Not Under The Law But Under Grace

So on our last video, we talked about how to win against sin. But on this video, I’m going to show you how to be like really free, like how to be free and what freedom means because it doesn’t mean what people think it means. In fact, have you ever thought about this freedom can only exist inside of boundaries. And anytime we are free from one thing, we are bound by its opposite. And anytime we are bound by one thing, we’re free by its free from its opposite. That’s what we’re going to talk to talk about today.

You Don’t Need a Good Idea You Need a God Idea

You’re about to find out, like, where do I get all these ideas from. And what I want to do today is I want to talk to you about, like the framework in the Bible that I got the outline for my TEDx talk from. And when you begin to understand the Bible is not just store stories. It’s not about religion. It’s like it’s a guidebook, when you get that it changes everything. Because then when you read the Bible, you’re looking for frameworks, you’re looking for instructions, you’re looking for patterns, and principles and promises and precepts, you’re looking for, how do I do this thing called life? And it’s all in there. And it’s so interesting, because like, one person would hear me give this presentation for my TEDx talk. And they’d say, Oh, that’s cognitive, behavioral psychology. You might call it that, but it was in the Bible before a cognitive behavioral psychologist ever thought he bumped it up, right? And so so I’m going to share with you all, where I got that from. So it’s interesting in Hebrews chapter 11, it says, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it, that is by faith, the elders obtained a good report.


Hey there YouTubers, I’m going to share something with you all you’ve probably never heard before. And that is this. Winners always quit. Now I know you’ve heard the phrase, quitters never win and winners never quit. Right? That sounds good, but just not true. See, we love truisms that aren’t true. And the reason we love truisms that aren’t true is because they’re really easy. They don’t require a lot of bandwidth. They don’t require a lot of attention or intention. But the fact is, they do a lot of damage. And there are a lot of truisms that aren’t true that people buy into the cost them a fortune or cost them the best experiences of their lives. Just because they sound good. Well, here’s one of them. Times money. That sounds harmless, right? Time is money. It sounds harmless. But the reality is, time is not money. So if I were going to write time as money on the board, I would write, I would write time is money. Okay, but this is a lie. It’s not just a lie. It’s a it’s, it’s a dangerous lie. It’s a harmful lie. Now, why is that a lie, because if I believe that time is money, what I will do, I will go and sell a whole bunch of my time for a little bit of somebody else’s money. And I’ll blame the world because I can’t get ahead because I believed a lie. Or I’ll go to Walmart. I shouldn’t say that. But anyway, I’ll wait. I shouldn’t have said that. I waste a whole bunch of time trying to save a little bit of money. I’ll drive 15 miles to save three cents on a gallon of gas. Because I learned I believe the lie that time is money. Now, the the reality is this. This is the real equation. But it’s not even the full equation. What is that time is more valuable than money time is greater than money. If I believe that, then what I’m going to do is I’m going to use as much money as necessary to buy back the rest of my life. Right? See, rich people realize that time is not money time is infinitely more valuable than money.

Why I Do What I Do

Hey there YouTube. Have you ever looked at somebody and wonder why do they do what they do? Because I get a lot of really interesting comments wonder why he does that. And so I do something unique, but I guess everybody does. I talk about the Bible in business, I talk about the Bible and money, and our relationship with it. And, and with the all of those things that I talked about and connected and people say, Man, I just love how you make the Bible relevant to business. I didn’t make the Bible relevant to business. It was relevant to business before I got here. I just saw it. And that’s what I talk about. But the reason I do that is because when I first came to Christ, when I was 16 years old, I had never read a book in my life, other than a comic book or Karate book. And my friend, who was also in high school said, now that you’re saved, you need to start reading the Bible. I was horrified. I was like, You mean that big, thick book?

Time Is Money Is A Very Expensive Lie

Hey there, you’re about to discover one of the most expensive lies you’ve ever heard in your life. And it’s a lie that we’ve all heard, and one that we’ve probably all told. But we didn’t know that it was a lie. And that lies this. Time is money. We’ve all said it, we’ve all heard it. Time is money. Time is money, you gotta hurry up time is money. Time is money, time is money, I submit to you that time is not money. Time is infinitely more valuable than money. If you believe that time is money, it’s going to cause you to make a bunch of mistakes. First mistake, believing time as money is going to cost you is going to cause you to waste a whole lot of time trying to save a little bit of money. And so we’ve all seen the people who drive, you know, 15 miles out of the way to save three cents on a gallon of gas, right? Or, or we will, we’ll spend, and I’m not saying I’m not saying this is wrong, I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying it’s just not true. Right. So what people will do is they’ll spend three hours cutting out coupons, to save some money on whatever they’re saving money on it, and that there’s nothing wrong with that.

The Poverty Programming Trap

You’re about to discover the poverty programming that’s kept you stuck, like Chuck in a pickup truck, make sure you watch this entire video. You know, it’s really interesting, people will never behave consistently, in a way that’s inconsistent with their programming. I said that too fast, people will never behave consistently, in a way that’s inconsistent with your program. In fact, your programming runs on your subconscious mind. So let’s, let’s pretend for a minute that your mind is a supercomputer. Get it? Let’s pretend. Okay, so let’s pretend for a minute that your mind is a supercomputer. And you’ve got your subconscious mind and you’ve got your conscious mind. You’re in a computer, you have to have an operating system, what is an operating system, an operating system is the main software of a computer that tells that computer what other software programs that can and cannot run. The problem with our supercomputer of our mind is most of us, we did not choose our operating system.

How To Become The Greatest Sales Person In The World

Congratulations, you’re watching this video because you want to be better at sales and you’re about to discover what it takes to be better at sales. Because you’re listening to someone right now, who’s done millions of dollars in sales, I’ve done millions of dollars in sales one on one nose to nose, toes, the toes, belly to belly across the kitchen table. I’ve done millions of dollars in sales on the internet, I’ve done millions of dollars in sales from the stage. In fact, just last week, as crazy as it sounds. Just last week, I did a presentation where we did $3.1 million in sales in about two and a half hours. So I’m not going to share with you any theory today I’m going to share with you the secret psychology of sales success, how to become the greatest salesperson in the world, not Augmon Dino greatest salesperson and well but how to become the greatest salesperson in the world that you can become. And if you’ll do these three things, it’s gonna change your sales life forever. So if you’re ready, get your pen and paper handy because I got some writer downers for you.

God Is In Trouble With You

hey there today I am going to talk to you about this subject. God is in trouble with you, man. What do you mean? God is in trouble with you, God is in trouble with you. That is unless you’re not in trouble with God. If so, if you’re if you’re in trouble with God, God’s not in trouble with you. But if you’re if you are not in trouble with God, God’s in trouble with you. What does that even mean? Sounds like a tongue twister, doesn’t it? But it’s not. It’s the Bible. Watch this. Here’s what it says. Psalms chapter 50. Psalm chapter 46. And verse number one, here’s what it says, God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed until the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, the waters there a roar and be troubled that the mountain shake with the swelling thereof. There is a river the streams were up, she’ll make glad the city of God, the holy place for the tabernacle is the Most High. God is in the midst of her and she shall not be moved

A Biblical View Of Marriage

Today you are about to discover the biblical concept of marriage. In Ephesians, chapter five. It says in verse 30, through 32, it says, for we are members of His Body, of his flesh, and of his bone, For this cause shall a man leave his father, and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is the great mystery, this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ in the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his wife, even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. So there’s the concept of a biblical marriage is this, that a man marries a woman? That’s the concept of a biblical marriage. And since God’s the one who created the institution of marriage, he should be the one who defines it. So marriage is something it’s something spiritual. It’s a spiritual connection between a man and a woman, they physical connection between a man and a woman. It’s a legal connection between a man and a woman.

Don’t Let Sin Win Again!

Have you ever wondered like, How can I win against sin, especially the sin that I actually like, I don’t like it like it, but I like to do it, I indulge in it because it’s what I’ve done. That’s a bad habit thing that I am stuck in and how do I get out of this quagmire? This quicksand of sin and doing the thing that I wish I wasn’t doing well, good for good news for you. And good news for me good news for all of us. God’s showed us how to win against sin.