What Wealth Is And How You Can Create It…

Well, you’re about to discover maybe for the first time in your life, that wealth is not money. And money is not wealth, real estate’s not wealth either. Neither is gold or silver, what is wealth? I believe that wealth is one thing, wealth is the valuethat you create. For someone other than you, that’s what wealth is. Wealth is the value that you create for someone other than you.

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Have you ever wondered why in a world of abundance in a country of abundance, so many people live, like, paycheck to paycheck? They live hand to mouth, they can’t seem to figure it out. And I was talking to the folks here this morning. And I said, you know, I don’t know if you ever thought about it. But why are so many people in a country where so much wealth has been created over the last several centuries, and even more over the last couple of decades? Yeah, inflation is real, and inflation has devalued the dollar and made it worth, like, 98%, less than it was worth 40 years ago, I get that. But, but still, there’s still a lot of abundance in the world. And my question is, like, why are most people struggling financially, and I, I don’t believe that’s an accident. So I want to talk to you today about this, get rich quick, or get rich, fast and slow. Or I can say get rich, quick and slow. But what I really want to show you today is I want to show you the value of Getting Rich, quick, and getting rich, slow, and staying rich for the rest of your life. So you can pass on a legacy to your children and your children’s children. That’s what I want to talk to you about. So it’s very, very important that you understand that that if you’re going to get rich, the first thing you have to do is you have to get rich quickly. Now I’m not talking about you know, okay, all you got to do is by my by my saw secrets, money printing software, and push a button and go to bed and you wake up richer. That’s not what I’m talking about.

One OFFER Can Change Everything…

Hey there, Myron golden here. Welcome to our YouTube channel. I teach business from a biblical perspective. But you already know that because that’s why you’re here. Well, guess what? You’ve been watching me on YouTube and now it’s time for us to me. I’ve got a live event coming up June 14 15th and 16th in Tampa, Florida. We’re actually in Wesley Chapel, Florida, just north of Tampa and I am inviting you to come we only have a couple 100 tickets left. It will be a sold out event.

The Greater The Risk The Greater The Return

Warning, no risk, no reward, big risk, big reward, little risk, little reward. But even though the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward, some risks just aren’t worth taking. So, unfortunately, most people, what they do is they go through life and they seek to avoid risk. Can I can I challenge you? Is it okay? If I challenge you? If that’s okay, say that’s okay. Okay, so is it okay? If I challenge you to, instead of seeking to avoid risk, seek to manage the risk in your life, what does manage the risk mean? It means weigh the consequences of failure according to this risk, but also weigh the benefits of success. If the benefits of success are greater than the consequences of failure, then oftentimes, the risk is worth it.

Don’t Let Your Distractions Destroy Your Destiny!

Have you ever wondered what separates the best in class or the best in categories from the rest in class? Or the rest of the category? Why is there only one Michael Jordan in a lifetime? If you ever wondered, why is there only one Jack Nicklaus or one Tiger Woods or one Steve Jobs? Or one Elon Musk and like a whole lifetime? Have you ever wondered, why is there only one Sam Walton? Can anyone like, the fact is, regardless of what the arena is, doesn’t matter if it’s sports, it doesn’t matter if it’s business doesn’t matter, if it’s medicine, doesn’t matter, if it’s science, doesn’t matter if it’s education doesn’t matter. In any arena, there are only a handful of stars and even fewer superstars. And there are even fewer people that we could call legendary. How many I would agree with that, right? But you’re about to discover what it takes. If you want to be a star, if you want to be a superstar, or if you want to be legendary. And I thought it wasn’t gonna write on the board, but I was wrong. So I’m gonna let Karina Moran or somebody fix that board up for me just go to the next page for me. So, so understand this, that that you’re going to discover, like how to become the best of the best in category, the best of the best in class, like you will be like, whatever your arena is, you will set yourself so far apart from everybody else, you will have no competition. Does that sound interesting to anybody besides me?

Speak And Grow Rich

Wealth starts to be created on the next level of value. This is the second highest level of value and where wealth begins to be created. It’s called communication. The resource that you use on this level is called a mouth. Now, there is a caveat. You have to have a mouth and you have to learn how to use it to produce wealth. Because just cuz you have a mouth, that’s not a guarantee. That’s only half the equation.

Live Like A Millionaire On Your Way To Becoming One

So we already know that time is not money. But we say time is money. Now say you say Myron, why do you say that’s a damaging lie? Here’s why I say it’s a damaging lie, because if I go through life on a conscious level saying “Time is money, time is money,” I’ll act as if time is money. Time is money. And what I’ll do is I’ll sell a whole bunch of my time for a little bit of somebody else’s money because I value them both equally.

Free Speech Is Dead

We’ve had a lot of chaos over the last couple of years in the United States of America; like chaos in communities, like riots. What is that about? I believe it’s about a bunch of children and adult bodies.

How To Profit from Your Problem

Hey, there’s time for you to start winning, it’s time for you to stop being a victim. And when I say stop being a victim, what does that mean? Well, I think people have some erroneous beliefs about life, and the things that happened to them, like a lot of people would like to use the things that have happened to them in their lives as an excuse, or a, quote, reason why their life isn’t working. But I submit to you, that’s almost never the case, especially if you’re an adult, that’s not the case.

Steve Jobs Changed The World In 10 Words

See, people think Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all times- when I say great, most successful entrepreneurs of all times- because he was an innovator. Steve Jobs was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, because he was a great imaginator and he was a great communicator.