Myron Golden 00:00
Stop letting people make you feel guilty about being diligent in your assignment. Stop letting people throw guilt on you because you’re focused or hyper focused, or what some people call obsessed with your mission. Because the reality is, that mission is critical, even to the people who are judging you for focusing on it. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. When will you learn how to be a money bee? I find it fascinating that bees don’t like human beings. I find it fascinating that human beings breathe in oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide. I find it really fascinating that that trees and plants and flowers they take in carbon dioxide, but they put out oxygen. And and the interesting you know, we heard like I used to hear my parents talking about the birds and the bees like when they were trying to keep stuff secret from us. They didn’t want us to know that you had a birds and the bees I’m thinking what in the world birds and bees, what does that have to do with anything right? And, and I realized later on after I learned how reproduction works, like reproduction and human beings and animals happens through connection. But reproduction in plants happens through a concept called polymerization.

Myron Golden 01:15
Right? And so it’s really interesting how, how pollenization happens it happens because the wind blows pollen from one plant and then it germinates, another plant, then it starts, then they reproduce well, did you know that only 20% of pollenization happens because of wind and water? The other 80% happens because of animals and insects. So I want you to wrap your mind around that animals and insects. You know, those bugs that we get can’t stand right. Bees that we don’t like we’ll use the bee as a bug that we’re going to talk about today. Because I don’t know if you’ve ever been stung by a bee Has anybody here ever been stung by a bee? Okay, a bunch of Gremlin somebody. I remember the last time I got stung by a bee it was probably 30 something years ago. But man, I walked to my parents house and I was getting ready to turn on the light. And then I felt like somebody stabbed me in the back of the neck with an icepick. And then I fell on the floor. And I wasn’t being theatrical it like it knocked me down on the floor. And it was maybe it was because it was on the back of my neck. I don’t know. But it was really really an intense feeling. And then I saw this bee flying around

Myron Golden 02:32
on the flop, okay, maybe I just imagined that part of it right? But, man, I made up my mind in that moment that bee is not going to get to go home to see mama at night. And I chased it until I killed it. Now, I tell you that story to let you know that I don’t like bees. And bees don’t like me’s right so bees don’t like me. I don’t like bees. So why did I tell you that? Well because a bee a bee like a honey bee that’s the one that stung me. Okay. That’s why so happy because he stung somebody. Right? So the bee

Myron Golden 03:21
the bee doesn’t like me and I don’t like the bee guess what the bee likes. The bee likes honey. And the bee wants to make honey and so the bee goes out to the plant. You I didn’t know I was an artist. Did you talk to me now. Okay, so So the bee goes to the flower to get the nectar from the flower to take it back to get to the to take it back so they can make honey in the beehive. Now here’s what’s really interesting about that. The bee is focused on one thing making the honey the bee is focused on making the honey because that’s what bees do. The bee is not focused on making the honey because the bee wants to clean up the environment. The bees not focusing on making the honey because the bee cares about all the other bees the bees just focused on on making the honey because that’s what bees were put here for. They are on their assignment and we are tracking them here Sam tracking and so and so while the bee goes to get the nectar it disturbs the plant and this pollen goes off it germinates, another plant and then more plants grow well while these plants are growing. What they’re doing is they’re taking in carbon dioxide, which is what we exhale and they’re putting out oxygen which is what we inhale.

Myron Golden 04:38
So because the B is looking out for the B who’s to be looking out for because the B is looking out for the B and looking to make some honey. While the bee is working on what the bee is working on for the bee. The bee is disturbing the plant causing colonization and cross pollenization and through a concept called perturbation perturbation like perturbed perturb ation perturbation, what does perturbation perturbation is is is the disturbance that happens as a result of doing the things we’re doing. There’s no such thing as going into an environment and producing something without creating some byproducts. Those byproducts are the perturbation, like sawdust is the perturbation of like being a carpenter, or y’all track it. The scripture says where no oxen is, the crib is clean, but there’s much increase by the strength of the ox. What is it saying? It’s saying, like, if, if you don’t have any oxen, than the manger, the barn is gonna be clean, it’s not gonna stink, it’s not gonna have cow dung all over the place. But but you’re not gonna get much work to see work creates disturbance, production creates perturbation. And we have to understand that see, the government and the media would have us to believe that somehow, entrepreneurs and business people are these evil people that are only looking out for number one, and that’s one of the things that makes them evil, they should want to pay more in taxes. That’s what the government have us to believe.

Myron Golden 06:18
Right? They should. Hollywood wants us to believe that entrepreneurs are criminals. In fact, in the United States of America, this is a fact this is not this is not hyperbole. In the United States of America, at least. By the time a child turns 18 years of age, they will have seen more people murdered on television and in movies, by entrepreneurs and business people and businesses for profit than by any other category of human beings, including career criminals. Like even if you look at the Mission Impossible movies, the Mission Impossible movies are always trying to keep this person who’s got this big evil corporation from creating something that they don’t care is going to destroy people’s lives and destroy the world. That’s the theme of the movies. Why? Because Hollywood in the 1970s decided declare war on business. Prior to that, in the 1960s business people were portrayed like, like, Ward Cleaver as upstanding citizens who take care of their families by going to work every day, right? But not anymore. The average American by the time they turned 18 years of age will have seen at least everybody say at least, at least 10,000 people killed murdered on television. That’s an how many they’ve seen killed and murdered.

Myron Golden 07:31
That’s how many they’ve seen killed by business owners and entrepreneurs. How crazy is that? No wonder when our children grow up. They’ve been they’ve been subconsciously programmed to believe there’s something wrong with business. So everybody wants to go off to college to do environmental studies. And this studies and that studies, and nobody wants to be an entrepreneur, at least most young people don’t want to be entrepreneurs, because they’ve been programmed on a subconscious level to believe that it’s evil. But the reality is, when you look out for number one, your perturbation is going to produce like sustainability. And I don’t mean it in the environmental sense of the word, it’s going to produce sustainability for the people who those byproducts impact their lives. Now, I don’t know about you, but that makes me really excited. I personally, you can do whatever you want to do. I think it’s good to give charity, I give charity. Notice, I didn’t say I give back to charity, I give to charity, I’m not giving back to the charity, because I didn’t get anything from the charity in the first place. Right? So I’m just giving to the charity. And the when I don’t even like the phrase give back.

Myron Golden 08:37
Every time somebody says giving back, he’s gonna add, it always makes me cringe a little bit. Because the implication is that I took something away in order to have what I have. And I didn’t take something away, I actually created something in order to have what I have. So when I’m giving, I’m not giving back, I’m just giving. I learned that from Rabbi Daniel Lapin, by the way in his book, thou shalt prosper, which I think everybody deserves to read as well as business secrets from the Bible by the same author now. So so so I’m, I believe in giving, but I also believe that the work I do, produces byproducts that make other people’s lives better than today’s Wednesday, and it’s raining today. But usually on Wednesday, my carwash people, they come and they wash my car here, because it’s, I don’t drive it very often. And so that I mean that particular car, they come here to the office and they wash it, right? They’re not washing it today, because it’s raining, that makes sense to wash your car in the rain. I think you get that already. But when I was poor, I didn’t have carwash people who washed my car. Now my other cars we got we’ve got the automatic car wash things that cost $20 A month for all three of us.

Myron Golden 09:43
So we got we got three cars that we have auto at $60 a month for those three cars, and then $100 A week which was about $400 a month for the other car. So I’m paying $520 a month to get my car washed when I was poor. You know it’s a pain to walk was my car. Nothing? I didn’t wash him. There were 80 cars. What do you like? What is Washington’s thing? He’s got two different color doors on it. Right? What am I gonna wash it for? Like I’m just keeping like the thought granted, maybe I would wash if I had a halfway decent car would watch that but I’m talking about when I was really poor when I used to buy cars for $50 I didn’t watch them at all the thought to wash a car I mean the car existed for it was totally utilitarian for me at that time, or you’re tracking so so nobody benefited from me having a car when I was poor, but me or your tracking.

Myron Golden 10:32
But now when I’m now that I’m wealthy and I have a car, the car dealerships that I bought my car has benefit from those same dealerships benefit when I take my car to get it service, my car wash people benefit mogul mats that I bought my custom floor mats and my custom pillows for my car from they benefit. Why because when you produce more the byproducts that you produce are also more the perturbation that you create is also more so So God said God program the bee to like the honey and to work for the honey. But while the bees working for the honey, the perturbation of the plant creates more plant life which keeps us humans alive. So we can keep chasing the bees with fly swatters and rave. Are y’all tracking? Now? Why am I saying this because just like God made just like God made the bee to want them honey. God didn’t make us to be honey bees, God made us as human beings to be money, bees. And so I want some money. Why? Because so I can impress my wife. Right? I want some money, so I can do nice things for her. And because I care about her, I want money so I can leave an inheritance to my children and my children’s children. I want money. So I can have a building to shoot my YouTube videos in instead of just having to do it in my spare bedroom in my house. My spare bedroom in my house is fine. But when I was doing my YouTube videos in my spare bedroom in my house, y’all one comment. Right? So you see the part of it, you see the meat by me working to build things for me, it provides opportunity for all the people on our team to have work plus all the vendors that they spend money with. It provides income for them and revenue for those businesses. So when you decide you’re gonna go get some money. Yes, you’re looking out for number one. But when you’re looking out for number one, it takes care of number 2345 and six, and there are so many people who benefit when people have a high level of self interest. Everybody say self interest. Now I know the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism would have us to believe that, that all self interest is selfish. But I submit to you that most self interest is not selfish.

Myron Golden 12:45
Really? What does that mean? Well, the reason the reason like I live in a house, right? Why? Because I don’t want to sleep under a bridge. Right? That’s not selfish. That’s self interest. But guess what, because I have a house and my house has a pool, the pool company that cleans my pool can give a guy a job. And now he can take care of his family, the lawns, land landscape company that takes care of my yard, those people now have revenue so they can hire people. And the more you produce as a human being as a money be, the more perturbation you create, and the more perturbation you create, the more people’s lives you make better. And I’ll say this, a, an entrepreneur who produces a lot of wealth and a lot of byproducts as a result of producing that wealth will do more good in the world, incidentally, than a lot of broke people who knows how those rich people should be spending their money do intentionally. I know that’s a lot, ain’t it? Because that was a really long run on sentence.

Myron Golden 13:48
Right? But I am playing right. I already know that me taking care of Myron and Marin’s people, blesses people that I will never meet. And the more this was really young, when I was broke, I didn’t need an estate planning lawyer. I didn’t have an estate. I just lived in a state right? Like the so much stuff happens for other people that you will never meet when you do better. So mind you, what am I saying? I’m saying be a money be be a money be you should be a money be I should be a money be? Everybody should be a money bee because when we become money, bees that produce more money, like the bees that produce more honey, our perturbation makes other people’s lives better. So don’t ever again, as long as we both shall live. Let anybody make you feel guilty because you’re on a mission. Because you’re focused. You’re Oh, you’re so obsessed, though you came back this morning.

Myron Golden 14:57
What ain’t all I care about? But I want to get that one straight out. Like what Jim Rohn said, Jim Rohn said, he said he said Money isn’t the most important thing in life. But when you get the money problem handled fairly early, you can get to the rest of your problems in style. Right? And so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we’re focused on doing better, because the better each of us do, watch this now, the better all of us can do. If you want to learn how to create more wealth, and be a money be I’ve got several videos on YouTube that will help you do that. One of them is get rich quick. Another one is how to live like a millionaire on your way to becoming one. How about wealthy, wiser, wealthier, and more well known is another one. Those are some videos on YouTube that you can watch that will help take your life and your business to the next level. Thanks for watching. Thanks for subscribing. Thanks for doing all the YouTube stuff and ringing the notification bell and I look forward to seeing all of you on the next video. Thanks a lot

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

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