Myron Golden 00:00
Hey there on our last video, we started teaching on Think like a genius talk like a third grader. And we got through the Think like a genius part, part of the Think like a genius part. So when I was creating the outline, clearly, I was not thinking. Anyway, so we’re gonna finish that today because the more clearly you can think and the more clearly you speak, the better you’ll be at impacting the lives of the people you’ve been sent to serve. So hopefully, that video gave you some clarity. And we ended up talking at the end of that video about mastery stacking, and the importance of mastery stacking. It’s so interesting. First of all, did you know that your brain uses more energy than any other organ in your body? Like when you’re thinking maybe that’s why thinking is the hardest work most people never do, because it requires so much energy to think.

Myron Golden 00:53
Right. And, and so, so I was talking about the importance of mastery stacking, and how how, if you want to become one of the best of the best in a category, you have to master one component at a time. And then once you master that one component, you master another component, you stack a mastery on top of a mastery and then a master and other components stack that because what happens is people who are great at things, they’re great at those things, because they can do a lot of things that all of us can tell are very complex, and they can do them all simultaneously. And seemingly effortlessly have you on what I’m talking about, right? And so the reason they can do that is because they took one of those difficult components at a time, and they mastered it. And see most people make the mistake of thinking that learning about something is the same as learning it. It’s not learning about something is exactly that learning about something.

Myron Golden 01:54
So you read a book about something and you learn about it, and you think you’ve learned it, and then when you go attempt to iterate it, like you’re using a lot of mental bandwidth transit, okay, which part was I supposed to do first and, and so your brain is doing all these mental jumping jacks, and you’re not coming to the conclusion because you haven’t mastered it. And so you’re using too many conscious resources, to attempt to find answers that if you had mastered it, they would already be they would be in you, they would be they would be in the mind, that is you not just in your brain mind, but in the mind of your fingers. And in the mind of your movements, you would just own it, it would become a part of you, you will become as Dr. Ron would say, you become one with them. And so mastery is the ability to execute effortlessly, without the use of conscious resources.

Myron Golden 02:42
All of us have mastered things in our lives. But the challenge is we’ve only mastered things that don’t really matter that much like we’ve all mastered tying our shoes, right? We don’t have to think about it. You can have a conversation with somebody, look away, listen to music, and tie your shoes at the same time. Why? Because you’ve mastered it now, but mostly, most people are not as intentional about mastering things that would make their lives better. As they were about mastering tying their shoes when they learned to tie their shoes, when they wanted to learn how to tie their shoes. They might only teach me how to tie my shoe. And then they would practice and they would practice and they would practice and they would practice until eventually, you can tie your shoe effortlessly. That seems like that seems like an oversimplification. But it’s not. Because the same thing happened when you learn how to ride a bike. Learning how to ride a bike felt impossible when you first started learning. Like, I don’t I don’t know how they do it today.

Myron Golden 03:42
But when I was a kid, they had training wheels on bikes do they still have training wheels? Okay, so training wheels, and then what my parents would do, they would take off one training wheel and let you ride your bike for a while with only one training wheel. And then they would take off the other training wheel and then eventually you could ride your bike. And then because you had mastered riding the bike, and it became a part of you eventually you could ride your bike with no hands I mean, I remember ride your bike with no hands right you ride your bike with no hands, you could turn with no hands usually so but what happened you mastered the components in the bike became started to become one with you. What happens when all of the skill sets that are necessary for you to run your business, or build your business empire or build your ministry or build your mission whatever the thing is, you’re here for what happens when you master all of the components of that one at a time, like you mastered tying your shoes and riding a bike. I remember when I first learned how to drive a stick shift.

Myron Golden 04:36
When I first learned how to drive a stick shift. The stick shift I learned how to drive was not a four on the floor it was a three on the column, right? And so you put push the clutch and put it in first gear and then you put and then you drive as fast as you know get up to 20 miles an hour and then or whatever 15 And then you push the clutch in you put it up the second gear and then you go you know up to 3540 miles an hour you push the clutch you pull it down third gear and it required so much conscious effort to do that. But you know what I had to learn how to do before I learned how to drive a stick shift, I had to learn how to drive a car, I had to learn how to drive an automatic shift, I didn’t have to. But that’s how I did it learn how to drive an automatic transmission before I learned how to drive a stick. Why? Because like, you have to learn, you have to learn how to pay attention to traffic patterns, you have to pay attention how fast you’re going and make sure you know how much gas is in the car and see who’s on this side, who’s on that side, who’s behind you, how far is the car, all we don’t think about as stuff now we just get in the car and go.

Myron Golden 05:26
Right. So when you learn as an entrepreneur, how to sell at the level, where it doesn’t require your conscious resources, it’s just become one with you. And you learn how to write a marketing campaign and a sales letter and an ad and you like you’ve you’ve internalized it, so that it becomes a part of you. Now, business doesn’t feel hard, it doesn’t make you sweat, business feels like play for me. And this is gonna sound crazy. And I’m not saying I’ve mastered business, but I’ve mastered some of the components of business. And to me work feels like play, work feels like play, when you master things work feels like play. And you don’t have to do as much of it to get a big outcome like it takes less input when you’re a master to get multiplied output. When you’re an amateur, it takes multiplied input to get a minimized output. But when you become a master, you can literally get a multiplied output from a minimized input. And that’s where we like, why not work towards the day, when you’re so good at what you do.

Myron Golden 06:37
It requires less effort and energy from you than it does other people who think they’re your competition. I’ll pick it up when I’m putting down. And so we talked about in Think like a genius, you have to expose yourself to new concepts. This is a review. So how do you do that? You do that by discerning you read you listen and you observe? Then you decipher? you contemplate your question and you answer. And by the way, it’s very important for you who everybody type your cellphone’s, just say me, it’s very important for you to question every conclusion you come to and examine it. Compared to truth, don’t make the mistake that so many people believe do make in thinking that what most people do, they they believe the things they think are true, because they think them instead of thinking them because they discovered that they are true.

Myron Golden 07:32
Right? Let the truth be the foundation and not your thoughts, not your feelings, not how you’re going to be perceived. But just let the truth be what it is. And let that guide you. i One of my favorite books, is a million dollar habits by Robert J ringer. I don’t know if any of you’ve ever read that book. But the first habit in million dollar habits is the reality habit. And the reality habit is this. You just decide that you are going to do what the truth tells you to do, and go where the truth leads you and you’re not going to you’re not going to you’re not going to be delusional anybody who believes something is true. That goes against truth is delusional. It’s really a remarkable book. And he’s a remarkable writer and any and it’s a fun book to read. Okay, so So you decipher how do you do that you contemplate question and then answer. And I gave a quote by one that I got from one of my friends Joe portfolio. He said I would rather have questions I can’t answer than answers. I can’t question. See, the truth is not afraid of a challenge from error. But error has to be afraid of a challenge from truth.

Myron Golden 08:47
Because you can’t bring in enough lies, to make the truth afraid of it. But one truth can make a lie violently afraid. I’ll track it. Okay. And so, so you decipher and then you do you act, you act, you experiment. Then you measure the feedback. And then you go, here’s, here’s, here’s a good mantra for you to grow through. As you grow your business as you grow yourself. As you grow anything that you’re working on, measure, measure, measure how we measure how far you are from where you’d like to be. measure how much effort energy it’s gonna take for you to get there. Measure where you are right now. Okay, cool. So measure and then you monitor as you iterate you monitor. Am I closer now than I was before I did this iteration, or am I farther away? Okay. So you measure you monitor, and then you make adjustments you adjust. So the Adjust part, I make adjustments because I monitored the feedback from my iteration. So I measure as I’m iterating I measure I A monitor, and then I make an adjustment. And that’s how I ultimately control the outcome in the end.

Myron Golden 10:07
So I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is they set goals. And so my daughter and I had this conversation last week. But like, I don’t really set goals. I have objectives. And I know that sounds like semantics. But here’s what I mean when I say that, like, I have an outcome that I’d like to reach but see a goal. To my understanding, I could be wrong. But my, the way I understand the goal is you desire an outcome by a specific deadline, that’s a goal, right? You by this day, I want to have this outcome, right. That’s not what a goal is. And that what most people think of as a goal, like I don’t do that, like, I don’t have like mine, what’s your income goal for 2023, I don’t really have an income goal for 2023. Like I have an objective, I have a place where I believe we’re going but it’s like, like, if I don’t make X amount of dollars in 2023, I feel like I failed. I don’t feel like I’ve failed. So. So instead of having outcome goals, I have input objectives.

Myron Golden 11:04
So instead of because I can’t control the outcome. In fact, I don’t even know what all the variables variables are going to be while I’m on the journey. And so how can I know that like, I didn’t know when I bought this building, that it was going to require, in order for me to use it the way I wanted to, that was going to require hundreds of 1000s of dollars of renovations. I didn’t know that. Right? I just knew okay, this is what I want to do. I came in, we did our first iteration, our first renovation by taking out the two offices that were in the middle here. And then we did our next iteration by taking out the another two offices that were on the end. And then we took out the drop ceiling, and then we took out the light. And then well, first, we changed all the light, it was just a lot of stuff, we had to do a lot of things. If I had had a goal. Well, I want to have my studio XYZ by ABC date.

Myron Golden 11:57
Well, we were still not there. And I bought this building a year and a half ago. Right? So but I know where we’re headed, and see if I know where we’re headed. And I have input objectives that I know, when all of the inputs are synergistically working together, the output will take care of itself. Does that make sense? Okay. So measure, monitor, adjust and control then. So So you expose yourself to concepts, then you examine your conclusions, which is similar to deciphering. But it’s different because what you’re doing is now the conclusions that you came to as a result of your iterations, you examine the validity of those conclusions. So I got started as an entrepreneur in October of 1985. I had to pass my insurance exam, I passed my insurance exam in January of 1986. I had to learn the presentation. Well guess what I did, I learned the presentation between October and January while I was studying for my insurance exam.

Myron Golden 13:05
Then I had to go out and do presentations. And I did presentation after presentation after presentation after presentation after presentation. And by April of 1987, I finally made my first sale. And my first commission check. Good thing I was part time. And, and my first commission check was $125.66. Now, I could have concluded in April of 1986, a year before I made my first sale, this isn’t working. Right? The people who were looking at me from the outside in, they concluded that this thing I was working on wasn’t working. I did not conclude that. So guess what I did, I kept working on it. And I didn’t make a sale in February and 86 or March or April or May or June or July or August. And by the way, I was doing presentations all those months. Or September, October or November or December or January of the next year, in February, or March, April to work.

Myron Golden 14:15
Now if I would have concluded that this doesn’t work, or at least not for me, this is a fine. I shouldn’t be in sales. If I had concluded that we would not be here having this conversation right now. I wouldn’t have this YouTube channel. I wouldn’t have written best selling books, because I would have assumed that the thing I was working on wasn’t working be just because it wasn’t working for me. But it was working. It wasn’t working for me. Key word yet. Because here’s what we learned in Scripture. Why did you quit my well I didn’t have I didn’t have a plan. And B, I just had, like my plan was planned ABCDEFG all the way through Z, because there’s only a plan I had is like, this is the only arena in which I’ve ever seen somebody become wealthy. I’ve only ever these wealthy people, I know all of them are in this business and in this business opportunity, and at this place, they’re the richest people I know, why would I go listen to a bunch of my broke friends and broke relatives who think I’m making a mistake when these people did it.

Myron Golden 15:25
And clearly, if they could do it, it can be done. And if it can be done, it can be done by me. And so why would I quit? What am I gonna do? Quit and just go? Well, this didn’t work for me. So I’m just gonna go quit and do nothing. I’m gonna go quit and dig ditches well, but see the here’s the difference. I know how to dig a ditch, but a ditch cannot get me to back then in 95 $10,000 a month. I can fix cars, but I can’t fix cars to the tune of 10,000 a month. And 10,000 a month in 1985 97 was a lot of money. The only people I knew who made 10,000 a month, or 15,000 or 50,000 a month, back in the 80s. Were these people in this thing called business in this industry called insurance and financial services and investments. And I said, this is my lane. And I worked on it until I found something that I thought was more my lane. But guess what I did? I stayed in it long enough to develop some skills. Skill What’s that? That’s, that’s like when you’re when you know how to carry out these great ideas that you have in a work. And you have some precision.

Myron Golden 16:35
And so Solomon said all work works. He said in all labor, there is profit. Here’s the thing. Most people make the mistake of thinking that because it’s not working for them that it’s not working. But I submit to you even when it’s not working for you, it’s working, it’s working on you. And see we have to become the kind of people who let our work work on us until we become the person for whom it can work. How many I’ll track and wave at me if you track it. Okay, so so we want to make sure we become the type of person for whom it can work. Cool. Okay, so so I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m going to evaluate, or I’m going to examine my conclusion, I’m going to examine the validity of my conclusions.

Myron Golden 17:13
Now. Sometimes, the conclusions I’m going to come to are very different than the clusion conclusion somebody else can come to would come to my same situation. See, when I made my first sale, after a year and a half, and it was $125.66, I concluded, I am going to be rich. That’s the conclusion I came to. Now. That sounds like a foregone conclusion, right. But it makes perfect sense to me. Because if I can do it, and I did, that means I can do it once again. And if I can do it again, I can do it again and again. And I can do it again. And again. I can do it again. And again and again.

Myron Golden 17:59
And again. And again. And again and again and again. And you stack enough $125.60 successes together, and it becomes a lot of money. Stack $125.66 Together 1000 times that’s $1.2 million dollars. 10,000 times that’s $12 million a million times. That’s $100 million. I did some math wrong there. But y’all know what I meant. I realized after I said that, that did not make sense. But you knew what I meant. Okay, so stop judging me. Just pray for me. Okay, cool. So but you understand you just do it enough times and see, I know, like when I believe in something,

Myron Golden 18:44
boredom does not exist for me in that arena. I can iterate 1000 times, 10,000 times 100,000 times and not get bored, because I’m not looking at the iterations. What am I doing? I’m looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. How did he How did he endure the difficulties of his assignment for who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross? We endure the difficulties of our assignment by focusing on the joy that is set before us. And so what I do is I just look at the day. Like I literally I’m sure I practice guitar yesterday for two hours. I’m sure I did. And and all I practice was scales. It’s extreme, major scale in the key of C front facing sixth string major scale in the key of C back facing for two hours. And it felt like 15 seconds. Why? Because the joy of being able to play my guitar at that level is so clear to me that it doesn’t matter how many iterations like I don’t I don’t feel the pain of I mean, I feel the pain of my pinky but I don’t care it doesn’t matter.

Myron Golden 19:52
Why? Because, because most people only know Oh, how to conclude, come to conclusions that are disempowering. It requires intention to conclude, come to a conclusion that’s empowering. And see, guess what? You get to decide that you get to decide. So you can’t discern, you don’t get to decide what happens to you. You don’t get to decide what happens to me. What I do get assigned is after it happens, what am I going to focus on? What am I going to let this mean to me? And what am I going to do next? I get to decide that every single time I get to decide that when I when I make an offer and nobody accepts it, I get to decide, okay, what does that mean? Okay, okay, what am I going to focus on? Okay, what am I going to do next, I get to decide that when a big sail falls through, I get to decide that if there’s a car accident, I get to decide that if somebody Sue’s me, I get to decide that if the doctor gives me bad news, I get to decide if you lose a loved one, I can decide, I can always decide what this means.

Myron Golden 21:09
What I’m going to focus on and what I’m going to do next. I don’t get to decide what happens to me. And say, most people, that what they’ll do, instead of becoming hyper intentional about the conclusions they come to, what they’ll do instead is they’ll just say, they’ll make an excuse to say, well, that’s just the kind of person I am. Well, it’s not just the kind of person you are. It’s just the kind of person you’ve decided to allow yourself to be different. And so I did a video recently on no more excuses. I learned the most valuable lesson in my life about excuses from Jesus. He asked the man who was lame for 38 years, would you like to be healed? The man gave him three excuses. It’s everybody else’s fault. I’m doing the best I can and other people are better than me that who does that sound like anyway? judgment free zone, judgment free zone.

Myron Golden 22:04
But watch this. Jesus didn’t even listen to he didn’t even care because he ignored it. He’s like, take up your bed and walk. But here’s what I learned about excuses from Jesus. If I don’t make them, I don’t have to take them. Like somebody give me excuse, well, why don’t you just say no, I’m not going to do that. Because I don’t want to. Wow, how about that? That’d be a little that’d be a little transparent. Wouldn’t it be a little on the honest side, wouldn’t it? No wonder Billy Joe was saying honesty is such a lonely word. Right? Because people don’t tell the truth. They they will they want to say no without saying no. So they say, Well, I gotta think about it. They don’t have to think about it. They just don’t want to tell you know, I got to talk to my wife, my husband, my next door neighbor, who’s just as broke as I am the dog catcher, the mailman, the milkman.

Myron Golden 22:52
Right? The UPS? Don’t talk to anybody say no. Now, people come to me and ask me stuff. Like, if I’m not going to do obviously, I’m not going to do that. Why not? Because I’m not going to. Oh, by the way, my daughter taught me this no is a complete sentence. Anyway, so you examine the validity of your concrete conclusions, but also examine the virtue of your conclusions? Like, is the conclusion I’m coming to? Is it good? Is it a good conclusion? Or is it just one that makes me feel better in the moment? Like sometimes we come to conclusions to retaliate? For instance? Not a good conclusion. Sometimes. Sometimes. It’s the best conclusion. But how do I know I got to examine the virtue? I got to examine the virtue like why am I doing this for a good reason? Am I doing this just because I want to get this person and so you have to examine the virtue of your conclusions. Now.

Myron Golden 23:58
There are some virtuous difficult conclusions and then this is gonna sound terrible, but you know, it is what it is. Sometimes the truth is painful. But there’s there are some there are some very difficult conclusions that some of us need to come to in advance. Right? So I don’t have to make up my mind in the moment. Right? What Proverbs chapter four it says. It says Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it or the issue of issues of life. But away from your froward mouth and coverslips foot far from the lip and eyes look right on and let on I Live look straight before the ponder the pass on my feet. Watch what it says next. Let all thy ways be established. So you need to have some things in your life you won’t do no matter what. You need to have some things in your life that you will do no matter what. Like, I don’t ever want to hurt anybody. Ever. I don’t like you don’t understand. I don’t even step on bugs. Like I don’t want to kill this bug.

Myron Golden 24:57
He’s just living his best bug life. I I mean, it can be like, I can be a bug. But I’m a human. Yeah, I’m bigger than you. And you’re there you are. But I don’t want to kill you just because you’re a little or I’m big. Right? I know, I know some of you are thinking this dude, really. I don’t want to hurt anybody. I don’t, I don’t want to hurt anything. I don’t want to kill anything. Like, there’s a bug in my line. While I’m playing golf. I’ll just shoot it out of the way. I’m not going to kill it just because I can write anyway. But as much as I am a peace loving, individual. If someone is threatening danger to someone I love. I am the most dangerous man on earth. Someone’s threatening an innocent person. I am dangerous.

Myron Golden 25:49
Because I understand. This is a conclusion like this. This is a virtuous conclusion. That seems like wait, wait, what are you talking about? I understand that you can only have peace. If you are at least willing to have war. Like folks got to know. You can’t do that up in here. Right? And you don’t have to say it. But you need to stay ready. So you don’t have to get ready. My brother Rob would say when seconds count help us only minutes away. Can I get a witness? Like you are your first you are your best and first first responder. Anyway I don’t want her day ever. That don’t mean I won’t

Myron Golden 26:54
threaten somebody I love. Try to take advantage of somebody I care about. I will come at you bro. Okay, y’all get it? Examine the virtue. Like See, here’s what we think. We think all confrontation is bad. And we think all capitulation is good. Well, that can’t be the case. I mean, you know, everybody thinks Jesus was just this effeminate dude, run around without a peacemaker. Just laugh, just love. Jesus made a whip in the temple, turn his stuff over, turn his stuff out. Y’all get up at a hill Do you understand? If you’re not willing to have war, you can have no peace. But if you don’t have the potential to be dangerous, then you also don’t have the potential to be good. Like, if there is no potential if somebody asked me recently on my on one of my YouTube videos, I said, the man, why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?

Myron Golden 28:06
Well, first of all, because He’s God, he doesn’t need to check with us. Let’s start with that. I mean, by the way, that’s, that’s really a good conclusion for all of us to come to about God. But that’s first of all, but secondly, because If man does not have an opportunity to do evil, than his good is not good. It’s just the fault. Y’all track it. Okay. So we want to we want to examine the virtue of our conclusions, the conclusions that we come to when we’re doing our iterations, we want to examine those conclusions. We want to examine the validity of them, examine the virtue of them, and then examine the value of our conclusions. Now, here’s what’s really interesting. Most people make the mistake of examining the value of their conclusions by determining whether or not they themselves value that conclusion. That that’s not the test my people. You want to test the value of your conclusion? Test it in the marketplace? Well, I think this book is a great idea.

Myron Golden 29:07
I just want to write a book about my story. Here’s the problem with you and your book about your story. Nobody don’t care about your story. But you and your mom and she don’t want to read about it. She was there when it happened. Is that Utah? Right, nobody, nobody wants to read your story. Your your story is only valuable to people. As it as the value of your story to other people, is the equivalent of the value, the ability of that story to transform their lives for the better. Otherwise, your story doesn’t matter. Mine doesn’t either. See, we want to I want I want I just got such an amazing story. People need to hear it. That’s what you think. They may need to hear but they don’t care. They don’t care about your story unless your story positively impacts their life. Period. See, I believe that I’m believe that marketing, I’m sorry, not marketing sales, I believe that sales is uncovering the value of what I have to offer. So well, that people are happy to exchange the money they have in their pocket for the value I’ve revealed. So it’s uncovering the value. But I can’t uncover value to someone until I uncover what’s valuable to that someone.

Myron Golden 30:26
Right? And and see, here’s what happens. Most people are not good at sales, because they think people they’re selling to or them. What does that mean? Here’s what it means. How many of you, at least at one point in your life, even if it’s now but it could be in some time in the past? Didn’t like salespeople, okay, now, think about and didn’t like sales? Right? Okay. Think about it. How many of you, like didn’t like sales and salespeople so much when somebody tries to sell you something? They call me? Can I help you? No, I’m just looking. And you get like a little attitude. Right? Okay. One of the reasons you don’t like sales or didn’t like sales, is because you didn’t want other people to look at you, like you look at salespeople, we will never work to become something we despise. I mean, I’ll track it.

Myron Golden 31:23
Right. And so, so you think they’re gonna have a bad attitude towards you if you try to sell them because you had a bad attitude towards people and just say, How many of you, when you get when somebody tries to sell you something, you want to buy it for the cheapest price possible? Or at least have in the past? Want them? Like, like, I’m gonna squeeze all the juice out of this deal. Right? Right in the past, okay, in the back. I used to be the same way. I that’s the kind of buyer he I used to want to negotiate. I first of all, I like negotiation. I like it because it’s fun. I like the game of negotiation. I just like having the conversations. I like bartering. One of my favorite things about going to Israel is just bartering with the people on the in the street, the street vendors, I just love it. It’s, it’s fun. It’s just it’s like a game. It’s like a dance anyway. And the reality is I could pay whatever price they tell me.

Myron Golden 32:11
But I don’t want to pay whatever price they tell me if we can have a dance. Right? Anyway. So another reason I like sales, like I don’t want to sell stuff to people, then all you got to do is try to talk me down all the time. And then, you know, I won’t make any money anyway. See, Pete, we think we’re selling to ourselves. That’s why it’s so important for all of us. If you want to become successful in business become a better buyer. Like how many of you, in your business would love to have a multitude of people outside the door? Cash or credit card in hand? clamoring to buy whatever you are ready to sell? Like it’s Black Friday? Where my people?

Myron Golden 32:51
Exactly. Okay, so how do you attract those kinds of buyers by becoming that kind of buyer, because everything in life reproduces after its own kind, we don’t get what we want, we get what we are trying to track it. So. So now I’m examining the value. This is why it’s so important for you to go and ask questions of the people you serve. Do you understand, if you’ll do ask campaigns for every product you launch, that your audience will tell you everything you need to put in it in the product. And an Ask campaign? I think Alex Mandossian came up with this. But you asked this question, what’s the safe? Let’s say you’re a marriage counselor, counselor, you do marriage coaching, right? What’s the single biggest challenge men?

Myron Golden 33:38
What’s the single biggest challenge you have in your marriage? Been women? What’s on a different day? Women? What’s the single biggest challenge you have with your marriage? And you let them tell you? I mean, you take all of those answers. Were what’s what’s the single biggest challenge you have in your finances? If you’re a business, finance, financial literacy? What’s the single biggest challenge you have in scaling your business? Like 10x? And you let them tell you and then you get let’s say you get 100 answers, and you get 10 of each answer. Or you get no let’s say you get 20 of 110 of another one, like 15 of another one, five, and you just take those answers and you make those the chapter titles in your book or the module titles of your course.

Myron Golden 34:21
And you solve those problems because now you know you’re solving and then you go back to them say I created a program and fixes this this this. How did you know? You told me? Right? Okay, so that’s examine the value until you cannot uncover value to someone until you discover what’s valuable to that someone. So we need to become we need like, we need to increase the level of empathy we have in business, and we will sell more. Okay, now, that’s the Think like a genius part. But if you think like a genius and you talk like a genius, you are going to alienate the world. Do you have to think like a genius. And then you have to talk like a third grader, I have come to the realization, there’s there’s an app, there’s, there’s a website, that you can take all of your sales conversation.

Myron Golden 35:13
Like if you get ready, you create a PowerPoint presentation, you can put your PowerPoint presentation into this website, you can copy and paste it in there, all the words. And then it will tell you what grade level that PowerPoint is on, you write a book, you take the concepts that but put it in, put it in this app, copy and paste it, it’ll tell you what grade level you’re talking about. In a book, you can get away with fifth grade, maybe even seventh grade, like level communication, depending on who you’re writing to. Obviously, if you’re writing to PhDs, then do your thing. They love that stuff. Right. And I say that, because I really love that stuff, too. I like reading that stuff, if it’s about what I’m studying.

Myron Golden 35:51
But for the most part, you’re writing a book for the marketplace, you’re writing a book on marriage coaching, you’re writing a book on sales, you’re writing a book on business development, you’re writing a book on leadership, put it in third grade language, it’ll change the game. Now, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna make I’m gonna give you a premise that I believe that will not just help you in, in writing and creating courses, but just in your communication in general. Don’t the premises, we’re all big kids on the inside. And then we pretend to be adults to the world.

Myron Golden 36:25
That’s the premise. Okay? We’re just a little kid. We’re like all these little kids. We’re, we’re all like these little third graders running around. And instead of saying, Do you want to play with my ball, I’ll let you play with my ball. If you let me play with your truck, what we’re doing is, hey, I can solve this problem for you. It’s the same, it’s the same game. Okay? So here’s what we have to here’s what we have to guard against, we have to guard against attempting to making the adult in me attempt to impress the adult in you.

Myron Golden 36:54
Like that’s, that’s, that’s the kiss of death in sales. That’s the kiss of death in impact. That’s the kiss of death in coaching. I want to impress you, with how smart and sophisticated and whatever else other adjectives like you can think of. If I’m telling you the kiss of death, instead of attempting to make the adult in me, impress the adult in you. The thing that will change the game for you is when you allow the little child in you to connect with the little child and the people you’re talking to it changes the game forever.

Myron Golden 37:31
Forever, like, total game changer. So when it comes to talking like a third grader, you have to express yourself with simplicity. Now, when you go through college, if you get an MBA, if you go you want to get an MBA, and you write a paper, you turn it into your professor, and you use a one syllable word and you could have used a three syllable word, they take off points for that. But in the marketplace, when you’re selling stuff, if you use a three syllable word, and you could have used a one syllable word, the marketplace takes off points for that, and point to the marketplace or in the form of dollars.

Myron Golden 38:16
Because if somebody doesn’t understand what you mean, most people now I would say, I don’t understand what you mean. Like, but most people won’t do that. Most people won’t say I don’t understand what you mean. They’ll act like they understand what you mean and just disagree with you. Why? Because if they tell you I don’t understand what you mean to them.

Myron Golden 38:37
It makes them feel stupid and it takes them back. You understand how you don’t understand the programming of the MIS educational Mr. correctional system, aka the government got indoctrination camps that make people feel stupid for getting bad grades. So just all you got to do is go back to your childhood. I don’t know what y’all did like in elementary school, I found out later this didn’t work. But in elementary school, when I got an F I changed to an A with an eraser before I showed my report card to my mom and dad. Okay, so now I probably okay. Judge me, do you think I’m just telling you? I may have even learned it from my older brother. Maybe not. When he watches this. I’m sure he’ll let me know whether or not he learned it from me or I learned it from him.

Myron Golden 39:21
But anyway, so change the ATF, I mean, change the ftdna Right. So I changed my report card before I brought it home thinking that my parents wouldn’t be able to tell. I raised the grave it gives you so goofy. Okay, so So, but remember how bad it felt when you you got your report card and had season or it had DS and epsilon maybe you didn’t have those. I did great in school all the way through the third grade. I had nothing but A’s and B’s. I made a habit of C and penmanship through the third grade after that, oh, I went to the other half of that grading system. And I stayed there and And so but you’d get it not only would you feel stupid, but then you take it home to your parents and you get in trouble. And then they make you spend more time doing so called homework which isn’t homework at schoolwork.

Myron Golden 40:11
They didn’t finish teaching at school. There’s no such thing as homework. Anyway, homework, do your job, I’m paying you write anyway. You want to make me feel like I’m a bad parent because I don’t go relearn algebra, which I know I never used and I know my children ever you but now I gotta go relearn it so I can teach it to them. So now we’re not only wasting their time where we’re using, we’re wasting. We’re using them to help me waste my time to make sure they waste their time to validate your degree. I’m not doing it. And that’s how I got a little bit of attitude. Retta. was dumb. Anyway. So instead of people saying I don’t understand what you mean, they’ll say Nah, no, I don’t think so. I don’t think I want any of that. They don’t have any idea what you just said.

Myron Golden 40:54
You just promulgated your esoteric connotations and articulated all of your superficial sentimentality with all of the amicable and philosophical and psychological observations would be where platitudinous find the rosaries. And you let your extemporaneous verbal evaporation has demonstrated clarify conciseness with no contact. Or previous juju, I forgot the rest of those big words. Nobody cares. No previous gorilla TRG. June bafflement, you did all that. But nobody knows what you mean. But they’re not gonna say I don’t know what that means. They’ll say, You know what, now that you mentioned that I’m not going to do it. Right, instead of just admitting, because because in order for you to say something to me and me to admit that I don’t know what you mean, not only am I telling you, I’m stupid. I’m telling you that I know you’re smarter than me.

Myron Golden 41:43
That doesn’t happen when you talk like a third grader. You know why? Everybody knows what you mean. They don’t have to pretend. So the website that I was talking about earlier, it’s called Hemingway. Hemingway Now, my son found out my son told me about this. He’s like that. So my son, he created a course called persuade, like presidents. And so what he did was, he went back and evaluated all of the winning presidential campaigns from Reagan all the way through Trump, all. And then he evaluated the grade level that those presidents spoke on.

Myron Golden 42:32
He said, when they spoke it to higher grade level they always lost. So, interestingly enough, just the three that I remember, when Barack Obama one, he spoke at a fifth to seventh grade level, Donald Trump 1/3 to fifth grade level, Hillary Clinton lost ninth grade level. Like impressing people doesn’t work. I mean, it does, if that’s all you want. If that’s the paycheck, and you want an ego paycheck, you can’t cash them, but they make you feel good for a little while, if that’s what you want.

Myron Golden 43:11
He talking like that. So you want to express yourself with simplicity. Now, here’s how you express yourself with simplicity, I’m going to give you some I’m gonna give you some tools you can use number one. Start at the beginning. What does that mean? Start at the beginning, you have to assume when you’re talking to people that they don’t know what you mean. So when you introduce a new word or concept, define it early. Because as soon as they hear a word, they don’t understand. They’re going to probably yawn. Like you’re reading a book, you read a word you don’t understand the definition of Word, you’ll probably on but the next thing that happens is you totally disengage.

Myron Golden 43:57
Because anything that happens after that word, that word you not understanding the definition of a word is like a bridge being out when you’re driving your car down the road. Doesn’t matter what words come after, that doesn’t matter how much road comes after the bridge. If the bridge is out, the bridge is out. And you’re gonna, like the whole conversation falls to its death. So you always start at the beginning, when you use a word, introduce a word or a concept. Always define it at the beginning. One of the biggest problems smart people have is they are the only ones who know what they mean. And it’s hard. Like it requires more work to talk like a third grader when you think like a genius but I promise you it’s worth it.

Myron Golden 44:42
Okay, so you start at the beginning. Are y’all tracking? Okay? That’s the first part. Second part. Show where you’re going. So it’s interesting. One of the things I teach people to do is I teach people how to Speak and sell from Stage Right. And so, when I’m teaching that off, I always say, the worst way to start a public presentation is with a stupid joke. Let me give you my definition of a stupid joke. And a joke you start your presentation with, because 1/3 of the audience is going to get it in laugh 1/3 of the audience is not going to get it and they’re going to be confused, and the other third is going to be offended.

Myron Golden 45:32
Do not start your talk with a stupid joke definition of a stupid joke, and a joke you start your presentation with. Instead, start with two engaging questions because questions are the answer. In fact, any sales conversation would be better off if you started it with two engaging questions or non engaging questions, enrolling questions. So let’s say I’m doing marriage counseling. And I want to sell there are a lot of marriage counseling coaches out there. Okay. How many of you would love to love more and argue less than your marriage? Let me hear you say yes. Yes. Okay. Some of y’all don’t care.

Myron Golden 46:18
You want to argue more in love less? Okay. Hey, do you? Do you my dude, do your thing. Okay. And then, okay, I say y’all must not have understood the question. How many of you in your marriage? Want to love more? And are you less? Let me hear you say yes. Okay, excellent. How many of you are willing to do the things that are necessary, even if they’re hard so you can love more and argue less? If that’s you? Let me hear you say that’s me. Excellent. Give yourselves a hand for being here today.

Myron Golden 46:46
So now I told them by asking them, what they’re going to learn. What are they going to learn? They’re going to learn how to love more and argue less in their in their marriage. If I’m going to teach people how to write best selling books, how many of you would like to become the author of a best selling book that you are the publisher of? Let me hear you say I would. Excellent when I teach you how to do it. How many of you are willing to follow all the steps? Let me hear you say I am excellent. Give yourselves a hand. See, all I did was showed where I’m going by asking to enrolling questions.

Myron Golden 47:20
Because now they said they want the outcome that I know I can get them. Are y’all tracking? Okay? And then the last part of talk like a third grader, is story your way through every conversation story, story, your way through the conversation, what does that mean? Story your way through. You want to have a you want to tell a story of a transformation of someone, the person you’re talking to, can relate to, to tell a story of somebody who was where they are. But they are now where that person you’re talking to would like to be.

Myron Golden 48:06
And you story your way through the presentation. And in the words of my good friend Andy Henriques, who’s a storytelling coach, he says, Never make a point without telling a story. And never tell a story without making a point. And if you will do those things that we talked about in the first video, and in this video, you will think like a genius. Talk Like a third grader. You may be less impressive, but you’ll be way more impactful. Thanks for watching. Peace out Cub Scouts. Have a great day.

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Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them.

His students are experiencing exponential business growth. And he can show anyone how to turn his or her passion into profits. He teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

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