Think And Grow Rich Or You Will Think And Grow Broke

people, rich, fruitful, god, broke, evil, living, life, thinking, creativity, year, negative, bigger, fruit, seed, thoughts, grow, word, winning, broker

You’ve heard of the book Thinking Grow Rich, many of you have read the book Thinking Grow Rich. Well, doesn’t it stand to reason that if you can think and grow rich, that automatically means you can think and grow broke. The difference is for most people, though, in order to think and grow rich, it requires intention. But to think and grow broke, it only requires neglect. So let’s not neglect being intentional about our thoughts. Because if we do, we might end up being one of those people who think and grow broke. In this video, I’m going to talk about the kinds of thoughts you have to avoid, if you don’t want to thank him go broke.

Bible Success Secrets From Genesis 1

god, created, people, earth, truth, waters, creation, man, ultimate success formula, life, animals, connection, read, talking, purpose, accumulation, fact, contribution, bible, feel

Have you ever contemplated the ultimate success secret? Like if there were an ultimate success, secret and ultimate secret to success? What would that be? Well, I’ve contemplated what the ultimate success secret is. But before I tell you what I believe the ultimate success secret is, I have to tell you, what I believe the definition of success is because if if I start talking about success, and I don’t define it, I’m going to be talking about one thing you’re going to be thinking about another thing. And as my daughter says, so eloquently, the biggest problem in communication is thinking that it happened, right? And then no communication happen, because I’m talking about one thing, and you’re thinking about another thing. So I’m going to define success. I believe that the ultimate success in your life in my life, the ultimate success is discovering the purpose for which God created you developing yourself for that purpose, because you are not ready already.

Why Financial Security Blocks Financial Freedom

freedom, security, risk, life, door, entrepreneur, people, mark, work, great, choice, downside, helen keller, offer, upside, financial freedom, financial security, daring adventure, decide, robert allen

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that financial security is the same as financial freedom. In fact, don’t even make the mistake of thinking that security is the same as freedom. A lot of people say, Well, I just want some financial security. And they think they mean, I just want financial freedom. They’re, they’re not only not the same, they’re actually opposites. And in this video, I’m going to show you how to make sure you pick the right door for you. I read Robert Allen say a long time ago, there are two doors in life. How many doors? Talk to me, everybody how many doors there are two doors in life. And by the way, we know their doors because they have doorknobs. Okay, so there are two doors in life. One is Mark security. The other is marked freedom. Then he said, if you choose the door Mark security you get neither of you choose the door Mark freedom, you get both. I like what Helen Keller said Helen Keller said that security does not exist in all of nature.

Savvy Finance And Business Insight

business, entrepreneur, bible, question, coach, money, book, nonprofit, god, offer, myron, work, principles, reasons, level, read, feel, sell, youtube, genesis

Hey there, YouTube, Myron golden. Here we are in studio today with a live audience. And I’m going to do some hot seat q&a, coaching, answering business questions for entrepreneurs. And hopefully, you’ll find some help in this. Let’s go. Who wants to go first? Who’s got a question? All right. Laban Laban has a question of the

Walk Like A Wise Man Not Like A Fool

wisdom, buy, god, money, walk, wise, truth, people, circumspectly, life, means, create, prerequisite, knowledge, discover, expiring, bible, live, learn, lord

Have you ever wondered how can I become more wise? You know, the Scripture says Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom with all thy getting get understanding. But where do you get that wisdom? Do you go down to like Publix and say I’d like seven pounds of wisdom please? How much is it per pound? I don’t think so. But I’m going to share with you some concepts about how we’re supposed to be wise. From the book of Ephesians In Ephesians, chapter five. Here’s what it says in verse eight. It says, For you are sometimes darkness but now are you light in the Lord, walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit, and is in all goodness and righteousness of truth and truth, Proving what is acceptable unto the LORD, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them, for it is ashamed to even speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for what’s our a def make manifest is light.

Multiple Streams For Millionaire Dreams

multiple streams, people, businesses, void, faster, discover, rich, cars, wealth, virtue, money, inlet, talk, pools, buy, perceived, knowest, create, moves, dead sea

We’ve all heard of multiple streams of income. Robert Allen wrote the book we’ve all talked about multiple streams of income. Some of us have multiple streams of income, others of us desire multiple streams of income. Today I’m going to talk to you about multiple streams, for millionaire dreams. And I love the fact that it’s not called multiple pools of wealth, but it’s called multiple streams of income. I’m going to read a passage to you from Ecclesiastes two passages, Ecclesiastes, chapter 11, verses one through six first it says, Castlight bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days give a portion to seven and also to eight without notice not what evil shall be upon the earth. The clouds be full of rain, and they empty themselves upon the earth.

How to Make, Manage, and Multiply Wealth

money, asset, wealth, funnels, pay, create, evaluate, sell, book, myron, borrow, wealthy, tracking, net worth, bible study, years, buy, borrowed money, cash flow, experiences

Hello, my friend Myron golden here. And I wanted to make a quick intro video for this next video that you’re about to watch because for the last year, every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock, I’ve either gone live or released a Bible study video. This is not going to be a Bible study video, not because I don’t do Bible studies anymore, not because I don’t want to do Bible studies anymore. But because I am traveling right now. And I’m in Pennsylvania, getting my house ready for Airbnb. And I don’t have a Bible study video recorded. I thought we had one, we did not have one. So we have some other videos, I’m gonna release a financial education video. Instead, it’s going to be remarkable. And it’s going to help you tremendously in your life. But it’s not a Bible study video today. But I’ll be back in the saddle next Wednesday, looking forward to sharing the principles from Word of God with you on next Wednesday morning at 10am. So in the meantime, in between time, enjoy this video. And again, my apologies. It’s not a Bible study video, but I believe it’s going to help you a lot.

How To Finally Be Free From Poverty

poverty, hate, wisdom, money, escape, scripture, sleep, evil, programming, rich, trap, living, broke, spell, lack, word, afford, hand, gluttony, child

Have you ever felt like you are trapped in poverty like it’s an escape room? Like it’s a it’s a maze like it’s, it’s someplace that feels like no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try, you can’t get out. Well, in this video, I’m going to show you how you can finally once and for all, for the rest of your life, escape the poverty programming trap, because poverty program, why do I say, escape the poverty programming trap, because poverty can’t exist in your experience unless it first exists in your expectation, or in the expectation of someone who was responsible for you while you are growing up in the world. So we have to be, we have to understand that poverty is a mindset, just like wealth is a mindset. And we talked about that on other videos, like the difference between rich people, poor people and middle class people is not how much money they have. But it’s how they think about money. And what they think the primary purpose of money is. Poor people think the primary purpose of money is paying bills.

Myron Golden And Russell Bruns…eal Secrets To Making Millions

people, funnel, click funnels, god, clickfunnels, talking, created, webinar, russell, traffic, book, page, seo, seed, told, find, money, fruitful, ads, garden

Let’s share some of our best stuff, like stuff that we don’t normally share. Yeah, stuff that we either stuff that we don’t normally share or stuff we don’t share with people unless they pay us a whole lot of money. Or just stuff that will really move the needle, I think the best thing that will serve everybody here, as we share stuff that really moves the needle a lot, my desire for y’all is, I really, really desire for each and every one of you to understand how much impact you can make, just by owning your assignment, own it. Like, don’t stick your toe in the water. Don’t play with it. People ask me all the time. In fact, I remember one time I asked you this. But people asked me this all the time. Man, if you could go back and do your entrepreneurial journey over what would you do differently? Married? If you could, at six year old 16 years old, go back and talk to your 18 year old self? What would you say? My answer is always the same. Y’all know what it is? Don’t you get it done faster. I wouldn’t have taken so long. I wouldn’t have waited to get ready to get ready to prepare to prepare to like, make my financial life work. I wouldn’t have done that I would have gotten it done so much faster. Because the sooner you get it done, the longer you get to enjoy it with the people you love the most.

Set up your family for lifetime success

year, assets, working, book, mindset, cars, level, create, people, perceived, toolset, income, set, skill, pay, learn, outcome, write, highest level, opportunity

Are you tired of working your fingers to the bone? Are you tired of working on something that doesn’t seem to be working for you? Have you struggled with figuring out like, I’m really looking to hit my lip, I want to make my family set for life. I was there for a very long time. You don’t have to be there as long as I was there. In fact, I’m going to show you today, access to a, quote, shortcut that can make your family set for life and legacy. And that is this the first statement I’m going to make I got this from Daniel Priestley, he’s the author of oversubscribed. He’s also the author of 24 assets. He’s also the author of the person of influence. This guy made a statement that made so much sense he said, income follows assets.