.