The Word On Words Being the Way to Wealth

People oftentimes mistakenly think the physical world is the real world. And the invisible world is some kind of invisible representation. I promise you, you got it backwards. The invisible world is the real world. The physical world is a manifestation of that reality. Just like this table, just like this phone, just like this water is made. Even though I can hold it in my hand and I can see it with my eyes. It’s made of invisible molecules that I cannot see.

The Power of Your Words To Create

Most people don’t realize how powerful words are, but your words literally create your wealth or the lack thereof. How? “Myron, are you talking about speaking things into existence?” No, I’m not talking about that because in the scripture, the only one who speaks anything into existence is God.

The One Tool Used By The Highest Paid People

Some of the highest paid people in the planet are actors, film script writers, singers, songwriters, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, talk show hosts. What’s the tool? They use words. Words. We all have them. Some of us don’t like to use ’em.

Rich God, Poor God Part 4

“For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof then you shall be as God’s knowing good and evil.” See all of the subtle implications that caused Eve to come to a conclusion that we often come to, too: if you don’t do what God said do, you’ll be more like God. If you focus on lack and take your attention off of your abundance, you will be more like God.

Are Wealth and Abundance Spiritual

One of the biggest problems we have in the world today, too many humans have encouraging words that they give to another person that cost them nothing but the intention and care to do it. And they withhold. I mean, you don’t have to go take any money out your checking account. You don’t have to put anything on your credit card. Walk past a human being and rather look at the ground than to acknowledge the God likeness in another human being.

How to Get $5,000 a Month Passive Cash Flow

You want to create what’s known as a continuity program. What is a continuity program? It is something that you buy once but pay for monthly. Netflix is a continuity program. Amazon Prime Video’s a continuity program. Apple Music is a continuity program. So then the question becomes what kind of continuity program can we create? Cause I’m not gonna start Netflix. I got here too late for that, right?

How Steve Jobs Changed The World In 10 Words

See, people think Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all times- when I say great, most successful entrepreneurs of all times- because he was an innovator. Steve Jobs was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, because he was a great imaginator and he was a great communicator.

Rich God, Poor God Part 3

“I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve.” Your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity in Christ. God gave Adam and Eve a word in Genesis Chapter 2 Verses 16 and 17: “And the Lord God, commanded of the man saying, “Of every tree of the garden, thou may freely eat.” Which tree? Every tree. How to eat? Freely eat.

Rich God, Poor God Part 2

Satan can only get something from you when he steals something from you. What does he steal? He steals your belief in the word of God and gets you to believe in the word of Satan. By the way, this is not a new, this is not some new thing that Satan’s. Go read Second Corinthians Chapter 11 in Verse Number Three: “and the apostle Paul said, I fear less by any means. That as the serpent beguiled Eve-” ‘beguiled’ means tricked. ” Beguiled Eve, through his subtlety-” He deceived her through his subtlety.

Rich God, Poor God Part 1

The definition of success is doing the thing we were created to do. Success is having something expensive that’s not being used for what it was created for. You have to yield to the creator for the purpose for which you were created. You may be high-achieving in an arena for which you were not created. You may have a lot of money but not be operating for the purpose for which you were created. Then you’re not successful. You may be wealthy but not successful.