How to Make, Manage, and Multiply Wealth

money, asset, wealth, pay, funnels, create, book, borrow, sell, buy, myron, tracking, bible study, certification, evaluate, worth, products, wealthy, bank, borrowed money

Hello, my friend Myron golden here. And I wanted to make a quick intro video for this next video that you’re about to watch because for the last year, every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock, I’ve either gone live or released a Bible study video. This is not going to be a Bible study video, not because I don’t do Bible studies anymore, not because I don’t want to do Bible studies anymore. But because I am traveling right now. And I’m in Pennsylvania, getting my house ready for Airbnb. And I don’t have a Bible study video recorded. I thought we had one, we did not have one. So we have some other videos, I’m gonna release a financial education video. Instead, it’s going to be remarkable. And it’s going to help you tremendously in your life.

How To Finally Be Free From Poverty

poverty, hate, people, money, wisdom, sleep, scripture, word, escape, programming, love, evil, rich, gluttony, serpent, trap, lack, broke, primary purpose, devilish

Have you ever felt like you are trapped in poverty like it’s an escape room? Like it’s a it’s a maze like it’s, it’s someplace that feels like no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try, you can’t get out. Well, in this video, I’m going to show you how you can finally once and for all, for the rest of your life, escape the poverty programming trap, because poverty program, why do I say, escape the poverty programming trap, because poverty can’t exist in your experience unless it first exists in your expectation, or in the expectation of someone who was responsible for you while you are growing up in the world. So we have to be, we have to understand that poverty is a mindset, just like wealth is a mindset. And we talked about that on other videos, like the difference between rich people, poor people and middle class people is not how much money they have.

Expectation vs Choice Your Super Power Revealed

greatest superpower, people, expectation, watch, faith, practice, thinking, outcome, hebrews chapter, myron, superpower, awareness, choice, aware, god, realizing, lord, jesus, choosing, life

In this video, you are going to discover an answer that you’ve been looking for that will fix a lot of stuff in your life. And my daughter, Didi and I were going to be talking about that thing that fixes a lot of things, things in your life, it just it can fix your focus, it can fix your fitness, it can fix your family can fix your finances, fix your future, and it’s one thing and I call it the human beings greatest superpower. She says, I get what you’re saying, but it’s not the human beings greatest superpower. So we’re gonna have this conversation in front of you. And we’re gonna let you vote on YouTube. Let us know who you think is right. And you’re probably going to let us think let us know that you think we’re both right. We’re just right at different times. So here’s what it is. Here it is you ready? I believe that expectation is the human beings greatest superpower, DD believes

Stop Paying For Things With Money!

offer, asset, buy, money, pay, vip, hour, profit, sell, people, create, book, infinite, life, general admission, day, month, coaching, business, challenge

Are you tired of feeling like your back is against the wall financially? Are you tired of feeling like you’ve got more month left at the end of the money than you do money at the end of the month, you’re tired of raking and scraping and robbing Peter to pay Paul, and there’s a knock on the door. And Pope, both Peter and Paul are there at the same time telling you, we want our money. You’re tired of struggling financially, and running out of money and feeling like you’re broke and like you’ll never get caught up and never get ahead. This is the video for you. Why? Because I’ve discovered something mind blowing, I call it the ultimate infinite asset, the ultimate infinite asset. So why do I call it the ultimate infinite asset. And because income follows asset, the thing that you need to focus on if you desire for your life to get better is you need to focus on creating more assets. What is an asset an asset is something that you create, that’s a solution for somebody else’s problem that they give you the they exchange give you money for it.

You Can’t Lose With The Stuff I Use

david, fight, philistine, goliath, champion, people, ai, israel, brothers, paid, bear, understand, man, philistines, afraid, saul, stood, god, verse, heard

Have you ever found yourself in an impossible situation or a seemingly impossible situation where it felt like the only option was to lose or lose, to be defeated or be defeated? Like to quit? Or to give up? Have you ever found yourself in a situation like that? I have. And unfortunately, I have to admit, I didn’t always make the right decision. You know, when it comes to fight or flight, sometimes flight makes sense. Sometimes you just gotta get out of there sometimes got to stand your ground, you got to fight.

It’s Time To Make Money Honey 💰🍯

bee, people, car, entrepreneurs, perturbation, plant, wash, care, produce, self interest, tracking, business, human beings, honey, benefit, money, giving, programmed, focused, spare bedroom

Stop letting people make you feel guilty about being diligent in your assignment. Stop letting people throw guilt on you because you’re focused or hyper focused, or what some people call obsessed with your mission. Because the reality is, that mission is critical, even to the people who are judging you for focusing on it. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. When will you learn how to be a money bee? I find it fascinating that bees don’t like human beings. I find it fascinating that human beings breathe in oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide. I find it really fascinating that that trees and plants and flowers they take in carbon dioxide, but they put out oxygen. And and the interesting you know, we heard like I used to hear my parents talking about the birds and the bees like when they were trying to keep stuff secret from us. They didn’t want us to know that you had a birds and the bees I’m thinking what in the world birds and bees, what does that have to do with anything right? And, and I realized later on after I learned how reproduction works, like reproduction and human beings and animals happens through connection. But reproduction in plants happens through a concept called polymerization.

You Don’t Lack Abundance You Lack Awareness

You are about to discover that you have way more abundance than you thought you had. In fact, I talked to people, and I watched them struggling. And I’m asking myself, like, why are you doing this? I know you think the struggle is real, but I promise you, the struggle is not real, it’s imagined. And what I mean by that is you already have access to the abundance of the things that you are working towards and seeking, the thing you lack is not abundance, and the thing you lack is not access to the abundance, the thing you lack is awareness of your access.

god, abundance, abram, hagar, abraham, people, descendants, bless, pray, verse, hearken, child, baby, abrams, son, cry, real, water, consequence, ai

How To Make Millions In Medical Staffing

You are about to be blown away. Because I’m going to introduce an individual to you that I’ve known for a couple of years, but just really began to dive into her business model today. If you want to look at a business model that can make hundreds of 1000s Millions, 10s of millions or even millions of dollars, which I know sounds like an exaggeration. That’s why I didn’t say it loud.

staffing, staffing firm, people, staffing agency, healthcare staffing, nurse, work, started, business, teach, facility, agency, health care facility, part, 1000s, nicole, entrepreneurs, absolutely, year, individuals

You Can Win The Battle Within!

If you’re anything like me, you found yourself in the past doing something. And then after you did it, you said, Why did I do that? Or you said something. And after you said it, you say, I can’t believe I said that. Or you are attempting to do the right thing. And all of a sudden you stumble and do the wrong thing. You’re like, oh, man, am I ever gonna? Am I ever going to stop doing this?

sin, law, verse, flesh, temptation, spirit, scripture, obsesses, god, people, serving, married, romans chapter, tempts, good, trespass, christ, death, referring, internal

6 Figure 1st Year YouTuber Reveals Best Secrets

You’re about to discover what I’ve learned in my first year, on being a YouTube YouTuber. I guess that’s what it’s called a YouTube YouTuber. And I’m going to tell you the lessons I’ve learned, I’m going to show you the money that I’ve earned. And what that looks like for me as a business, because I’ve been on YouTube for 16 years. But I didn’t start doing YouTube as a YouTuber until April of last year. And the lessons I’ve learned have been monumental to the degree where we learned last month, or the $9,000 and change, just the money YouTube paid us to send us clients. So just let that sink in. Because here we go. So what do I learn? First thing I learned was at first, in fact, I’m going to tell you the the genesis of this whole thing. I got signed up on YouTube, march 15 2007. And I got signed up because my nephew, saw a video on YouTube. And he created like a reaction video to that video. And he got like, 50,000 views in three days. I’m like, what is that. And then I started creating some videos. Just putting some stuff out there. It didn’t not my videos, didn’t have titles. They didn’t have thumbnails.

thumbnail, youtube, title, year, people, video, camera, turn, month, views, telling, watch, money, paid, learned, create, word, ads, book, teaching