sales, greedy, needy, seed, overcharge, selling, overcharging, salesperson, reap, sow, people, dollars, stop, moves, gold, 10x, charge, understand, 1000s, means

Myron Golden 00:00
Congratulations, you’re watching this video because you want to be better at sales and you’re about to discover what it takes to be better at sales. Because you’re listening to someone right now, who’s done millions of dollars in sales, I’ve done millions of dollars in sales one on one nose to nose, toes, the toes, belly to belly across the kitchen table. I’ve done millions of dollars in sales on the internet, I’ve done millions of dollars in sales from the stage. In fact, just last week, as crazy as it sounds. Just last week, I did a presentation where we did $3.1 million in sales in about two and a half hours. So I’m not going to share with you any theory today I’m going to share with you the secret psychology of sales success, how to become the greatest salesperson in the world, not Augmon Dino greatest salesperson and well but how to become the greatest salesperson in the world that you can become. And if you’ll do these three things, it’s gonna change your sales life forever. So if you’re ready, get your pen and paper handy because I got some writer downers for you.

Myron Golden 00:53
Here we go. Number one, if you want to be used the secret psychology of sales success, number one, don’t be greedy. Now, man, what’s your definition of greedy, my definition of greedy is desiring your outcome more than you desire, their outcome if desiring, greedy is desiring more than you deserve to have because of the work you’ve done. That’s greedy, like overcharging, or underperforming, both of those are attributes of greedy people. So on the front end, you can’t overcharge. Now I charge that’s coming from somebody who charges a lot of money for people to work with me, but I don’t overcharge. Say What do you mean? Well, we’ve got my inner circle, which is $155,000. We’ve got our King Solomon’s court, which is 55,000 out, we have our VIP days, which are $350,000 We have our King Solomon’s royal family, which is a million dollars a year those by the way, all those prices are yearly prices. Now, I’m telling you, I’ve got these high prices. And I’m saying don’t overcharge. Well, man, aren’t you overcharging I’m not overcharging because the people who do what I teach them to do, we’ve got people that are we got dozens and dozens of people who’ve earned million dollar day awards for doing over a million dollars in revenue in a single day.

Myron Golden 02:07
We’ve got even dozens more who got 100k Day awards. I think last year, we had five people who got a $5 million day award. And last year, we had one person who did over $11 million in a single day in revenue. So so when I say don’t overcharge, I’m not saying don’t have premium value offers, of course, our premium value offers have a $5,000 offer or 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000 or 100,000 or 300, or whatever, whatever matches, your ability to fulfill. So charging a high price and overcharging are the same thing. I feel like I’m overcharging somebody, if I can’t help them 10x Their investment into the service that I provide. By the way, when somebody invest into a service I provide, they’re not investing in me, they’re investing in themselves through me. So if you invest in yourself through me, then I’m going to make sure that I do everything in my power to help you 10x That investment. So somebody pays me $55,000 Because I know if they do what I teach them to do, they can make $550,000 In the next 12 months. And a lot of it didn’t take that long.

Myron Golden 03:11
So if I charged somebody $155,000 Because I know that in next 12 months, they can make $1.5 million. I like there’s no doubt in my mind about by charged somebody $350,000 for a VIP day. I know they could make $3.5 million in the next 12 months, but they do what I say. So don’t be greedy. Don’t overcharge. Like just because, okay, for instance, I’ve got a friend who wrote a book called high ticket book Secrets. And he had books that he had one book three sold for 2000 Another book sold for 5000. And people bought them. That’s great. But that doesn’t mean I need to sell click in order for brick and mortar or trash man to cash man or boss moves for 2000 to $5,000 Do I think it’s worth that much I think somebody could make could 10x their result 100% If I sold boss moves for $5,000 Somebody can easily make $50,000 We got a guy in our inner circle who bought boss moves and within two months made $800,000 Right from the stuff he learned in a book that we sell for $30. So yes, yes, I charge a lot for the things I sell, but I don’t overcharge. Okay, that’s number one. Don’t be greedy. That’s like Don’t be greedy. Number two, don’t be needy. Was that mean? Don’t need people to buy don’t sell because you need to make some money. Right? Don’t if you do need to make some money.

Myron Golden 04:27
That’s fine. You need to make some money. We all have to make some money. But don’t be thinking about the fact that you need to make a sale when you’re selling. Like one of the reasons I’m good at selling and you will get better at selling if you just totally divorce yourself from the need for Yes. Like I don’t tell me yes or tell me no. Tell me now. I gotta go. Right. SW SW. SW. SW N What does that mean? Some will some won’t. So what someone’s waiting next, like stop trying to talk people into buying what you sell. Don’t be needy. Selling is not convincing when you’re trying to convince People you come across as needy when you come across as needy. Nobody wants to nobody wants to buy anything from you. Nobody wants to buy something from you to do you a favor. Nobody wants to buy something from you, because you need the money. Nobody wants to buy something from you. So you can feed your children, they don’t care about you that much. They just I mean, it’s not that they hate you, they just don’t like you that much.

Myron Golden 05:16
So, instead of being needy, I need to make a sale, I need to make a sale, like divorce yourself from the need to make a sale and understand the principle of the law of averages. By the way, everybody in sales has an average, like some people have lower averages than others. Some people have higher averages, but everybody has an average. So out of every so many presentations you make, you’re gonna make X number of sales. So let’s say your average closing rate is 10%. That means every 10 people you do a presentation with, you’re going to make one sale. Okay, cool. So if your offer is $5,000, and you want to do $5,000 revenue a day, you need to do 10 presentations a day, you’ll make 5000 a day, 5000 a day, times 30 days, it’s 150,000 a month, better than a sharp stick in the eye, right? Use the law of averages to your favor, go out and have enough sales conversations in a row to figure out what your average is. So that when you know what your average is, you, you will understand that you don’t need to make the sale you need to make a sale but it don’t need to be this one. Right. And so what happens when you come to that conclusion is you’ll stop coming across as desperate to people and you’ll make more sales.

Myron Golden 06:25
One of them. Watch this. It’s kind of like the boy meets girl scenario, right? Boy meets girl. Boys crazy about Girl. Girl thinks boy is creepy. Right? Here’s your problem. A lot of people that you’re selling to think you’re creepy, the creepy salesperson, right? Boy meets girl girl is crazy about boy boy thinks girl is crazy. Why? Because if they were smart, they couldn’t. Surely they wouldn’t like me that much. Right? That’s I mean, that’s the subconscious thinking that we have, right? And so we want somebody who plays hard to get in a relationship. Well guess what, in a sales relationship, you also want somebody who plays hard to get, you want to be the hard to get salesperson, you want to be the person who when you’re making a sale, you don’t come across as needy. Don’t be needy. And then when I say don’t be needy, there are a couple of different kinds of needy. So you don’t want to be you don’t want to be a neater of kneaders. Right.

Myron Golden 07:21
And that’s what a lot of people this is one of the biggest mistake salespeople make there a need or have meters, they need people to need them, because that’s how they feel important. Like, I don’t need your need me like, I am not essential to your equation. I don’t want to make myself essential to your equation, because then you might be knocking at my house on my door at four o’clock in the morning. I don’t want to get up to come answer the door. So I don’t need you to need me. Don’t be a leader of leaders. Don’t even be a leader of leaders. Be a leader of leaders lead people to a sale, don’t need people to make a sale. Here’s what’s really cool. There are already right now. Hundreds 1000s 10s of 1000s hundreds of 1000s Perhaps even millions of people, maybe even 10s of millions of people in the world who would love to buy what you have to sell if they only knew you existed. So don’t be needy. Somebody’s gonna say yes. Just know that. I love what Tom Hopkins said in his book, if you make $5,000 per sale, and you have to talk to 10 people to make a sale. And don’t look at the fact that you got paid $5,000 for that one. Yes. Look at it from the standpoint you got paid $500 for each of those conversations. Because it’s like a miner mining for gold.

Myron Golden 08:36
It’s like a minor mining for gold. In order to find one ounce of gold, you have to move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t look for the dirt. You look for the gold. I’m not calling people dirt, but I’m saying you got to go through a bunch of nose I’m calling the nose the dirt that you have to move to get to the yes of the gold. Okay, so don’t be don’t be needy. Don’t be greedy. Don’t be needy, what should you be? You need to learn to be CD? What is CD? How do I how can I be CD, I’m not talking about that kind of CD, you want to be, you want to be CD, which means you’re planting seeds, you’re understand that every word that comes out of your mouth is a seed. every deed is a seed, every thought is a seed that you’re sowing into the garden of your future. Every every time you make a sale, and you fulfill on the last sale you made that’s a seed.

Myron Golden 09:22
That’s a seed that grows a reputational garden, right? And so you’re gonna be known for the fact either that you get like, you produce results for people are you known. So if you make your life, a life that is aware of the fact that every thought is a seed, so how I think about the people I’m selling to, that’s a seed, every word is the seed, how I talk to the people I’m selling to, that’s the seed, but also all the money that I spent, that’s the seed. So understand if I if you don’t if you’ll just stop being greedy, stop trying to make money that you don’t deserve. You’ll stop being needy. So stop needing people to need you. That’d be going to Yo, I gotta make it really gonna make a sale, stop being desperate. But you’ll be CD and sow good seeds everywhere you go.

Myron Golden 10:08
I love Frank Kern says one of my favorite quotes, one of the things you got to do is you got to prove to people that you can help them by actually helping them. There’s nothing that will be better for you selling than the community service content that you provide in the world. What is community service content? Man? What does that mean? That means the stuff that you put out in the marketplace for free, if it helps people, are they gonna come back and pay you? Like this YouTube channel? I’ve had people tell me that from a free YouTube video, they went out from one of my free YouTube videos, they went out made $250,000 from a free video.

Myron Golden 10:42
So if my free videos are helping you, eventually you’re gonna come pay me and if you don’t, oh, well, I didn’t need to I don’t need the money anyway. So we we all gonna be alright. So if you want to become one of the best salesperson, greatest salespeople in the world, and you want to understand the secret psychology of sales success, don’t be greedy. Don’t be needy BCD. Because if you will, before you know it, you will reap what you sow. Here’s the interesting thing about reaping what you sow you reap what you sow, that means whatever kind of seed you so that’s kind of harvest you’re gonna reap but you reap later than you so that means you don’t necessarily sow the seed today and reap the harvest today, you reap later than you so but here’s the beauty of it. You always reap more than you so you plant one seed you get a whole tree. That’s the beauty of reaping what you sow. So don’t be greedy. Don’t be needy BCD and you can become one of the greatest salespeople in the world. By the way, you want to check out a really good video, check out my TED Talk that TEDx Talk is fire. It’ll really help you understand the art of persuasion at a another level. Thanks for watching in the meantime, in between time I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

Now he is ready to teach you how to duplicate his success and that of his student’s success.

There are 2 things that we can highly recommend. And I do mean highly. Not saying that you will get the same result, but in his Make More Offers Challenge that we took, during the 5 Week Challenge, we picked up an extra $30,000 that we would not have made. And that number may turn out to be10x that depending on what happens.

Click On This Link To Check It Out. The Make More Offers Challenge.

Click On This Link For The Best Selling BOSS Moves Book

This book shows you how to increase sales by 2x, 5x, and even 10x!

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