Myron Golden 00:00
You’ve heard of the book Thinking Grow Rich, many of you have read the book Thinking Grow Rich. Well, doesn’t it stand to reason that if you can think and grow rich, that automatically means you can think and grow broke. The difference is for most people, though, in order to think and grow rich, it requires intention. But to think and grow broke, it only requires neglect. So let’s not neglect being intentional about our thoughts. Because if we do, we might end up being one of those people who think and grow broke. In this video, I’m going to talk about the kinds of thoughts you have to avoid, if you don’t want to thank him go broke.

Myron Golden 00:39
Because Earl Nightingale said in his Strangest Secret, he said, thoughts are things and incredibly powerful things. And a man’s life is what his thoughts make of it. Say, I Say, believing, believing, believing, you will be living, what you’re believing, even though you’d be lying. What does that mean? Anything I tell myself about a future outcome, I made it up. You can say I’m going home. But what you really mean is I intend to go home, you’re not guaranteed to get there. And see, what we have to understand is we have to understand that we have to become hyper intentional about our work or about our thoughts. If we’re going to become hyper intentional about our thoughts, we automatically have to be hyper intentional about our words. Because the reality is, you can speak without thinking.

Myron Golden 01:37
But you can’t think without using words. So let’s get this party started. What kinds of thoughts cause people to think and grow broke? And I’ve noticed, I’ve noticed, I can tell if I’m having a conversation with a person that’s not even about money, it can be about something else, I can pretty much gauge where they are financially. Because how you think both on a conscious and subconscious level determines how you communicate. But then it’s a cycle because how you communicate contributes to how you think. And so what are the thoughts that we have to avoid? Well, I think number one, thinking from the past, instead of thinking from the future. What does that even mean? Most people take their past experiences, they projected on the screen of their future, they recreate the past and think they’re living in the present. But what they’re really doing is living Groundhog Day. Most people are living there yesterday, today. They’re living there last week, this week.

Myron Golden 02:45
They’re living there last month, this month, they were living there last year, this year, they’re living their last decade this decade, and their life isn’t getting better, which goes against the very first thing that God ever said to a human being when he spoke to man. He said be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion when he said be fruitful. The fruit is a living organism who seed is in itself, that the ability of a fruit to reproduce is inside the fruit. So when God said the man be fruitful, he wasn’t just talking about having children he was talking about I put an aspect of my creativity inside of you. Now what’s really interesting is he put a different aspect of his creativity inside of all of us.

Myron Golden 03:27
Like some of y’all can sing better than me, probably not many of you, but some of them just get some some of y’all sing better than me. Some of y’all can write better than me. Some of you can, like, dunk a basketball better than me. Well, if you can dunk a basketball, you can automatically don’t get better than me. Okay, so So what’s my point, but there’s things I can do better than you why? Because God didn’t put every aspect of his creativity inside of anybody. But he put an aspect of his creativity inside of everybody. And so that creativity, that aspect of his creativity he put inside of us, it is our job to produce on the outside based on what God put on the inside. But he said be fruitful. Now the other interesting thing about a fruit is this because it has a seed in it. When you sow the seed, you don’t reap a piece of fruit, you reap a tree. And the tree might produce 100 200 300 apples a year oranges, whatever your kind of seed you plant might wants it to mature it might produce 100 to 300 pieces of fruit per year.

Myron Golden 04:31
And I love what Warren we’re, as we said, he said, Any fool can count the number of seeds in an apple but only God can count the number of apples in a seed. And so we have to do is we have to make sure that we cultivate the seed of creativity that God put inside of us so we can be fruitful. And we can be fruitful and multiply because you reap what you sow. But you don’t read when you sow you reap later than you sow. You reap what you sow, but you don’t At the amount you sow, you reap more than you said. And so while you reap what you sow, you don’t reap when you sow and you don’t reap what you sow, you reap more than you sowed later than you sowed, I hope you’re picking up what I’m putting down.

Myron Golden 05:14
And so God said be fruitful and multiply. Why? Because multiplication is the natural output of the input of fruitfulness. So when God said be fruitful and multiply, multiplication is the natural output of the input of fruitfulness. Like a fruit, a seed that you planted in the ground does not have the ability to only produce one fruit. Nothing in nature grows by addition. In nature, everything grows by multiplication, which means when God said be fruitful, multiply, the word multiply means to increase, but it’s not just an incremental increase, it’s an exponential increase. It’s a geometric increase. See, there are people in the world who want to act like human beings are destroying the planet.

Myron Golden 06:06
But human beings aren’t here for the planet, the planet is here for the human beings. And that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t, that doesn’t mean we should pollute. I’m not saying we shouldn’t take care of our environment. God said clearly pollute not the land in which you dwell. But the environment isn’t God, the Earth is not my mother. It is here to serve me, I am not here to serve it. And these people who want to who want to depopulate the earth. So the earth last longer, the Earth is here for us. It’s not the other way around. Anyway, I digressed a little, but it was a good digression. When he said be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, the word replenish means to fill up. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that when a beaver uses its limited creativity to build a dam and a creek in the forest, that that’s organic.

Myron Golden 07:01
When an ant uses its living, limited creativity to build an anthill and the ground that’s organic. When an eagle uses its limited creativity to build a nest in a tree that’s organic. But when a human being uses unlimited creativity to build a city that somehow inorganic, a city is as organic as an anthill, a beaver dam or an eagle’s nest. So when God said be fruitful and multiply what he’s telling us to do, he’s telling us to increase and fill up the air replenish means to fill up the Earth with the multiplication of the things that we create. That’s our job. So when God said be fruitful, multiply replenish the earth. And they said subdue it, what a subdomain trampled down, stomp it what does that mean? That means trampled down anything tries to stop you. Which if he’s telling me to trample it, that means whatever opposes me is both beneath me and smaller than me.

Myron Golden 07:54
So if he told me to trample it, that means I have the ability to trample it. It’s already under my feet. Now all I have to do is take the action to step on all of the stoppers. Well, so so so we have we have to be fruitful, multiply, replenish. What does God say? God is saying that a human beings life is supposed to be progressively productive. What does that tell us? We shouldn’t be living Groundhog Day. Today should be better than yesterday, this week should be better than last week, this month should be better than last month, this year should be better than last year. And I’m not just talking about better financially, but I’m including better financially. This whole idea that as you get older, you have to get sicker and weaker and broker is hideous. But if you believe that, then that’s exactly how you’re going to set up your life. I know people my age who talk like they’re 100.

Myron Golden 08:46
Guess what? They also walk like they’re 100 they move like they’re 100. Right? They act like they’re on death’s doorstep. I know people younger than me act like they’re on death’s door, death’s doorstep. I’m only 62. I’m just getting started. Let’s get this party started. Let’s go. So stop thinking from the past. The past is nothing more than your launch pad for your future. Treat it like that. But people who live in the past, and they just dwell on the past. Yeah, but, but this happened to me and then having a bunch of stuff happened to all of us. We have to make sure we don’t allow our past to imprison our future. And a life of lack of limitation. Well, thinking from the past instead of a future. That’s one, thinking that you’re smaller than your challenges. What does that mean? You will never face anything that’s bigger than you. If you are operating based on Kingdom Principles. Nothing’s bigger than you. You will face challenges. But the challenges aren’t bigger than you. Somebody say well, you

Myron Golden 09:56
don’t understand my Are you gonna die one of these days? That’s not a challenge bigger than me. I’ve already received Christ. So when I die I just began to live. Jesus said, Whosoever, whosoever believeth in me shall never die and whosoever liveth and believeth I mean whosoever lives within me though you were dead Yes, surely live in whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. And then he said, This believe is now this. So I even when I die. Well, here’s the problem with a lot of Christians, though. They think they start winning when they die.

Myron Golden 10:29
I wake up winning every day. Every step I take is a step in the direction of victory. But man, how can you say that? Because we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. That doesn’t mean I’m going to win. I already am already winning. I’m already more than winning. I expect things to work out in my favor. Why? Because I’m me. And I understand who me is in him. Hmm. So stop thinking that you’re smaller than your challenges. You’re not smaller than your financial challenges. You’re not smaller than your health challenges. I get it. I get it. See? See, here’s what’s here’s what’s really interesting. You can’t fix every problem that you have. There are some people who get diseases who contract diseases, and they die from them. But and I don’t want to minimize that because it’s real.

Myron Golden 11:30
But you ain’t dead till you die. So while you’re alive, you might as well as to keep on living. There are people who’ve had traumatic experiences in the past. And instead of allowing peace to replace to replace the pain, they just keep reliving the pain every day. It’s like, I cut my hand and it gets a scab on so I scratch the scab off, and then I get a new scab and I scratch that when I was it’s never going to heal. But we got to let go yesterday if we’re going to take hold of today, if we’re going to march into tomorrow, we’ve got to understand that we are bigger than our challenges. I had polio as an infant, I got this big old metal brace on my leg that I got a dress and like this leg doesn’t hold me up if I don’t have the brace on I’m walking on crutches. And there are people that don’t have any legs.

Myron Golden 12:22
So I’m gonna go walk around crying because I got one or am I gonna be thankful for though I got two but I got one that strong and one this week. I’m gonna thank God for everything I got. Helen Keller was thanking God. She couldn’t hear or talk she could hear or see. Learn how to read and talk. She learned how to communicate by somebody holding on to her hands. You think you got a problem? I mean, you do have a problem, but a bigger than you. Another thought that you want to think if you want to keep being broke, thinking negative when you should think positive. Some people can see the obstacle and every opportunity. They can see the defeat and every victory. They can see the downside of every upside. And they wonder why their life isn’t working. Because you’re glum. Who’s gone. alum is one of the Lilliputians on Gulliver’s Travels. Gone lover.

Myron Golden 13:20
We’ll never make it we’ll never make it. And that’s your whole attitude as you go through life. Or what’s the guy’s name on the Flintstones. I’m talking about stuff when I used to watch TV, right? Bad luck schlep rock, right? Bad luck schlepped Rob everywhere he went just stuff went wrong. Or, or Pigpen on Charlie Brown, right? Like there are people that just they just carry a cloud with them everywhere they go. They can turn happiness in the sadness just by showing up. Right? Turn a party into a funeral procession with their attitude. Don’t think alike. Don’t think negative light if you’re if you’re going to put your effort into something and you’re going to work on something. You cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought. I’m gonna write a book. I can’t afford to think that it won’t sell.

Myron Golden 14:14
I’m going to build a business I can’t afford to think that I’m not going to get any clients. Some people won’t get married because they’re too afraid they’re gonna end up in divorce. It’s that’s why thinking negative when you think positive is a great way to Think and Grow broke. But I’m going to tell you one year you probably weren’t expecting thinking positive when you should think negative. So you should think negative Oh yeah. Oh yes. Sometimes you say when’s the best time to think negative? Best time to think negatives when things are positive. What does that mean? Here’s what it says in Proverbs. Go to the ant. Thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise, which having no guide or overseer or ruler, watch this gather provided her food, her meet in the summer and gather with her food and the harvest. So but at thanks, winter, all summer.

Myron Golden 15:22
What does that mean? That means what is think negative when things are positive mean? It means you’ve got to when things are going well, you have to be preparing for when things aren’t gonna go well. When things when you have seven years of plenty, you have to be prepared for seven years of famine. How do you do that? Here’s, here’s, here’s what God told Joseph to tell Pharaoh to do. When things are going good, put back that 1/5 part, what is that 1/5 part 20% when things are going great, stash 20% Hold on to 20%. Because when the whole bottom falls out for the entire world, while everybody else is getting broker, you’re gonna be getting richer, while everybody else is starving, you’re gonna have food. Kind of think negative when things are positive.

Myron Golden 16:16
You have to if you if when you look at an opportunity, you only see the good side, you’re probably going to end up broke. That who’s wrong. You have to consider like you have to believe work, but take into consideration the consequences if it doesn’t. And if you don’t do that you’re as naive as a first grader. None of us not even me not. There’s not a single solid artillery person I’ve ever met that everything we attempted to do worked out fine. So you have to count the cost of it not working. And be okay with that price. And then make your decision expected to work. We’re gonna like it’s gonna work, but be ready if it doesn’t. And no, I’m not talking out of both sides of my mouth. One of the reasons one of the reasons I don’t live in a mansion, even I can go buy a mansion.

Myron Golden 17:20
For one, I can go buy $15 million mansion for one, two. And do what have more rooms, I don’t go into that. And when I come to the house I got now I might have been in my living room 10 times in the last six years. I might have eaten in my dining room five times in the last six years. And that’s only when people come down for Thanksgiving, and we’re having a big Thanksgiving dinner. And we got to sit them somewhere. I don’t need more rooms not to go into. I don’t need more cars not to drive. I mean, I got a couple of cars. But I can have more. I can have more a whole bunch more. But why?

Myron Golden 18:01
Why would I spend money? Winter time money in the summer thinking that it’s always gonna be summer? That’s called naivete. I mean, I’ll track it. So you got to think you got to think positive when things are negative. See when things are go see, here’s what most people do. They think negative things are positive. I mean, they think negative when things are positive, they think negative when things are negative and positive. When things are positive. You got to flip the script. You got to think negative when things are positive, you got to think positive and things are negative. Because negative thinking when things are negative can’t help you. And, and only having positive thinking when things are positive will hurt you. Like like the person who goes on a long trip with no spare tire and no jacket.

Myron Golden 18:50
Because people don’t get flat tires. They do and they usually get them when they don’t have a jacket a flat tire. Jim Rohn Jim Rohn said somebody came to me and said Mr. Rohn. Mr. Rohn, I don’t understand this happens to me, this happens to me this happened to me this happened to me. I don’t understand why. Mr. Rohn said, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that things like that always happen to people like you. What does that mean? That means? That means things that people aren’t prepared for happen to people who don’t prepare. Hmm, I wish I had some help in here. But here’s some here’s some money, thoughts that will cause you to think and grow broke thinking that money is evil.

Myron Golden 19:34
Or a lot of people think money is evil. Well, money, money. Money is the root of all evil. Know where you got that from? It’s in the Bible? No, it’s definitely not in the Bible. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. And when it says the love of money is the root of all evil. It does not mean the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world. It means that the love of money is the root of all kinds, all types all manner of evil. It doesn’t mean every evil in the world exists because of money. It means people will do all kinds of evil things because they love money. That’s what the love of money is the root of all evil means I know I’ve studied it. I didn’t just listen to somebody say it and walk around parenting it, like I’m a parent. Thinking that money is evil.

Myron Golden 20:19
I know my own money is not inherently evil. It’s inherently neutral just makes you more of what you already are. Now, it’s not inherently neutral, either. It’s inherent, like wealth is inherently good. How do I know? Because God said there’s gold on that land on the gold of that land is good. Scripture says the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it. If what money? How can God giving you something that’s evil, be a blessing. Just usually, just use your brain. Not you don’t have to. We don’t want you to make it sweat, but use of the law. Thinking that all rich people are dishonest, so fascinating. I’ll do a video. I like the video. Our our most watched video is why evil people are rich.

Myron Golden 21:01
And so many people read that according to their scotoma. You know, a scotoma is right. It’s a blind spot. So they’ll read it with their blind spot. And they’ll say, it says why evil people are rich, they’ll say rich people are evil, because they’re dishonest. The title of the video is not why rich people are evil. It’s why evil people are rich. Those two sentences don’t mean the same thing. You do understand that, right? They don’t mean the same thing. They mean two very different things. That means evil people are rich, does that mean there are some people who are evil who are rich. Now, if I said why rich people are evil, that would mean all rich people are evil. That’s not true. I like I know a lot of rich people who are not evil, present company not excluded. Or you’re tracking. So thinking that money is evil. Thinking that all rich people have decided? Well, the only reason why people get rich is by being dishonest and stealing stuff. That is as dumb as a box of rocks.

Myron Golden 22:05
The best way to get to create wealth is to create value for other people. They value more than the money they have to pay for the thing you created for them. There’s no dishonesty in that. Why? Because everybody wins. When I sell something to somebody, everybody got what they wanted in the transaction. When I go to ATVs I take my family out to dinner. And it’s me and my wife and my son, and my daughter and my son in law and my granddaughter. And it comes to $800 including the tip. They didn’t take advantage of me I got what I wanted. I got a nice meal with my family that we didn’t have to prepare.

Myron Golden 22:47
We didn’t have to cook. We didn’t have to cook. We didn’t have to clean up after we can eat anything we wanted. We got great service. I’m happy. I got to spend time with the people I love. I got to I got to give some people some money in exchange for some food and some service. Everybody won. Ah, that’s how that works. That’s how that works. And the last thought that will make you broke is a joke and ready to choke. It’s thinking that poverty is piety. People think that the broker you are the more holy you are or as I heard a lady say in our Facebook group this morning, I was so deceived for most of my life thinking the more lowly the more holy guys, poverty does not equal piety, in fact

Myron Golden 23:46
there’s there’s a word in Hebrew. That word is a sure it’s spelled ein Shin rakish assure it means rich. It means wealthy, it means abundant. Right? In Hebrew, a lot of times, if you want to say an opposite word of the word that you just said, you just spell it backwards. And it’s the opposite meaning. So the word rich, wealthy one of the words they’re they’re a bunch of different words in Hebrew for rich, but one of the words for Rich is a sure all right, Shin rish. But when you spell it backwards, it’s race Shin iron, which is Rasha. Whoever a SHA is rich backwards. Sure. What would you think that the meaning of the word was? sheis. Would you think it is? Poor broke, right? It’s not. It’s literally the word. Are you ready? Evil ungodly.

Myron Golden 25:03
What? Yes. Now, am I saying that people who are poor or ungodly, no, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, if you do, if I’m saying, if you do evil as a society, and we’ve seen this evil societies that have been historically evil, or also historically broke. That’s an interesting observation. But I think it also shows that when you do the opposite of the things that can make you rich, those things can make you broke. Like what like lying, like stealing, like cheating, like defrauding. When you do the things that are the opposite of the things that will make you rich, like serving people providing value, telling the truth, being on time having character fulfilling on your promises. Those are things that can make you rich, when you do the opposite of those things they can make you broke.

Myron Golden 26:14
So let’s Be the kind of people that don’t go that don’t think and go broke. Because we neglect to intentionally Think and Grow Rich, and think and get better and think and grow smarter and think and grow healthier, and think and grow better relationships. Let’s become the kind of people who are intentional. So our life gets better because improvement requires intention. Entropy, anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards the disorder. Entropy only requires neglect. So if you neglect to be intentional about your thinking about what you think about gratulations you’re gonna think and grow broke. Hope this helps you stay blessed bye the best in the meantime in between time. We’ll see him next video peace out thanks, guys.

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